I have a city in another world

Chapter 4349: Turning Passive into Active

Chapter 4349: Turning Passive into Active
The powerful existence of gods belongs to the ultimate evolution of life forms, but it does not mean that they are truly immortal.

It just has a strong defense ability, can reverse the rules to weaken the attack, and can self-heal and repair in a very short period of time.

But this kind of great divine power needs the support of the source of God, and it will also be affected by the outside world.

The rules of each independent world will impose strong restrictions on foreign gods, just like flames cannot be tolerated in the water world, which can be said to be extremely unfriendly.

If the gods are strong, they can take it hard, but if they are weak, there is even a certain chance of being suppressed.

The aborigines are different. Not only will they not be suppressed, but they will even be blessed by world consciousness.

Birth the son of the plane and protect the safety of the world.

Under the influence of the will of the world, when the weapons of technological civilization hunt and kill superhumans, their killing effect is likely to increase exponentially.

Using cutting-edge weapons in the world of science and technology, combined with the powerful attacks of practitioners, killing the gods is actually far easier than imagined.

The black-robed man had had such thoughts before this, but at this moment he was severely slapped in the face.

Through the perception of the secret technique, he can be sure that Tang Zhen is not dead, but the breath becomes flickering.

The means that can be used have actually been used, and he is left to fight on the field.

As a god-level existence, the black-robed man is indeed qualified to fight Tang Zhen, but he is not sure of victory.

Before this operation, he had learned about Tang Zhen and knew that he was a true legendary powerhouse.

Not only in the Loucheng world, but even in the heavens and myriad worlds, Tang Zhen has a lot of fame.

There are dozens of gods killed by Tang Zhen, and there are even many god-king-level powerhouses.

There may be more kills that no one knows about.

The man in black knew in his heart that in front of Tang Zhen himself, he was just like an ant, and he would be killed easily.

However, he also knew that Tang Zhen's real body would not appear easily, at most he would send his own servant or avatar.

If this is the case, you can try a battle to see how extraordinary the legendary god is.

But looking at the situation in front of him, even Tang Zhen's avatar is far stronger than imagined.

Do you attack by yourself, or call for reinforcements immediately?

The man in black hesitated a bit. As the supreme commander, he had to be responsible for his actions.

If he made a mistake, he would be severely punished, and even he couldn't bear it.

But at this moment, Tang Zhen's aura suddenly disappeared.


The black-robed man was overjoyed, but suddenly felt that something was wrong, because there was no aura of death in the bombing area.

Otherwise, at this moment, there must be the overflow of the essence of God, and then a rare scene will be formed.

Even in the Gobi desert, a hundred flowers will bloom in an instant, and all things will become fine by chance.

Of course, most of the time, the origin of God will be taken away by the practitioner who perceives it immediately.

This is a real fetish, and it takes a great chance to get it.

The sudden disappearance of Tang Zhen made the man in black feel nervous. He was not afraid of confrontation, but he was afraid of Tang Zhen disappearing without a trace.

Fighting means controlling the situation, but if Tang Zhen disappears, it means the situation is out of control and accidents may happen at any time.

The man in black wanted to investigate for himself, but he was afraid that this was Tang Zhen's trap, and his purpose was to wait for him to show up and kill him.

Out of prudent considerations, the man in black did not appear on the scene in person, but ordered to continue the attack.

His main task was to find his blood relatives, not to take the opportunity to kill Tang Zhen's clone.

If there is a suitable opportunity, it is possible to kill the clone, but it is definitely not a mandatory task.

As long as the collection task is completed, Tang Zhen's life can be strangled. Compared with killing the clone, this is the most important thing.

Under the guidance of the man in black, the scorched earth was blown up and down, and it is feared that not a single blade of grass will grow within a hundred years.

No one cares about this, just want to know the final result, whether the invading demons were killed or not?

It's just that their expectations are destined to be impossible to be met.

The man in black would not tell them that Tang Zhen was not killed, and he could not find where he was.

Otherwise, once the words are spoken, it will inevitably lead to panic.

What he has to do is to speed up his actions and screen out all the target people.

Up to now, a total of more than one hundred aborigines have been arrested, and all of them have been gathered and suppressed.

The subordinates led by the man in black are now actively taking action, constantly screening and investigating.

Under normal circumstances, it is very easy to detect relatives, after all, there are blood ties and racial maps.

But in the parallel world, the situation will be completely different. After going through a long cycle of life and death, the relatives have already been completely dispersed.

Looking around the world, you can reincarnate everywhere.

It was originally a parallel world, with only a weak connection, coupled with the constant reincarnation, the soul and blood have long been thinned out.

It is indeed not an easy task to complete the screening and detection task in the vast crowd.

Tasks like this are not difficult for practitioners, but it takes a certain amount of time.

Gathering all the aborigines for blood testing is a huge project.

If there is no reasonable explanation, if you take action rashly, you will inevitably be questioned and panicked.

For this matter, countries also have solutions, and the vast majority of people have not questioned it.

However, if the collection process is obstructed by deliberate sabotage, there is a certain possibility that the operation will be sabotaged.

This matter is also related to luck. There is not only one action team, but the man in black was approached by Tang Zhen.

In this case, it is not yet known whether the task can be completed.

After another round of bombing, the man in black finally summoned up his courage and went to investigate the ambush area.

Sure enough, there were only eyes full of scorched earth, but Tang Zhen could not be found at all.

At this moment, the man in black didn't know whether to be lucky or regretful, because he missed the fight with Tang Zhen.

This might be a good thing, otherwise, even if he was well prepared, he might not be able to kill Tang Zhen.

Even if you seek assistance, it may not be guaranteed to be safe, and it is too late in terms of time.

Tang Zhen took the initiative to avoid the battle, not necessarily because he was afraid of the black-robed man, but probably because the situation was unknown, so he didn't attack rashly.

When the investigation is clear, it is likely to initiate an attack.

As the supreme commander of the operation team, the man in black has a very high chance of being attacked, and the current situation can be said to be quite dangerous.

The man in black knew this, and felt even more depressed and nervous.

He has already launched an attack, but he has not received the expected effect, and he does not have many hole cards.

Tang Zhen didn't make a move, and he didn't know what to do.

A knife that has not been drawn out of its sheath is the greatest threat to the enemy, let alone a well-known fierce god like Tang Zhen.

The man in black made up his mind that he must do his best to protect himself, even if the mission failed.

At this moment, the man in black felt somewhat depressed, because the task of collecting blood could not be abandoned halfway.

You must get all of them together to be eligible to refine pure blood.

Even if there is only one left, the pedigree will be incomplete, which will lead to the failure of refining pure blood.

If he gives up now, his previous efforts will be wasted and he will be punished for it.

As a member of the organization, enjoy the corresponding benefits, but also must bear the corresponding responsibilities.

Now that you have accepted the task, you must complete it as much as possible, instead of thinking about running away when you encounter danger.

At this moment, the man in black can be said to be in a dilemma.


The man in black cursed secretly, and at the same time issued an order to his subordinates, asking them to speed up the progress of inspections and use any means to achieve their goals.

In the previous screening operation, the aborigines and monks cooperated with each other, and the methods adopted were fairly mild.

But nowadays, in order to speed up the screening, practitioners are likely to use some violent means.

If there are no accidents, it won't take long for this parallel world to bleed like a river.

(End of this chapter)

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