Chapter 4368
Near one building, a wooden box fell from the sky, releasing thick smoke.

Even if it is far away, you can still see the smoke rising.

With the prompts on the map, the survivors can easily confirm that the special supplies have landed.

If you can get it, you can reverse the crisis situation.

Survivors nearby were all attracted by the prompts on the map, and subconsciously approached to try to snatch it.

But at the same time, monsters are also attracted, it seems that the smoke has a special attraction.

The monsters surrounded the supply box and kept circling around to prevent the survivors from approaching and snatching it.

Survivors who participated in the competition were daunted by these fierce and cruel monsters, and could only watch and sigh from a distance.

Looking at the supply boxes that are constantly smoking, the competitors' eyes are full of regret, because as soon as the countdown ends, the wooden supply boxes will immediately burn.

Chests burn to ashes, supplies go up in flames, and guardian monsters disperse.

Some competitors were not reconciled, and tried to get together to rummage through the ashes, but found nothing useful.

Things that need to be fought for with one's life have no loopholes at all, and it is impossible for a guy who steals opportunities cheaply.

The supply box in front of him is likely to meet the same ending.

Just when the survivors felt distressed, the sound of an engine was suddenly heard, followed by a strange car rushing towards them.

The car has obviously been remodeled, and the monsters blocking the way were all smashed into pieces.

Under the huge impact force, even a probing iron nail can easily tear apart the monster's body.

The car rushed to the supply box, and Tang Zhen jumped down nimbly, kicking the box to pieces.

Inside the wooden box, there was another small box, which Tang Zhen grabbed and threw into the car.

Those monsters around roared and rushed over, the number might be thousands.

Tang Zhen jumped into the car, rushed forward again, and went straight to the nearest building.

The monsters blocked the road, and the number gathered more and more, and the cars also emitted black smoke due to their exertion.

Seeing this scene, some survivors were secretly worried, and some survivors were secretly happy.

When you are in a desperate situation, people's hearts will become sinister, and all kinds of complicated thoughts will follow.

What he can't get, he also doesn't want others to get it, and even secretly curses in his heart, hoping that the monster can kill Tang Zhen.

In this way, they have the opportunity to get the supplies on the car.

What happened next shocked the competitors. There was a muffled sound, and the strange weapon on the roof began to attack.

The steel balls shot towards the monster in front like a torrential rain, and the kinetic energy generated was enough to tear flesh and blood apart.

After more than a dozen shots in a row, the monster zombies who blocked the way were all beaten with holes.

Minced meat was everywhere, and the formation of monsters became loose.

Tang Zhen stepped up the accelerator and charged forward again, finally breaking through the monster's blockade.

As a result, at this moment, there was another monster blocking the way ahead, which turned out to be a huge mutant.

Many broken human bodies were stuck together by adsorption, rolling and advancing on the ground.

Mutants are more dangerous than ordinary monsters.

Tang Zhen took his time and pulled the control lever beside him to let the weapon on the roof start the projectile switch.

The injection of fuel propellant was also doubled at the same time.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, a cannonball was shot out and penetrated into the monster's body in an instant.

The shells are made by Tang Zhen, with special ingredients hidden in them, not only the penetration effect.

There was another muffled sound, and the mutated monster stopped moving forward, and a big flesh hole was blasted out of its body.

After the phosphorus came into contact with the air, it burned quickly, turning the monster into a giant fireball.

Without hesitation, Tang Zhen continued to drive forward and rushed directly into the building in front of him.

He jumped out of the car and closed the gate of the yard as quickly as possible, blocking the approaching monsters.

In this city, many buildings have tall walls and strong enough gates.

For people struggling to survive, this kind of architecture is a safe haven, allowing them to persist for a longer period of time.

At the same time as Tang Zhen closed the door, several figures rushed down from the building, holding various weapons in their hands, with expressions of surprise on their faces.

"Brother, come in quickly, the building is safe inside."

While the few people were talking, they quickly walked over with a very friendly gesture.

When the fellow sees the fellow, tears well up.

The young man walking in the front put his arms around Tang Zhen's shoulders, showing a very intimate gesture.

The few people behind were also full of smiles.

As a result, at this moment, a cold light flashed, and an arm flew up.

On this broken arm, there was actually a thin steel wire hidden, and one end was wrapped around the wrist by the young man.

As long as he put Tang Zhen's shoulders, he could wrap a steel wire around his neck and strangle Tang Zhen to death in a very short time.

The accomplices standing next to him would also take the opportunity to pounce on Tang Zhen and chop him into pieces.

As long as Tang Zhen is killed, he can get his weapons and equipment, as well as the special supply box that everyone covets.

But who would have thought that Tang Zhen had already seen through the conspiracy and would not give him a chance to do it.

There were too many suspicious things, it was impossible to hide it from Tang Zhen.

Looking at his broken arm, the young man let out a scream, his face full of resentment.

"Kill him for me!"

The smiling men and women changed their expressions in an instant, and rushed towards Tang Zhen brandishing their weapons.

Judging by their gestures and movements, it is obvious that they have not received professional training, but their eye movements are extremely fierce.

Obviously, in a short period of time, they understood their situation and knew how to survive.

When attacking innocent people, there is no hesitation at all.

It's just that these guys still chose the wrong target after all, and they really shouldn't have shaken Tang's hand.

A burst of sword light flashed, and the ground was full of wailing figures.

Tang Zhen didn't kill them, but cut off their legs and arms, turning them into twisted and wriggling sticks.

These vicious guys must not let them die quickly, but have to suffer a lot of pain.

Only in this way can we understand that those who harm others will not die well.

Amidst howling and cursing, Tang Zhen walked into the gate of the building.

In the room inside the building, Tang Zhen saw more than a dozen corpses, all of which were obviously killed by previous survivors.

This group of stupid fellows obviously believed the content of the prompt, thinking that killing the competitors would benefit them.

But who knows that this is a sinister intention at all, just to arouse evil thoughts in the heart and let the stimulated competitors start to evolve.

For such things, Tang Zhen has no way to stop, and he is also unable to protect himself now.

Opening the special supply box, the items inside came into view, a sealed foundation-building elixir, ten stacked talismans, and a metal short staff with sealed spells.

They are all the lowest-level items, only suitable for the low-level novices in the cultivation world.

For ordinary people, it is a good thing that they can't wait for, and it can greatly increase the chance of saving their lives.

Tang Zhen has not yet established a foundation, so these items are naturally useful and can help him open the door to practice.

After experiencing life-and-death struggles, and then using this foundation-building elixir, you can maximize the efficacy of the medicine.

Without hesitation, Tang Zhen threw the pill into his mouth.

After only five seconds, he felt a flame burning in his abdomen, which then spread to his entire body.

Limbs, internal organs, and six internal organs all seemed to be thrown into the furnace.

The pain kept coming, and the body was like being smashed all over by a sledgehammer, the pain was unspeakable.

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably faint from the pain in an instant, and complete the Yijin and marrow washing in a coma.

If you are in a sober state, it is impossible to persevere.

Tang Zhen was different, as if unconscious, he forcibly endured the fatal pain.

He used all the medicinal effects released to obtain a better transformation effect.

It is also a pill, the benefits that Tang Zhen can get may be ten times more than others.

After a full 10 minutes, the transformation was finally over.

Tang Zhen seemed to have just come out of the water, his clothes were soaked, and there was a large puddle of water under his feet.

But his eyes were already as bright as stars, shining with a frightening light.

(End of this chapter)

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