I have a city in another world

Chapter 4350 Chaos World

Chapter 4350 Chaos World
With Tang Zhen's means, he can easily break through the enemy's trap.

Even around the bombing area, a rune circle was arranged for early warning, but it did not have the desired effect.

It is difficult to use the rune magic circle to make Tang Zhen difficult. In fact, he is using an ax at the door of the class. Unless he is a god-king level existence, it is impossible to lock him in and intercept him.

The original intention of Tang Zhen's trip was to investigate the matter clearly. Before he had the relevant clues, he would not take action easily.

Tang Zhen had already sensed the existence of the man in black, and chose to dodge actively.

Because he couldn't be sure whether the other party was a piece of bait, waiting here to catch him.

The situation is unknown, everything needs to be cautious.

After leaving the bombing area, Tang Zhen concealed his aura to avoid being noticed by the enemy.

But in just one thought, the aura of the gods is completely covered.

The advantage of doing this is that it can avoid being detected by the enemy, or discovered by the wandering world will.

Stupid world consciousness, being blinded and not aware of it, will pay a heavy price sooner or later.

There are also flaws in hiding one's identity, which will lead to the inability to display divine power, and various inconveniences will follow.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen has rich experience. When encountering such a situation, he naturally has a solution to the problem.

The place where he was located was thousands of miles away from the bombing zone, and it was a fairly prosperous city.

The residents of this city are undergoing a collective blood draw in order to screen out a hidden disease.

It is said that this disease has no symptoms on weekdays, and once it breaks out, it will be fatal.

Some time ago, the big and small media were all spreading the propaganda, which caused a lot of panic.

The advantage of this is that the public actively cooperates and rushes to draw blood for testing.

As for the occasional people who disappeared suddenly during this period of time, they did not attract much attention at all.

Looking at the whole world, there are too many births, old ages, illnesses and deaths every day, and who cares about things that have nothing to do with them?

But no one knows the conspiracy behind this matter.

The drawn blood will be sent to a secret corner of the city, where it will undergo further examination.

The detection area is tightly guarded, with troops stationed outside and patrolling, and practitioners inside for protection.

Inside the tall warehouse, a rune array was arranged, and blood was poured into jade-carved containers.

The rune magic circle runs at high speed, analyzes the blood, and selects the desired target from it.

A monk is in charge of the operation, and keeps an eye on the rune circle. Once the early warning jade card shines, it will immediately trace the source and send practitioners to capture the target.

In the past period of time, more than a hundred people who met the requirements were found through this detection method.

In the eyes of some monks, this method is still slow.

If it continues at this speed, it will take a long time to complete the screening of the entire world.

I don't want to just now, but they suddenly got an order from above, and they don't need to continue to test the blood.

Let go of all restrictions, use the means of practitioners, and complete the extraction and testing as quickly as possible.

Hearing this order, the practitioners' eyes lit up, revealing eerie smiles.

In the next moment, the practitioners soared into the sky and went straight to every corner of the city.

Facing the horrified and surprised eyes of passers-by, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a terrifying scene appeared.

Blood suddenly spurted out from the passerby's heart, and flew into the air like a strand of wire.

Countless blood bundles were tangled together like snakes, forming a huge ball of blood in midair.

The monk picked up the jade tablet in his hand, or the bone engraved with runes, and sent it into the wriggling blood cell.

In this way, the screening of blood relatives is completed.

This method is straightforward, but it is too cruel and bloody, and it doesn't care about the life and death of passers-by.

The passers-by whose blood was drawn fell directly to the ground and soon lost their breath.

The cultivator didn't care, and quickly looked for other targets, and there was another scream and wail between waving hands.

The action has just begun, and the killing will continue. The practitioners have been forbearing before, but now there is no need to continue.

There are also some practitioners who directly reveal their true bodies and treat city residents as food.

I saw monsters running amok in the city, corpses everywhere they passed.

Shouts and curses erupted, and the city was thrown into chaos, with troops and guards rushing into the streets.

Seeing the cultivators who were still cooperating before but now acting like demons, the soldiers attacked in panic.

The power of technological weapons is actually enough to kill practitioners, the key is how to use them.

With the speed of ordinary people, it is impossible to catch the traces of practitioners, and ordinary weapons cannot penetrate the defenses of practitioners.

When a battle broke out between the two sides, mortals were overwhelmingly suppressed, and turned into wreckage in an instant.

In comparison, practitioners' weapons are more sophisticated, and at the same time possess stronger lethality.

If it is a one-on-one competition, the practitioner will definitely win.

Chaos spread all over the world, and wherever there were practitioners, it was now in such a tragic state.

Once the masked devil takes off his disguise, he will intensify his evil deeds.

The politicians and leaders who cooperated with the man in black were completely dumbfounded at this moment. They did not expect the situation to change so quickly.

The monk is no longer the savior, helping the aborigines to resolve disasters, but their true colors are a group of demons.

Knowing the methods of the cultivators, the politicians and leaders panicked and gave orders to attack without hesitation.

At all costs, the practitioners must be killed.

At the same time, warn all the people to avoid danger as much as possible, and kill the monks under the conditions of ability.

The aborigines have already received news that it is confirmed that the monks can indeed kill them, but only at a considerable price.

A war against the extraordinary just started without warning.

The practitioners who lost their restraint used all kinds of methods unscrupulously, and all kinds of weirdness also broke out.

Driven and manipulated walking corpses, all kinds of monsters, run amok on the earth.

The disaster spread rapidly and spread in all directions.

It's like a pool of clear water, being poured with ink venom continuously, sooner or later it will turn into a pool of black stagnant water.

In the face of these extraordinary attacks, the resistance of the aborigines became more and more difficult, and they paid tragic sacrifices in a short period of time.

In the eyes of the aborigines, practitioners become an irresistible existence, and as long as they meet, they will inevitably die.

In order to avoid the practitioners, the aborigines came up with various means, trying to avoid the frantic pursuit of the monks.

However, the hiding methods of mortals are extremely naive and ridiculous when facing practitioners.

Even hiding in the basement, in the ruins of the sewer, or in the deep mountains and old forests, they cannot escape the search of practitioners and their servants.

During the confrontation, monks also suffered casualties, but the number was not many.

According to this situation, the whole world will be destroyed in a short time.

The unscrupulous behavior of the monks finally provoked the counterattack of the world consciousness, and the suppression against the practitioners became more and more intense.

Among the aborigines, some awakened people began to appear, able to control various energies in the world.

Such awakened people, also known as supernatural beings, belonged to the lowest level of extraordinary people.

There are some ways to improve one's own level, but it cannot be compared with the practice civilization with inheritance.

The most important point is that people with supernatural powers cannot live forever, and their lifespan is only several times that of ordinary people.

Unless one finds a way to practice and improve one's life level, one will face death sooner or later.

The aborigines don't know the secret behind this, and they won't be overly entangled either.

The sudden appearance of the supernatural person effectively reversed the situation of the war.

The aborigines rejoiced, they were no longer at a loss and helpless, and finally had the means to fight against practitioners.

In a short period of time, people with supernatural powers sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and were incorporated by the military at an extremely fast speed and put into the battlefield.

The aborigines who were at a disadvantage finally got a chance to breathe, and the practitioners' offensive was blocked.

With the support of world consciousness, the gap between the two sides has been narrowing at an extremely fast speed.

However, few people noticed that during the battle, neither the man in black robe nor Tang Zhen, who he called the devil, never joined the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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