I have a city in another world

4361 - Operation Team Leader

4361 - Operation Team Leader
The man in black kneeling on the ground finally had a chance to stand up from the ground, but his identity had already changed.

He was high above the sky before, but now he has fallen to the clouds, and he is constantly hovering on the verge of death.

Now that he narrowly escaped death, he couldn't help feeling extremely emotional, and looked at Tang Zhen with even more awe.

Until now, the man in black did not know Tang Zhen's identity, but only knew that his method was definitely not simple.

If the man in black knew the truth and knew that the young man in front of him was Tang Zhen, he would probably be scared out of his wits.

At the same time, I am even more fortunate that I was able to escape from death.

From now on, the man in black has become Tang Zhen's neiying. On the surface, he is still a member of the temple, but in fact he already has a new master.

Whether he wants to or not, he has to accept the result.

Tang Zhen's methods were really powerful, he turned a fly into a Gu in a single thought, and injected it directly into the body of the man in black.

It enters the soul and is bound to life, there is no way to drive it away.

This little Gu worm can control the life of the man in black, once it erupts, he will definitely die.

For the sake of his own life, the man in black did not dare to take it lightly, and even made a decision.

Betray the temple of the gods in exchange for your own safety.

Compared with one's own life, loyalty is nothing to mention, especially in a place like the Temple of the Gods, where all those who work for it are profit seekers.

Behavior that is too loyal is indeed stupid loyalty
When life is at stake, it is easy to make choices, after all existence is the root of everything.

If there is no life, everything will return to zero.

Feeling the power of the Gu insect, the man in black could only give up cracking it in despair, and at the same time hoped that Tang Zhen would not do such a thing as demolishing the bridge in the river.

Don't use yourself up, and then directly use conspiracy to kill, that would be extremely aggrieved.

If this is the case, it is better to fight directly at this moment, and die vigorously.

What happened in the caravan, people outside did not know at all, and the monks of the temples were also kept in the dark.

Still looking around, but didn't know that his accomplice had been controlled, let alone that the enemy was right under his nose.

Today's men in black can only pin their hopes on the leader of the operation, hoping that the other party can find out the abnormality.

That is a monk of the god general, who has the ability to help him resolve the crisis.

The man in black also knew that in the eyes of the monks of the gods, his life was not worth mentioning.

Even if an abnormality is found, it may not be able to save itself, or have the ability to save itself, but it may not be able to help.

In the eyes of senior monks, the lives of EE heroes are worthless.

It can be said that from this moment on, I can no longer control myself, life and death are all controlled by others.

Controlling the man in black is just a matter of convenience and cannot turn the situation around.

For Tang Zhen, power is a hidden seed planted casually, and he doesn't expect to play a big role at all.

As the activities continued, his spiritual consciousness was also constantly scanning the surroundings, looking for suspicious objects.

Tang Zhen's perception is more agile than the magical artifacts of the temples, and the detection speed will be faster.

The perception range of the magic weapon is one kilometer, and Tang Zhen's perception range is more than ten times that, and his discrimination ability is also extremely strong.

As the strongest of the same bloodline family, Tang Zhen has the advantage that he cannot resist, and the other relatives in the next generation can only obediently obey and respond.

The law of the jungle does not only happen in nature, but also among blood relatives.

This kind of blood refining ceremony is also beneficial. As the enemy's actions continue, the relatives of the next generation will be affected by Tang Zhen.

Their physique will be strengthened, and they will gradually have a talent for cultivation, and they will be able to master some supernatural powers without cultivation.

At that time, the monks facing the temples of the gods will no longer be slaughtered.

Of course, compared to the strength of the enemy, this strength is still not enough.

But the longer time passes, the stronger the strength will be, and it can even compete with gods.

Being able to do this is naturally due to the existence of the family, which has virtually raised the upper limit of the relatives of the next generation.

As the enemies are cleared and refined, the survivors can allocate more resources, and the strength improvement is also a matter of course.

It's just that their promotion is not obtained by their own abilities, and even Tang Zhen will be affected.

Just like a group of vampires, the longer they exist, the greater the impact on Tang Zhen will be.

When it reached a certain level, Tang Zhen would take the initiative to kill these guys without the enemy even taking action.

Because of their existence, Tang Zhen's promotion will be affected, and the effect of restraining Tang Zhen will become more obvious when the enemy uses secret techniques through them.

Time passed slowly, and several days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past few days, most of the nearby people heard the news and came to witness this rare event.

But until now, nothing has been gained, not even a family member from another generation has appeared.

It is quite normal for such a situation to occur. This method of finding a needle in a haystack is extremely inefficient.

The action team where the man in black is located is also a little anxious now, eager to speed up the action.

Their task is very simple, that is, to find relatives from other generations. After completing the task, they can get a reward.

The longer the delay, the more troubles there will be, and it may even be destroyed by Tang Zhen.

These peripheral groups take certain risks.Everyone is anxious.

The tasks of detecting Tang Zhen's real-time information, responding to emergencies, or using blood to kill with curses are not what they can touch at all.

Even if you want to participate, you don't have the qualifications at all.

The fall of the four god generals earlier made these peripheral team leaders a little flustered, for fear that they would encounter a similar fate.

In order to ensure his own safety, the team leader of the man in black did not really show up from the beginning to the end.

Even the man in black doesn't know the whereabouts of the team leader, so he can only wait for the other party to contact him.

For Tang Zhen, this was not a good thing, as it made him unable to deal with the enemy neatly.

If the enemy is out in the dark, Tang Zhen only needs to seize the opportunity and kill the leader of the operation.

It is definitely not like now, where no trace of the other party can be found, let alone whether there is a trap ambush.

In fact, Tang Zhen kept the man in black behind for another purpose, which was to wait for the action team leader to take the bait.

After a period of silence, the operation team leader finally sent a message.

As soon as he received the news, the man in black found Tang Zhen and informed him of all the orders of the operation team leader.

The result was not obtained for a long time, so the team leader decided to speed up the action and carry out similar lottery draws in other places.

The scale of this world is not small, there are many countries, and it is quite difficult to do one thing at the same time.

But in the eyes of monks, it is not worth mentioning at all.

As an existence that transcends the rules of the world and can be trampled on at will, this kind of thing can be done with ease.

After finishing his report, the man in black looked at Tang Zhen nervously, with a fawning expression on his face.

The action team leader sent a message, asking Tang Zhen to write a report in person, detailing how to operate.

Outsiders can follow the gourd and imitate Tang Zhen's methods to operate, but they can't achieve the results the team leader wants.

He wanted a larger-scale event that would attract more audience participation, thereby increasing the chances of discovering his long-lost relatives.

If it were someone else, it would be very difficult to do this, and it would most likely make the situation worse.

But if it was Tang Zhen, there would be no need to worry so much. As the founder of the event, he must have unique insights.

There must be enough ability to continue to expand and strengthen the activity until the hunting target appears.

(End of this chapter)

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