I have a city in another world

Chapter 4362 Unexpected Changes

Chapter 4362 Unexpected Changes
The operation team leader's request is a very normal operation plan. When encountering an effective method, it is natural to use it for reference.

As long as it is for success, you don't need to be overly entangled in means, and you can use whatever method works.

But it never occurred to him that this "native" controlled by his subordinates was actually his biggest enemy.

For Tang Zhen, this might be a good opportunity to fish out the leader of the operation.

If the opponent was alone and without many helpers, Tang Zhen would be sure to kill him.

A snake can't do without a head. Without the uncle of the operation team leader, the hozens under him will inevitably disperse.

Of course, such behavior requires certain risks, and it is far less secure than searching for relatives from other generations.

Tang Zhen pondered for a few breaths and decided to give up this opportunity.

When the action team leader wanted a plan, Tang Zhen wrote it to the other party. It was just a very ordinary thing, and there was no need to hide it.

The opponent is not good at this, otherwise he would not be able to ask Tang Zhen at all.

Such a cooperative operation will inevitably confuse the operation team leader so that he cannot discover his own existence.

Then use the opponent's hand to find the relatives of the past life, and make a move at the right time.

Find one or two, and the plan goes off without a hitch.

The whole operation is silent and does not need to take too many risks, so it can be said to be quite perfect.

After the event plan was written, the man in black gave it to the action team leader, and received a compliment from the other party.

This matter is also interesting, the enemy's plan against Tang Zhen was designed by Tang Zhen himself.

It was Tang Zhen's first time to participate in this kind of thing, and it was quite a novelty.

However, Tang Zhen didn't add anything to this action plan, and it should be fruitful when implemented.

It won't take long, maybe there should be some gains.

The truth of this incident is currently only known to Tang Zhen himself, otherwise it will become a joke if it is spread.

In the days that followed, everything continued as usual, the performances continued, and the wealth of money continued to flow.

The man in black and his accomplices are actively investigating every day, but unfortunately they have not found anything.

Ordinarily, this situation is normal, but it also means bad luck, otherwise it is impossible to not open until now.

In the course of the action, news about the outside world was also continuously passed on.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for other countries to launch similar activities.

These activities are on a larger scale, with more funds invested, and it can be said that they do not care about the cost at all.

While performing songs and dances, lottery tickets were sold, and a large number of civilian goods were mobilized and sold in group purchases at the event site.

The extremely low sales price has attracted frantic buying by the aborigines, and because it is cheap enough, it has attracted more and more viewers.

The man in black communicated with his companions and knew that this was a fishing operation launched by the organization, and the operation leader personally presided over it in secret.

As for whether there is any gain, it is not clear so far.

How many relatives have been captured is a top secret within the organization, and members are absolutely not allowed to spread it out at will.

If the men in black have something to gain, they will also be asked to keep their mouths shut, even among their companions, they cannot talk about it.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to keep secrets, prevent members from falling into the hands of the enemy, and then reveal all the secrets.

The enemies in charge of this world belong to an action group, and there are many branches below it.

Each is responsible for an area and does not interfere with each other.

When Tang Zhen heard the news, he just smiled, but he was not in a hurry.

The layout has been completed, no matter how the situation develops, he can be the ultimate winner.

But three days later, an accident happened suddenly.

It turned out that on the periphery of the crystal wall of the plane, he felt a wave of subtle fluctuations. Although it was only fleeting, it made people feel terrified.

According to Tang Zhen's deduction, the other party is most likely a god king.

Tang Zhen, who noticed the abnormality, immediately hid his traces to prevent the other party from discovering his existence.

But he knew very well in his heart that the other party was likely to be a strong man of the temples, secretly plotting one of his enemies.

Tang Zhen had long been able to ascertain that there was a god king monk in the enemy camp, but he had never had direct contact with the opponent.

The sudden appearance of a powerful king of gods is enough to prove that the previous judgment is correct, and it is indeed the right choice to keep a low profile and forbearance.

It's just the other party's intention, but it needs to be guessed.

Without enough evidence, Tang Zhen couldn't judge the real purpose of the other party, but it was most likely related to the blood refining operation.

Tang Zhen felt a little uneasy in his heart at this moment.

The enemy should be very clear about intervening and destroying himself, and also know that his real deity has not come.

Although the current operation will not seriously affect the plan, the enemy also needs to prevent accidents from happening.

Where possible, the enemy will speed up their actions to ensure the smooth completion of the blood refinement plan.

Maybe the god king in front of him has similar plans?
Tang Zhen only needs to find a relative from another generation, and he can disrupt the enemy's actions. Now it seems that there will be changes.

The specific situation still needs to continue to be observed.

The god-king powerhouse who appeared suddenly did not choose to descend directly, as that would inevitably lead to huge turmoil.

The original layout of the action team will also be completely abolished, and it will be transferred from the dark to the sun.

At that time, the local gods will inevitably take action.

The local gods may not be able to see what is happening now, but they have not shown up to prevent interference.

The reason is that I don't want to make things big, and I am willing to bear this small loss.

But if the disturbance is too much, things will become completely different. As the guardians of the local world, they must stand up.

The arrival of the god king and the strong is the biggest challenge to the local monks.

The fact that the God King didn't come directly meant that he didn't want to make a big deal out of it, or that he didn't intend to launch an invasion.

Soon another breath appeared outside the crystal wall of the plane.

There is a great possibility that the other party is the leader of the operation team. When the two parties meet outside the world, it is very likely that there will be some handover.

It is very likely that the relatives of the next generation and the king of the gods will be taken away from this world to avoid accidents, such as being robbed by Tang Zhen.

It is safe to do so, but it will greatly increase the workload, and there must be a dedicated person who is constantly responsible for collecting.

This god king of the temple of the gods may be responsible for the collection task.

But after thinking about it, Tang Zhen felt that something was wrong. This approach could not solve the fundamental problem.

No matter how much the other party transported away, as long as Tang Zhen finds a relative from another generation, he can make the previous efforts go to waste.

The enemy is naturally very clear, but they still want to do this, which is enough to prove that they have the ability to solve this problem.

Tang Zhen's sense of crisis intensified again.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the Temple of the Gods, and the means are indeed extraordinary. They even thought of a countermeasure in a short period of time.

You have to figure it out, figure out what's going on, and then figure out how to fix it.

Tang Zhen had some guesses in his heart, but he was not in a hurry to take action. After all, there was no good way in a hurry.

It's better to observe slowly first, silently waiting for the opportunity to act.

Unless it is my own deity descending, there is really no good way to deal with the situation in front of me.

Besides, his purpose was to solve the blood crisis he encountered, not to fight the enemy.

Even if the deity descends and defeats or kills the enemy in front of him, it will not be able to solve the fundamental problem.

Even because of impulsiveness, he caused a lot of trouble for himself and made himself more passive.

The clues just obtained will lose their value immediately.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen silently acted as an audience until the god king left.

(End of this chapter)

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