I have a city in another world

Chapter 4335 Chaos Territory

Chapter 4335 Chaos Territory
The Viscount of Haoqi.

The sudden change had a huge impact on the entire territory, causing a lot of work to be at a standstill.

As the core of the territory, the countless industries in charge of management are like the brain controlling the body.

If the brain stops, the body will fall into a state of stagnation. Although it will not die, it will also cause many things to be unable to be completed.

In such a special period, some things cannot be carried out normally at all, otherwise it will cause more troubles.

Stopping the normal operation of the territory is not necessarily a bad thing, and it is not too late to restart it after everything is calm.

Regarding the behavior of the rebels, the people of the territory watched with cold eyes, but they had various plans in their hearts.

As a combination of desires, how could the people of the Yuan clan remain indifferent when they encountered such a situation.

In a certain area, the Yuan clan kept gathering, and they acted in a low-key and secretive manner.

In the empty hall, hundreds of territory residents gathered, each with a solemn expression.

They gathered here to deal with unexpected changes and discuss how to protect themselves and make profits in the crisis.

The leader of the Yuan clan is a relative of Viscount Haoqi, who holds a very high position in the territory.

According to Yuan Clan's rules, if an heir is re-selected, he has a high chance of being elected.

The appearance of the rebels has made the odds slim, and there is a great possibility that the power will be lost.

It was for this reason that he felt so angry that he wanted to kill all the rebels.

Although he thought this way in his heart, he didn't dare to do so. Before Zudi could determine the matter, if he attacked the rebels, he would also violate the rules and regulations.

But not long ago, he received a message and was very excited about it.

The ancestral land has made a decision, and the Lightless Territory has also sent legions, and the rebels will be punished soon.

After receiving the news, he immediately summoned his subordinates and like-minded people to gather in this secret place for discussion.

"I just got the news that Zu Di has issued an order that the actions of the rebels are unforgivable.

They are not allowed to atone, everyone has the right to kill them! "

The surrounding Yuan clan immediately cheered excitedly when they heard the words.

"I knew they would die a terrible death!"

"This is the best way, it's best to cut them into pieces, otherwise the hatred in my heart will be hard to get rid of!"

"This is a good thing, but should we do it?"

Some people were full of joy, while others were worried.

The rebels were quite ferocious, and if they killed them, they would probably suffer serious casualties.

Although he hated the rebels, no one was willing to take the risk. Those rebels were all real lunatics.

"We don't need to take action, the Lightless Territory has sent a legion of envoys, and once they arrive at the territory, they will launch an attack on the rebels.

At that time, we only need to cooperate secretly and kill all the rebels. "

Hearing this explanation, everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just that in this way, meritorious deeds will not be with us, and after the rebellion in the Duguang Territory is suppressed, it will inevitably take over the control of the territory forcibly.

At that time, the position of the lord is doomed to miss us! "

Someone asked a question, and it immediately attracted a lot of echoes. Obviously, they also had similar concerns.

This chaotic event was also their opportunity, but now they are directly snatched away.

The more I thought about it, the more unwilling I felt.

"Anyway, the ending is already doomed, and the rebels will surely die, why don't we take this opportunity to actively attack the rebels.

If the action is successful, they can enjoy the credit exclusively, and have a higher chance of obtaining the right of inheritance. "

The residents who made the suggestions were actually instructed by others, and the beneficiaries were naturally the initiators of the party.

Hearing this proposal, everyone hesitated, but eager to try flashed in their eyes.

This is indeed the case. If you can suppress the rebellion first, you will definitely get the greatest credit.

They gathered here, originally with an adventurous mind, wanting to take advantage of the chaos to gain benefits.

Now someone is provoking him, and he is even more eager to try.

Seeing this scene, the mastermind hurriedly turned on the fire secretly, talking about the benefits of acting in advance.

The people who were originally greedy but hesitant finally made up their minds secretly.

How can you get rich if you don't fight for it?

Seeing that everyone had made up their minds, the initiator was overjoyed and quickly discussed how to act.

Everyone also actively participated and put forward various suggestions to ensure the success of the operation.

But no one noticed that there was a mocking smile on the face of one of the participants.

When no one was paying attention, he threw a ball, and then quietly retreated to the edge.

Just as he was about to leave, he was discovered by the guard at the door.

"What do you want to do?"

The guard took out his weapon, with a vicious expression, suspicion and vigilance in his eyes.

"Send you to hell."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a violent explosion, and a group of people in the territory who were discussing excitedly were torn apart in an instant.

Wreckage was everywhere, screams and wailing were heard endlessly, and the faces of the survivors were full of horror.

They never thought that they would be attacked during the plot, and it was obvious that there were traitors inside.

It is ridiculous to be wiped out by a wave of traitors before taking action.

The crisis was not over yet, another burst of gunshots came, and the survivors were constantly attacked by rebels.

The survivor tried to fight back, but found himself stiff and incapacitated in a very short period of time.

Nothing like this has ever happened before, and the rebels obviously used special weapons.

The victim wailed, his face full of horror and despair, but he could only let others slaughter him.

When the gunfire stopped, no one survived.

After a while, other people from the territory arrived, only to see a tragic scene.

During this period of time, the territory was in chaos.

First, the lord had an accident, and then the mission was killed, which made the people in the territory panic.

Now there are people in the territory, who are being massacred, and they are simply rampant to the extreme.

There is no doubt that this is what the rebels did.

The other party was very arrogant, and even left a mark to show his identity.

The people who witnessed the scene were terrified and terrified.

They originally thought that they would be safe and sound by staying out of the incident, but now it seems that this is not the case.

This group of terrifying rebels dared to kill even members of the mission, so naturally they didn't care about the casualties of ordinary people.

Not to mention, the group of unlucky people in front of them was not a normal gathering in the first place.

Although no one was alive to explain the cause of the attack, everyone was as clear as a mirror.

At such a special moment, it is obviously malicious to gather together secretly.

There is a great possibility that they wanted to conspire against the rebels, but they were killed by the rebels.

If this is the case, it is justified to be attacked, and the rebels will never tolerate such a thing.

In today's Viscount of Haoqi, many people have similar thoughts and want to take the opportunity to earn a fortune.

No one is optimistic about the rebels, they are doomed to be exterminated, since the ending is already doomed, it is natural to plan carefully.

As Judgment Day draws near, there will be no shortage of gatherings like this.

The attack that happened this time made them lose their original intentions and dare not gather together casually.

If it is known by the rebels, it is very likely that it will be taken away again.

The current situation is complicated, and no one knows whether the people around him are rebels or not.

If a traitor sneaks in during a party, the consequences will be unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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