Only self-crossing
After half an hour, Tang Zhen stood up from the ground.

Untied the rope on his body, it was already stained with blood, and there were deep scars on his shoulders.

The iron gate tied at the back was even more potholed, full of flesh and blood bumps and scratch marks.

This rusted car door was a great help to Tang Zhen, otherwise his back would have been torn apart by monsters.

After tearing off the smelly clothes and revealing his muscular body, Tang Zhen pushed open the door of the repair shop.

Some of the people working here turned into wandering monsters, and some turned into dead bones on the ground.

Due to the nature of production, there are enough materials in the repair shop, and there are also quite a lot of manufacturing tools.

For ordinary survivors, it is definitely a dream place, especially in the hands of Tang Zhen, who has the ability to turn decay into magic.

Although the environment was chaotic, which proved that the disaster had been unbearable, the items were well preserved, and Tang Zhen could find all the materials and tools he wanted.

Soon he found car tires, cut them into different blocks with tools, and punched holes in them with tools.

Immediately afterwards, a thick steel plate was found, which was also cut into different blocks, and then fixed together with the tire.

This is to make stud armor, which is very suitable for weight and protection.

When Tang Zhen operated, he moved quickly and swiftly like flowing water.

It didn't take long for him to make a piece of armor.

The shape is practical and simple, and it has a pretty good protective effect, which can meet his immediate requirements.

After eating some food and replenishing his strength, Tang Zhen continued to work.

The next thing to do is the leg armor and combat boots. On the battlefield of life and death, these protective equipment are absolutely indispensable.

Some monsters will bite the calf, and some debris will pierce the feet. These dangers must be guarded against.

The materials in the repair shop can fully meet the needs.

After the armor was made, Tang Zhen started to make weapons, and the belly draft had already been written.

To deal with a large number of monsters, the simpler the weapon, the better, so as to ensure long-lasting effectiveness.

Weapons such as firearms, although they can shoot and kill targets from a long distance, they must be supplied with sufficient supplies.

And after using it for a period of time, it must be maintained, otherwise the firearm will become a piece of scrap iron.

Simple weapons also need maintenance. For example, swords will be rusted and worn, and they will be bent due to chopping and impact, but they are relatively easier to maintain.

Tang Zhen didn't have many requirements in terms of weapons, and the conditions were not allowed.

All that can be done now is to use local materials.

The experienced Tang Zhen found the most suitable metal material for knives just by tapping.

It is also special steel, which is extremely sharp for making knives.

After cutting and polishing, a large knife with a length of about 1.3 meters was manufactured, and the blade shone with icy cold light.

Using other materials, Tang Zhen made flying knives and axes, as well as a pair of javelins and spears.

These weapons alone cannot meet Tang Zhen's needs.

Using existing materials, Tang Zhen made a fuel gun to deal with long-distance monsters.

Fuel is sprayed into the airtight chamber, then ignited by flames, and the airflow is ejected from the only outlet.

At the position of the exit, there is a special magazine, which is filled with steel balls with a diameter of [-] mm.

The steel balls are pre-rolled into barrels, which can be conveniently filled and used.

The violent airflow pushes the steel ball, which can cause fatal damage to the enemy, which is equivalent to an enlarged version of a shotgun.

Due to the material and structure, the weight of the weapon is extremely high, reaching 150 catties.

Unless you are a practitioner, ordinary people really can't use it.

The previous bloody battle unlocked the genetic lock in Tang Zhen's body, and his strength at this moment has far surpassed that of ordinary people.

As the enemy expected, it began to enter the stage of evolution.

With such a weapon, you can still fight normally, but it will inevitably be inconvenient.

Besides, Tang Zhen didn't plan to carry this special weapon with him, but used it as a vehicle-mounted weapon.

Like a mobile artillery, use it at critical moments.

The weapons are placed on the top of the car and controlled manually. After modification, both firepower and persistence will be greatly enhanced.

Just as Tang Zhen was transforming, the sound attracted monsters, and they gathered around the periphery of the repair factory.

Because of the barriers, monsters have no way to enter, but it is equally difficult to leave.

The existing food reserves cannot last for too long, and Tang Zhen will have to leave this place sooner or later.

In the dangerous environment, Tang Zhen did not change his face, as if he was not affected in any way.

During the period, Tang Zhen also saw people shouting for help in nearby buildings, or holding up flags and banners.

There were screams from time to time, faintly coming from the street.

It took Tang Zhen a day to make adequate preparations and discover the monster's behavior.

Every two hours, the monsters would collectively become sluggish, and their speed, reaction, and other aspects would drop a lot.

This is the best time to act, you can enter the building more easily, or snatch those special supplies.

It turns out that on the map, some light spots will appear from time to time, and it will indicate that it is a special supply.

Among these special supplies, there are materials that cannot be found in the building, and I strongly recommend everyone to take risks to snatch them.

In the vicinity of these special materials, there must be a huge danger. If you want to obtain the materials, you need to fight with your life to grab them.

From the very beginning, Tang Zhen didn't pay attention to ordinary supplies, but planned to snatch special supplies.

A new day is coming, the sun is rising high, and the city's rancid smell is getting stronger.

The outer red circle keeps shrinking, driving away monsters and other relatives, making the living environment more and more dangerous.

Tang Zhen stood on the fence, with a beer box beside him, which was filled with Molotov cocktails.

The cloth strip outside the bottle was lit, and the prepared gasoline bottle was thrown out, blasting balls of dazzling fireballs on the ground.

Those monsters around were affected by the burning flames, and turned into burning fireballs in an instant.

The dripping corpse oil soaked into the clothes, after being exposed to the sun, became the best combustion-supporting material.

There are running fireballs everywhere, as if sparks start a prairie fire, constantly igniting the surrounding monsters.

Flames and foul-smelling smoke soared into the sky, and the originally impenetrable encirclement disintegrated automatically in a very short time.

Such a scene stunned the onlookers. They thought that the trapped Tang Zhen would surely die, but they didn't expect the monster to be so vulnerable.

They all felt that if they were replaced by themselves, they would also be able to do the same.

As a result, at the next moment, there was a roar, and the door of the repair shop was directly knocked open.

A modified off-road vehicle rushed out of the repair shop like a ferocious monster.

The front of the car has been transformed into a triangular shape, the height of which is the same as the roof of the car, which can easily push away the monsters blocking the road.

Strange weapons were erected above the roof of the car, and thick black smoke spewed from the raised chimney.

The monster that was burned by the flames had no ability to intercept it at all, and was forcibly hit by the car and flew to the sides.

With the roar of the car, the loose encirclement was easily broken through.

"Help me, please!"

Seeing this, a middle-aged woman greeted her loudly at the window with a look of panic and despair.

Relatives who are weak in battle will be sent directly into the building and given a relatively safe space.

Although the beginning is not that difficult, as time goes by, the situation will become worse and worse.

If you don't want to find a way to become stronger, you will eventually die.

Seeing the brave Tang Zhen rushing out of the monster's siege, many people began to ask him for help.

But how do you know that only you can save yourself.

Shouting is destined to be useless, and the people hiding in the building can only watch the car go away in despair.

With useless cursing and crying, they had to pull out all the stops and start desperately fighting for their own survival.

The sound of roaring cars also attracted more monsters, which continued to gather towards Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen remained expressionless, locking onto a spot of light on the map, and rushed over with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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