I have a city in another world

Chapter 4385 Black Wind Bandit

Chapter 4385 Black Wind Bandit
Seeing that it was getting late, Tang Zhen asked someone to cook.

In my own warehouse, there is a lot of food stored, which is enough to meet the needs in a short period of time.

But if it takes too long, you have to find a source of food, otherwise you won't be able to satisfy the city's population.

Food is the most important thing for the people, no matter what time it is, it is the most important thing to fill the stomach.

The first meal built in Loucheng had to be well-fed. Tang Zhen asked Fu Bo to take out a large piece of bacon and cook it with lard and wild vegetables.

Most of the villagers are from poor families, and they don't have much food surplus, so it's hard for them to have enough food on weekdays.

This is not the fault of one family, but the whole society.

Now that Tang Zhen let go of the granary and let the women in charge of cooking let go of cooking, this alone is very satisfying.

Seeing the pots of rice grains brought out and the bacon glistening with oil, the villagers were full of anticipation.

I sighed again in my heart, it was really a blessing in disguise, if it weren't for the persecution of those robbers, there would be no chance of getting enough to eat.

While the women and children cleaned up the house, Tang Zhen led a group of men and taught them basic training skills.

It is not necessary for them to master stunts, but to know how to obey and how to obey orders and prohibitions.

When they get used to this and can effectively execute orders, Tang Zhen will give them more opportunities.

For example, master a set of high-level martial arts in a short period of time.

The skill jade token of the cornerstone platform can be given to other people to use, but the proficiency will be greatly reduced.

The higher the skill level, the greater the proficiency discount. If you want to practice to a perfect state, you can only rely on your own understanding and hard work.

Although there are limitations, it is also a rare opportunity. This belongs to the category of extraordinary power, and it is definitely not something that can be obtained with money.

In the process of instructing the training, Tang Zhen showed his skills, which once again attracted everyone's applause.

Looking at the familiar young man with a weak crown, he possessed great power in an instant, and everyone's anticipation and awe grew stronger in their hearts.

Tang Zhen walked around the city and saw that the villagers were busy with smiles on their faces.

They see hope, benefit from it, and sincerely hope that the future will be better.

As the owner of the building city, Tang Zhen needs to bear the greatest pressure and deal with various challenges.

It won't take long for the news to spread, and Loucheng will become the focus of everyone's attention.

All kinds of things will inevitably follow.

If it were an ordinary boy, he might be at a loss, not knowing what to do next.

Tang Zhen was very calm, knowing that since his identity changed, his way of thinking would also change at any time.

In the past, we followed the rules and the initiative was in the hands of others, but now we have to formulate rules so that everyone can act according to their own rules.

Tang Zhen's current ability is limited and he cannot do this at all, but it does not mean that the same will be true in the future.

As long as the strength is strong enough, the future influence will continue to spread, starting from a small village, spreading to more areas, and even affecting the entire world.

Although there is such a plan, it must not be rushed, after all, the road has to be moved forward step by step.

Standing on the city wall, looking at the quiet village, Tang Zhen was thinking about when the robbers would appear.

My first income fell on these guys.

The problem is that bandits are cunning and don't know when they will appear. They can't just wait like this.

But if you take the initiative to attack and can't find the opponent's lair, you can't just wander around in the deep mountains and old forests.

Maybe I am a little impatient, so I should be patient and wait quietly. I need to know that the appearance of Loucheng will inevitably attract the attention of bandits.

Maybe it won't be long before the other party may appear in front of you.

As soon as this idea came up, Tang Zhen noticed something unusual. There was a figure flashing behind the big tree in the distance.

The villagers have already entered the city, and the other party must be an outsider.

Looking at his sneaky and cunning posture, he knew that this guy was definitely not a good person, and he was probably a spy sent by bandits.

I was still thinking about when the bandit would appear, but I didn't want to appear in a blink of an eye.

Naturally, there is no reason to miss the opportunity delivered to your door.

After estimating the distance, Tang Zhen took off the automatic rifle and locked on to the sneaky figure in the bushes.

The muzzle of the gun was raised slightly, and the trigger was pulled decisively.

With a gunshot, the bullet shot out of the barrel, but Tang Zhen's arm was as steady as Mount Tai.

Although Tang Zhen had never practiced marksmanship before, he was able to hit every shot.

The figure let out a scream, and fell directly into the grass, obviously hit by a bullet.

Going to the city gate to waste time, Tang Zhen decided to take a shortcut.

There was a rope tied to the top of the wall, Tang Zhen grabbed it with one hand, and jumped straight down.

The city wall of more than 30 meters is enough to break a person into a meatloaf. Tang Zhen had to use ropes to cushion him when he jumped.

Landing in the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen went straight to the bushes, and soon saw the suspicious target being hit.

The guy was hit in the thigh and fell to the ground curled up, his trouser legs soaked in blood.

After seeing Tang Zhen appearing, he immediately showed a vicious and terrified expression, like a wounded wolf, grinning and warning.

Looking at the rusty long knife beside him, you can tell that it is definitely not a good bird.

"Tell me the location of your bandits' lair, and I will save your life.

If you don't tell me, I will hang you on the top of the city right now, and be burned to death by the sun. "

Tang Zhen had no expression on his face, and issued a warning to the injured bandit, while raising the rifle in his hand.

Another gunshot hit the center of the iron knife, and the bullet pierced the blade directly.

The bandit was startled, struggled to move his body, and then wailed in pain.

"Tell me the cottage, and I'll spare your life, or I'll blow your head off with one shot."

Hearing Tang Zhen's threat, the bandit trembled with fright, obviously frightened by the terrifying power of the guns.

In order to save their lives, the bandit quickly reported a location, while looking at Tang Zhen beggingly.

"I told you, don't kill me."

He didn't want to die yet, for fear that Tang Zhen would be dishonest, he turned around and shot himself.

There was a sound of footsteps, and the villagers quickly surrounded the place with swords and guns.

Seeing the bandit under Tang Zhen's feet, the villagers were stunned for a moment, but soon came back to their senses.

All of them showed anger, but they didn't know what to do.

They are just a group of farmers who have not yet adapted to the change of identity. Even when they see bandits waiting to die, they still feel a little fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"Come here a few people, hold his hands and feet, and I'll help him heal."

Having said this, Tang Zhen said to the terrified bandit, "Don't move around, or if my hand shakes, your life may be in danger."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Zhen shook his head again.

"No, I can't trust you guy, it's better to sleep first."

Before the bandit could react, Tang Zhen struck out with a palm, knocking the opponent unconscious.

Several villagers gathered around and held down the bandit's hands and feet. Tang Zhen borrowed a short knife from them.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he cut open the bandit's wound with a knife, and soon found the bullet in his thigh.

The shot Tang Zhen fired deliberately avoided the fatal point and saved the opponent's life.

Otherwise, aim at the vital points, and the bandit will surely die.

Tang Zhen stood up, looked at Uncle Fu beside him and said, "Take him back, wash the wound with strong wine, and then wrap it up with a clean cloth.

Lock it in the cell and send two more guards. If you dare to escape, you will be killed directly. "

After thinking for a while, Tang Zhen said to the crowd: "Choose six more people, bring swords and ox carts at home, and let's take a trip to Heifeng Mountain."

Uncle Fu was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly said loudly: "Young Master, Heifeng Mountain is the lair of bandits, you must not take risks."

Tang Zhen snorted softly, smiled and said to Uncle Fu: "You are wrong, we are not going to take risks, but to go to Heifeng Mountain to withdraw money.

They are all waiting quietly at home, and then guard the gate, waiting for the young master to return home with a full load! "

(End of this chapter)

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