I have a city in another world

Chapter 4383 New Building City

Chapter 4383 New Building City
"What exactly is going on?"

The villagers gathered in the yard were all stunned by the city wall that appeared out of thin air, and they never dreamed that they would experience such a thing.

One by one stayed in place, trembling all over, not knowing what to do.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a mysterious force appeared and began to wash their bodies continuously.

The feeling of the old man is the most obvious. The numb and stiff body heats up extremely quickly and becomes flexible at an extremely fast speed.

The rickety and weak body straightened unconsciously.

The same is true for adults and children. It is like having just soaked in a hot bath and experienced the most professional massage.

Between the muscles and the tendons, there seems to be a trace of current flowing, making the body more flexible.

Some people couldn't help but pump their fists and jump, and found that they became stronger and could jump higher.

The changes in the body made the villagers extremely happy, and they believed more and more that there was help from the gods.

If not, how could there be such a thing.

Fu Bo, who is old and frail, can't help but straighten his waist, feeling that he is at least 20 years younger.

He was still thinking that he would not live for a few years, and then he would die of old illness.

At this moment, he felt that with his current physical condition, even if he lived another ten years, there would be no problem.

I couldn't help but feel extremely excited. I didn't expect that my young master would be favored by an immortal and given such an amazing opportunity.

Not only the young master was reborn, but even the villagers were washed and cut.

At this moment, Uncle Fu suddenly understood why Tang Zhen wanted the villagers to join, and it turned out that he really wanted to benefit them.

"It's cheap, these guys..."

Fu Bo said to himself, looking at a few of the villagers, when they just pressed their fingerprints, these guys all had a hesitant attitude.

As a result, looking at the present, he actually smiled happier than anyone else.

I secretly made up my mind that when I have the opportunity in the future, I must give these guys a good beating.

The villagers who had calmed down were all looking around in amazement, examining the changes around them.

The tall stone walls and the intertwined passages inside made them curious and frightened.

"As long as we stay here, no matter how many bandits come, they won't be able to hurt us at all!"

A villager suddenly realized and said loudly to the crowd, which immediately attracted cheers.

This was indeed the case. Unless those bandits could fly, they would not be able to hurt anyone at all.

The things that were originally worried have been resolved at this moment, and everyone is naturally very happy.

Not to mention getting Tang Zhen's promise to get money and food every month in the future, which is simply a blessing in disguise.

At this moment, the villagers are worried about whether Tang Zhen will go back on his word and refuse to acknowledge the promise he made earlier.

I was even more envious in my heart. Tang Zhen was favored by the immortals, and he must have benefited more than them.

When everyone was talking in low voices, they saw Tang Zhen walking out of the backyard with a calm and composed expression.

"Master is here!"

When the villagers saw him, they stopped talking immediately, and the yard was quiet where needles could be heard.

The eyes that looked at Tang Zhen were filled with awe and envy, but also with strong expectations.

Today's Tang Zhen has become completely different from the past. He is no longer just the young master of the village chief's family, but also the lucky one who has been favored by immortals.

As long as you follow Tang Zhen, you will definitely get more benefits.

The seemingly simple and honest villagers actually have cunning thoughts, but because of their knowledge and living environment, they become honest and dull.

Seeing the changes in the mental state of the villagers and the improved attributes due to the establishment of the building city, Tang Zhen showed a faint smile.

The higher the level of Loucheng, the more benefits Loucheng residents get, which is the greatest reward for loyalty and hard work.

These villagers in front of you are your first residents, and more residents should join in the future.

Tang Zhen opened his mouth slowly, and said to the crowd: "No matter how nicely you say it, it's better to see it with your own eyes.

I believe that just now, you have all seen the methods of the immortals and know that I am not deceiving you.

If you want to get more opportunities, you must obediently obey orders and arrangements, and I guarantee that you will get more and more benefits in the future. "

Tang Zhen looked at everyone and made a promise again, but this was the result that the villagers expected.

"Listen to the young master, listen to the young master!"

As soon as the voice fell, some villagers responded loudly, their voices were even louder, not as lacking in confidence as before.

The physical changes have enhanced the confidence and courage of the villagers, and they are no longer as cowardly and humble as they used to be.

"Yes, listen to the young master!"

"If anyone is disobedient, I, Da Niu, will be the first to refuse."

"Young master, just give orders, and do whatever you say."

Villagers rushed to express their opinions and try to show their loyalty.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen nodded in satisfaction, everything is developing as expected.

In fact, Tang Zhen also knew that as long as he saw what happened just now, the villagers would obey him.

Tang Zhen does not need the awe of the villagers, but hopes that they will become more proactive and treat Loucheng as their home.

Only with such a mentality can we work hard to manage better, so that the strength of Loucheng can be rapidly improved.

From the establishment of Loucheng, Tang Zhen's identity has changed. He is no longer a young master of a landlord in a remote village, but the master of a certain power.

His situation will become more dangerous, he will be attacked and sneaked by the enemy, and he may even lose his life.

Knowing that this would be the case, Tang Zhen didn't hesitate at all, always feeling that this was the choice he had to make.

"In that case, I'll arrange it.

Women, old people and children went back to the village to pack up their belongings and brought their own food.

Except for food, throw away useless things as much as possible. I will distribute daily necessities regularly in the future.

From today, you will live here and get a house big enough.

At a fixed time, you can go to a designated place to eat without having to cook meals separately. "

Hearing Tang Zhen's arrangement, everyone showed hesitation, but finally nodded in agreement.

Although there was nothing valuable at home, he really couldn't bear to throw it away, but since Tang Zhen had a request, he had to be obedient.

"The men followed me and walked around the city wall together. From now on, this is our home.

You are responsible for guarding, protecting everyone and the small family, and not allowing any enemies to come in. "

Everyone nodded at the same time, eager to try, and also full of curiosity about the interior of the city wall.

At Tang Zhen's greeting, everyone followed him out of the courtyard and walked along one of the stone bridges towards the city wall.

The width of the stone bridge is about seven meters, and there are natural guardrails, so there is no need to worry about falling.

When people walked over it, they still became cautious, fearing that they would suddenly fall.

This is the reason for walking for the first time, and when I gradually get used to it in the days to come, I will no longer have the slightest fear.

Follow the entrance into the city wall, only to find that the inside is spacious and transparent, with beams of light coming in from different positions.

Unlike ordinary caves, the interior is dark and damp, but the air circulation is quite good.

The passage is at a height of 15 meters from the ground, and it circles around the city wall, even allowing two carriages to run side by side.

There are also passages that can climb to the top of the city wall or enter the area below.

Everyone climbed to the top and found that this place is also flat and wide, just like the city walls of the Great City.

From the position of the gap in the city wall, you can launch an attack on the enemy outside the wall. The height from top to bottom is 30 meters.

The outer wall is extremely smooth and the stone is extremely hard, making it impossible for enemies to climb up.

Coming down from the top of the city wall, passing through the passage and continuing down, one came to another circular passage.

There are many caves on one side of the passage, and there is also a public passage, which is divided into two levels.

Facing the city and there are many exits, it is a natural and perfect residence.

There is no need for rest and construction, just lay it out, install a door, and you can move in directly.

The villagers were stunned to see such a magnificent castle, and they were in a state of trance and excitement along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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