Chapter 4360
The confession of the man in black is similar to Tang Zhen's deduction.

The current operation of the enemy is equivalent to casting a net to catch fish, not every net can be caught.

But if a lot of people are dispatched and everyone casts the net together, there will be certain gains.

When pooled together, the numbers can be substantial.

Even if there are changes during the period, as long as the loss is not large, it will not affect the final result.

Being able to do this is enough to prove the strength of the enemy.

Tang Zhen has a certain understanding of the name of the Temple of the Gods, and it is not the first time he has heard it.

This is a mysterious organization with members from all heavens and worlds. There are both ordinary practitioners and monks at the level of gods.

Many members are full of evil people. They were hunted down and had nowhere to go, and finally chose to join the temple of the gods to seek shelter.

The price that needs to be paid is to sign a sell-off contract and never leave the organization.

If you are lucky enough, you can use the help of the temples to improve and eventually become a powerful practitioner.

If it is unlucky, it is very likely to fall during the mission.

The temple of the gods is very powerful, but it is very low-key, and there are many shells to hide and disguise.

Behind many practice organizations, the real controllers are the temples, and many low-level civilizations are also under the control of the temples.

It is indeed very troublesome to be targeted by such a vicious wolf.

But Tang Zhen also knew that the temples of the gods were just executors, a group of mercenaries who took money to do things.

Although the behavior is hateful, it is far less than the employer.

That is Tang Zhen's mortal enemy. If the origin of the other party is determined, the other party must pay the price.

In fact, without thinking too much, Tang Zhen could guess the other party's identity, and there was a great possibility that he was the nobleman of the Yuan clan.

This group of insidious guys are best at stabbing in the back, let the monks kill each other first, and then look for opportunities to reap the benefits.

Today's practice world has not realized the harm of the Yuan Clan, and has no idea how sinister their intentions are.

The monks are like a group of wild beasts, fighting each other, but the Yuan clan are miasma poisons, poisoning all living beings indiscriminately.

By the time the danger is realized, it is likely to be one step too late.

Things have to be prioritized, the Yuan Clan can temporarily slow down, and the first thing to do is to deal with the temples.

The temples of the gods are also black sheep. They take money to do things, and they don't care about the identity of the employer, let alone whether the target of the attack is good or evil.

This style of behavior is more in line with the nature of monks, and it is also for this reason that the temple of the gods has become the first choice of many casual cultivators.

Just like the obscure Yuan Clan, the Temple of the Gods is also a colossus, and being targeted by such a monk organization often ends badly.

Blood refinement was only the first step, but Tang Zhen found it difficult to deal with it.

Tang Zhen had a feeling that his current state was like a man fixing leaks on the ten-mile long embankment.

One or two loopholes can still be plugged, but if there are thousands of loopholes, it can't be plugged at all.

It is possible to mobilize your subordinates to help deal with the crisis, but it is difficult to achieve the desired effect.

Only because of Tang Zhen's power, he couldn't stand against the powerful temples, let alone the Yuan Clan who was watching from behind.

There are other enemies who may also cooperate with the Yuan clan, or take advantage of the situation and launch attacks.

In the Loucheng world, they dare not do anything wrong, but in the outside world, there are no restrictions.

Once the opportunity is seized by the enemy, Tang Zhen's hard-earned family business may be completely destroyed in a very short period of time.

This was the enemy's calculation, which made Tang Zhen struggle. He knew he had fallen into the quagmire, but he couldn't find a straw to save his life.

It is indeed extremely difficult to break out of the situation.

Tang Zhen had already thought about this problem before taking action, and was also looking for a solution.

It's just that so far, there is no clue.

What can be done now is to prevent the destruction as much as possible so that the enemy's blood refining plan cannot be completed quickly, and then slowly look for opportunities to solve the problem.

However, Tang Zhen also knew that if there was still no way to break the situation, the enemy's blood refining plan would surely succeed.

Like a runner chasing a moving car, the distance between the two parties will definitely get farther and farther.

And before himself, he was able to reach the finish line one step ahead.

The best solution is to decipher the secrets of bloodline so that the enemy's conspiracy cannot be carried out.

By evading this despicable means, Tang Zhen has already won half of the victory, and then he only needs to deal with the ambush from the temples.

Even turned around and launched an attack on the temples, trying to find a way to pull out this cancerous tumor in the practice world.

When the temples of the gods are destroyed, the mission will naturally cease to exist. If the employer is killed again, all troubles can be solved once and for all.

It is easy to say, but it is not easy to do.

To put it in a self-deprecating way, the enemy was using an artillery piece to kill Tang Zhen, a strong bull.

The capital invested was large enough, and the means were indeed ruthless enough. If Tang Zhen couldn't handle it, he would indeed die this time.

If the goal is really achieved, it will inevitably attract the celebration of the enemy.

The Yuan Clan will be very happy, because no one knows better than Tang Zhen how terrible this race is, and no one is more active in targeting the Yuan Clan than him.

Once Tang Zhen falls, the cultivation world will pay less attention to the Yuan Clan, to the point where no one cares.

At that time, the Yuan Clan can continue to develop, until one day they can attack higher civilizations and start a wave of more brutal hunting.

Not to mention that in Tang Zhen's hands, he has the means to create dark energy and can transform and control parasitic puppets.

This is the core secret of the Yuan clan, it can even be said to be the gate of life, something that needs to be restricted by taboo rules, and even guarded with life.

Being controlled by Tang Zhen, the consequences would be disastrous.

Until now, this is still a secret, never known by Yuan Clan and outsiders.

Once exposed, it will inevitably cause a great storm.

When that time really comes, the Yuan Clan must completely kill Tang Zhen at any cost.

If necessary, an attack can even be launched on the fourth theater.

Never underestimate the Yuan Clan, if they unleash their full power, they will definitely shock the heavens and the world.

Tang Zhen also knew that he could not keep his secret for long. As the Yuan clan launched an investigation, the hidden secrets would be exposed sooner or later.

When that time comes, Tang Zhen's crisis will come. Not only the Yuan clan will be the enemy, but the Loucheng monks are also likely to be involved.

Before the crisis comes, Tang Zhen must be prepared, either be able to defend effectively, or take the initiative to attack, in short, he cannot sit still.

Deduce, continue to deduce.

The gods can use countless thoughts to deduce in one thought, which is an ability unmatched by any intellectual brain.

The Yuan Clan knew this, so they cut off the heads of the gods and used them as tools for deduction and calculation.

In a short period of time, Tang Zhen used countless thoughts, dialectically collided with each other, just to find the best solution.

In fact, the deduction process will not take too long, otherwise even the gods will not be able to bear it.

It is no exaggeration to say that the energy consumed by Tang Zhen's deduction and calculation in one second can raze a super large city to the ground.

It’s okay in a short time, but the longer the time, the greater the consumption. If the reserve of the essence of God is insufficient, it is likely to be consumed in an instant.

Tang Zhen naturally wouldn't talk to the man in black during the deduction.

The man in black kneeling on the ground didn't know Tang Zhen's inner thoughts, and was still worrying for his life at this moment.

He now knows what it means to be late in speaking, which makes people go crazy.

Fortunately, after a long wait, the result finally came.

"Continue to play your part as if today's events never happened so that you can save your life.

If you are dishonest, it will not be as simple as losing your life. I can let you live for 10 years, but you will suffer fatal suffering every second.

You will feel extremely painful and feel that death is the greatest happiness and relief. "

When Tang Zhen said this, he stretched out his hand and flicked lightly, and a flying fly was sent into the body of the man in black.

Feeling the changes inside his body, the man in black almost cried

(End of this chapter)

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