I have a city in another world

Chapter 4384: Make the city your home

Chapter 4384: Make the city your home
"Great, starting today, we have a new house!"

one woman exclaimed, with a look of joy on her face.

There are three sons and two daughters in her family, all living in a dilapidated thatched cottage, not to mention the wind and rain, not even a complete bed.

When sleeping at night, or when it rains and cools down, the whole family can only get together shivering.

Her biggest dream is to have a big house that can shelter her from wind and rain and sleep peacefully.

I always thought that this could only be a dream, but I didn't expect it to become a reality.

The woman let out a burst of cheers, leading her children to jump up and down, and the joy was quickly transmitted to everyone.

Everyone was also laughing, their faces full of anticipation for a good day.

The living environment here is really good, the room-like cave itself has a big kang.

I stretched out my hand to touch it, and it was actually warm, and it was very comfortable after lying on it.

Such a miraculous performance really deserves to be written by the immortal family.

At the door of the house, there is also a movable stone slab, which can block the hole with a slight push.

Such a strong door gives people a sense of security.

Thinking of a busy day in the future, it must be very comfortable to lie on the kang after washing up.

Imagining such a scene, everyone looked forward to it even more, wishing to move their family here now.

Under the leadership of Tang Zhen, everyone came to the exit leading to the outside world.

The structure of the exit is very peculiar. At first glance, it looks like the exit of the city gate, and two carriages can pass in parallel.

There is a huge stone embedded in the door opening, with a thickness of one meter, which can seal the city gate like a sliding door.

The gap is so tight that not even a blade can fit through.

Looking at the size of this boulder, it weighs at least hundreds of tons, but it can be easily pushed inside.

Wanting to open it outside is simply as difficult as reaching the sky.

And inside the gate, organs and soldiers can also be set up to attack the enemies who rush into the gate.

Such an exquisite setting is definitely not something human can do.

A group of residents were amazed, they couldn't figure out why, only Tang Zhen knew the truth.

The city gate is controlled by a special magnet, so that it feels as light as nothing. The internal structure of the stone gate is ingenious, and it has a wonderful use at critical moments.

Although the principle is clear, there is no need to explain it to the villagers, and they cannot understand it if it is too deep.

According to Tang Zhen's instructions, the elderly, women and children went to the village to collect all kinds of materials that could be used.

With the threat of bandits, the village is no longer safe, and it is necessary to move as soon as possible.

Even without the threat of bandits, the villagers would move collectively. With such a good house, who would want to live in a thatched house that leaks wind and rain?
The men did not return, but followed Tang Zhen back to the central courtyard and saw a pile of weapons and equipment placed in the backyard.

Tang Zhen used the remaining silver to buy some swords, bows and crossbows, as well as a dozen sets of branded animal skin armor.

This is a weapon for the villagers, let them practice and try to convert from farmers to soldiers.

When the time is right, Tang Zhen will buy some skill jade tokens to allow them to become true warriors.

Of course, before this, you need to go through basic training, and you must first have the corresponding virtues to be able to withstand the sudden opportunity.

Otherwise, it will be a disaster rather than a blessing.

There is another reason, Tang Zhen is now short of money and has no way to buy more things.

He used the remaining silver to buy an automatic rifle, which he planned to use against bandits.

Although Tang Zhen had never used a rifle since he was a child, but when he got it in his hand, he felt a deep sense of familiarity.

The use of such a weapon is bound to cause serious damage to the bandits.

Tang Zhen did not tell the villagers that he would not passively wait for the enemy to attack, but was prepared to attack the enemy proactively.

Not only to eliminate risks, but also to participate in actual combat and obtain a fortune from bandits.

Bandits who rob houses must have a certain amount of gold and silver reserves, which is extremely attractive to Tang Zhen.

When he made up his mind, Tang Zhen's mood was very calm, as if this was a very common thing.

This also made Tang Zhen secretly surprised. He had never killed a chicken before, so why was he so calm about killing people?

It seems that there are more secrets in him than he imagined.

The villagers who received the weapons became more and more excited, and gathered together to make gestures and research.

Weapons made of refined steel cannot be bought with money, and must be obtained through special channels.

For these impoverished villagers who can't even afford a kitchen knife, every weapon can be regarded as a family heirloom.

Now there are a bunch, and everyone can get one.

Tang Zhen told everyone that starting today, they will train from morning till night.

You don't need to farm, and you won't go hungry either.

Those cultivated land can take time to take care of it, and if you don't have time, just give it up.

A group of farmers who were farming obviously couldn't accept this kind of arrangement, leaving the grain in the field was simply a crime struck by lightning.

Tang Zhen didn't talk too much about this problem, and there will be a solution in the future.

The villagers are unwilling, mainly because they have not adapted to the change of status, and it will naturally be reversed after a long time.

According to Tang Zhen's request, the villagers were divided into three teams, responsible for guarding the gate.

While one team guards the gate, the other two train in the city.

Four horizontal and vertical walls, each with a length of 100 meters, enclose a large enough site.

It is absolutely more than enough to train and live in the building city, and it even gives people a feeling of emptiness.

In order to ensure the effective execution of the order, Tang Zhen selected several villagers to temporarily act as the team leader.

If the performance is excellent, you can continue to hold the position. If the performance is not good, you can hand it over to someone more capable.

A group of farmers digging in the soil don't have much experience at all, so they can only continue to learn and grow.

When arranging these tasks, Tang Zhen had a feeling of déjà vu, as if he had done similar things before.

I want to recall carefully, but I feel cloudy and foggy, and I can't think of anything at all.

According to Tang Zhen's arrangement, a group of villagers immediately went to guard the gate, and the other two groups went to the village to assist with the move.

Tang Zhen carried an automatic rifle on his back and followed the crowd to the village. Everyone carried weapons along the way.

When they saw Tang Zhen's rifle, everyone was very curious, secretly guessing what kind of weapon it was?
Many villagers believe that this is a magic weapon bestowed by the immortal, otherwise how could it have such a weird shape.

Because of Tang Zhen's order, the moving process became very easy. Except for food and some poultry, most of the rags were discarded.

According to Forber, these things are too messy, and bringing them there will definitely affect the living environment.

Since the young master has promised to distribute new daily necessities to everyone, there is no need to bring these rags.

Although the villagers were reluctant to give up, they did not dare to disobey Tang Zhen and Uncle Fu, and soon returned with their belongings.

Tang Zhen led the villagers around the empty village to confirm that there was nothing missing.

Soon everyone returned to the city and closed the gate tightly, leaving a few villagers to guard it.

The other villagers all started to choose their own houses and began to make simple arrangements.

Because the house is warm enough and there is no need for bedding for the time being, Tang Zhen distributed a straw mat to each family.

This is the original stock of the family, used to store grain, and now it happens to be used by the villagers to lay the kang.

Tang Zhen selected several women to be responsible for cooking for everyone every day, and chose a cave to serve as a canteen.

In the future, enough tables and chairs can be placed in this place to facilitate the residents of Loucheng to eat here.

There is also a natural fire source in this cave. There are four natural fire vents on the stone platform, which can be used to build the pot stove.

If you don't need a fire source, just buckle it with a slate.

There are two stone wells next to it, with sweet and clear springs in them, which overflow and flow into a pool in the city, which is just for the villagers to drink and cook.

Seeing these thoughtful arrangements, the villagers sighed again. They all said that the immortal was very thoughtful about things, and made clear arrangements for eating, drinking and drinking.

Only Tang Zhen chuckled and remained silent, and did not tell the residents of Loucheng that these arrangements were all designed by him.

(End of this chapter)

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