Chapter 4386

Tang Zhen made up his mind, and naturally no one could dissuade him, and soon he drove an ox cart to the expedition.

Several villagers followed the action, wearing leather armor and carrying swords, shining brightly and coldly in the sun.

It is indeed true that people rely on clothes to improve their ranks. The few farmers who were digging in the soil looked a bit mighty at this moment.

When Loucheng was established, there was a benefit to improve attributes, which gave them a lot of benefits.

Today's physical fitness is comparable to that of a strong soldier.

It's just that for this trip, my heart is full of worries. After all, the enemy I am facing is a bandit.

He ran across ten miles and eight towns, and committed countless bloody crimes, which can stop children from crying at night.

Such a ferocious villain, who would normally be avoided, would now take the initiative to attack him.

There were less than ten people in total, but they had to deal with a group of bandits. It sounded like nonsense.

If it weren't for the extraordinary experience before, these few villagers would not dare to follow after killing them.

Even though he was following the action, he was still uneasy and looked ahead at Tang Zhen from time to time.

They all want to ask Tang Zhen, is there any magic weapon of the fairy family that can fight against those fierce bandits?
Tang Zhen was very clear about everyone's thoughts, but he never explained too much.

It will take a certain amount of time for the villagers to grow up, and this time it is to let them learn a lot.

Only after experiencing actual combat can one formally grow up.

Not to mention this battle, Tang Zhen didn't count on them at all, he just brought a group of porters.

Bandits may be fierce, but they are only mortals, and they cannot fight automatic rifles at all.

Going straight along the road, after walking for about three hours, Heifeng Mountain appeared in front of everyone.

There is an official road at the foot of the mountain, which is often harassed by bandits.

Most of the caravans that come and go are accompanied by armed guards, and sometimes they will march in groups, with hundreds of vehicles in a mighty manner.

Unless it was a large-scale bandit or a wandering bandit, they would not dare to provoke such a caravan.

If it is an ordinary small caravan, you need to be more careful. If you are not careful, you will suffer serious losses.

Not to mention those ordinary people, it is still unknown whether they can save their lives once they are robbed by thieves.

Tang Zhen led a group of residents directly into the Heifeng Mountain Pass, and continued along the bumpy mountain road.

The people nearby all know that this is the home of the Black Wind Bandits. They usually avoid it and no one dares to enter it.

When some farmers saw Tang Zhen and his gang, they couldn't help sighing secretly, feeling that they were looking for their own death.

After walking along the mountain road for about half an hour, the bullock cart could no longer move forward.

Arranged for two residents to lead the ox cart into the woods to hide, Tang Zhen led the others to move on.

As far as the eye could see, they were all trees, and there was hardly any difference, but Tang Zhen could tell that people often walked there.

Tang Zhen has gradually adapted to these special abilities that suddenly appeared but did not know the reason.

No longer looking for reasons, but accepting and using them calmly.

According to the confession of the bandit captives, combined with the content of field observations, Tang Zhen quickly locked the bandit's entry and exit routes.

Going straight along the road, after climbing over two mountain ridges, Tang Zhen finally found the enemy.

On the branch of an old tree, squatting a bandit, quietly lurking on guard.


As soon as Tang Zhen finished speaking, the rifle was raised, pointed forward and pulled the trigger.

With a slight gunshot, a figure fell down and fell heavily to the ground.

It was the bandit who secretly sent a bullet through the eye socket and lost his life in a daze.

This guy is in charge of sentry. If the signal is sent out, the bandits in the village will be alarmed immediately.

At that time, more accidents will inevitably happen, so this sentinel must die.

In order to ensure the success of the operation, Tang Zhen specially installed a muffler so that the sound of shooting would not be heard by other bandits.

When the residents behind saw this, their eyes lit up, and they became more and more sure that this was the magic weapon bestowed by the immortal.

Such a powerful power is definitely not comparable to that of a crossbow.

A villager saw the shell case, picked it up carefully, and put it in his pocket after asking Tang Zhen.

He looked happy, as if he had found a treasure.

After dealing with the bandit's secret sentinel, Tang Zhen continued to move forward and soon saw the bandit's den built halfway up the mountain.

More than 50 thatched huts have been built, backed by a cliff cave, where men, women and children walk around in the village.

The group of black wind bandits in front of them were actually dragging their families with them, hiding in the deep mountains and forests in order to survive.

Their mistake was that they should not have killed innocent people indiscriminately for money, and turned from the original victims into perpetrators.

Tang Zhen observed carefully and quietly climbed up the cliff. From here, he could see all the scenes of Heifeng Village.

The following residents stood behind Tang Zhen and quietly prepared for battle.

Whether you dare or not, there is no way out.

Just as they were thinking about how Tang Zhen would fight, they saw him rushing out suddenly.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, facing a group of bandits, he let out a loud shout.

"Everyone listen, kneel on the ground obediently, I will spare your life.

If he disobeys the order, I will send him to the West immediately! "

When facing these bandits, you just need to be straightforward and tell them what they should choose.

If you obey, you will live; if you don't, you will die.

The sudden change made the Heifeng bandits below startled at the same time, and they all looked at Tang Zhen in unison.

When they saw that Tang Zhen looked young and was alone, many bandits had strange expressions on their faces.

Especially the bandit leader couldn't help but sneer.

"Where did the idiot come from, to dare to act wildly in Lao Tzu's territory!"

While cursing loudly, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the cliff: "Rush up, chop this kid into pieces and feed it to the dogs!"

Hearing the words, all the thieves under his command rushed up to the cliff to teach the young man who uttered wild words a lesson.

A few crisp sounds came, and a shocking scene happened.

The big leader's body stiffened, his eyes widened, and a bloody hole appeared between his eyebrows.

Pointing at Tang Zhen, he looked up and fell to the ground.

Several bandits who tried to climb the cliff and arrest Tang Zhen also fell to the ground one after another.

There were two unlucky guys, half of their heads were opened, and their death state was simply horrible.

"The big boss is dead!"

A bandit screamed and collapsed on the ground in fright, with a terrified expression on his face.

The bandits nearby were also frightened and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Annoyed and angry, he quickly turned into panic and vigilance, staring at Tang Zhen intently.

"I said, kneel on the ground and surrender obediently.

If the order is not carried out, I will continue to kill people until you obey. "

As soon as Tang Zhen finished speaking, another gunshot rang out, followed by another scream.

The two bandits who were hiding behind the thatched hut and tried to bend their bows and shoot arrows were shot through the shoulders.

The bow and arrow fell to the ground, and he looked at Tang Zhen in horror, especially the automatic rifle in his hand.

It was that weird weapon that spewed out a trace of flame, and then the body was shot through.

I have never seen such a powerful weapon before, it is simply terrifying to the extreme.

"There's something wrong with this kid, be careful with the weapon in his hand."

Seeing that the two archers were injured, the other bandits were dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.

They felt fear in their hearts, but they were unwilling to give in easily, so they could only stand quietly at the moment.

Trying to use this method to regain some advantages in the confrontation.

The second leader of Heifengzhai, with a gloomy face, pondered how to solve the crisis.

As a result, at this moment, Tang Zhen's voice sounded again.

"If you don't obey, fine, then I'll continue to kill!"

A series of voices sounded, and people in the cottage kept falling to the ground, and those who were attacked were all the leaders and ringleaders.

The second master and the third master fell to the ground first, their chests were soaked in blood, and they looked desperate and unwilling.

They didn't expect Tang Zhen to shoot so decisively, and specifically shot and killed the leader of the cottage.

Everyone in Heifeng Village finally panicked and looked around for a place to hide, fearing that they would also be suddenly shot by Tang Zhen.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen issued a warning again.

"I said, kneel on the ground, I can spare you from dying.

From now on, if anyone dares not to kneel down, I will directly blow his head off! "

This time the warning had an effect. The frightened bandits fell to their knees one after another, trembling and waiting for the judgment to come.

(End of this chapter)

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