I have a city in another world

Chapter 4401 The Arrival of Jing Cha Si

Chapter 4401 The Arrival of Jing Cha Si

At Tang Zhen's request, a group of prisoners stopped working.

They put down the tools in their hands, and Qi Qi looked at Tang Zhen, the awe in their eyes was not hidden.

Even the emperor, appearing in front of them at this moment, cannot earn such sincere respect.

After all, immortals are different. An unpopular emperor is not worthy to be compared with immortals.

“I understand your thoughts and want to join Loucheng and become an official resident.

There is nothing wrong with this kind of thinking, and it is enough to prove that you are self-motivated and want to say goodbye to your past life.

Although you once took the wrong path, it was due to various reasons, and I will not deliberately pursue the past.

From now on, I am willing to give you a chance to get back on the right track, and I hope you can firmly grasp it.

Next, the screening begins. Anyone selected by me will be granted the status of a preliminary resident.

As long as you continue to work hard and pass the test, you can become an official Loucheng resident. "

When a group of prisoners heard the words, they immediately showed joy, and some even cheered.

They had been waiting for a long time, and finally this moment came.

Then I felt uneasy. After all, there are always people who fail the screening. What if I fail?
As soon as the thought came up, Tang Zhen had an answer.

"If you failed this time, it doesn't mean you won't be able to do it next time. If you find out the reason for your failure, you will have a chance to qualify next time."

When everyone heard this, they felt a little relieved and secretly thought that it would be fine if they had the chance.

The vast majority of bandits are not confident that they can pass, but put their hopes on the next round.

With a clear goal, they will continue to work hard for it.

With this in mind, when he looked at Tang Zhen again, he saw him raising his hand and waving gently.

A ball of light appeared, then exploded, turning into flying colorful butterflies.

The colorful butterflies flew freely, fell into the crowd, and landed on different people's shoulders.

Looking at the colorful butterflies that were dragging the halo and flying continuously, everyone felt envious again.

"Those chosen by this light butterfly can become prepared residents."

The crowd erupted in cheers, and the prisoner with butterflies on his shoulders jumped up and waved his fists to express his joy.

Those who were not selected felt a little bitter in their hearts, but they were also very happy.

The success of their companions gave them hope and their confidence became stronger.

"When you go to the screen later, someone will tell you how to become a qualified resident. Remember to cherish this opportunity. Once you lose it, you will regret it."

Tang Zhen will not teach it himself, but will hand over this job to Lou Ling. As the auxiliary system of the master of Loucheng, Lou Ling is a special existence second only to the cornerstone platform, which is equivalent to an absolutely loyal intelligent system.

After finishing this task, Tang Zhen left alone, intending to experiment with the magic talisman he had just obtained.

As soon as he reached the city wall, he saw a group of people coming outside, looking menacing.

The brocade robe is covered with branded leather armor, a sword is hung on the waist, and a spear and bow are hung on the horse.

He rode to the front of the building city, drove away the people blocking the road, and then looked at it with an unkind expression.

Soon someone came out and shouted in the direction of Loucheng: "People inside, listen, we are inspectors of the Jingcha Division, patrolling the world under His Majesty's orders.

No matter what your status is, you must clearly explain your origins and then accept the review of the Jingchao Department.

If you dare to disobey, it will be tantamount to resisting the emperor's order, and disaster will be imminent in an instant! "

The man who was talking was white-faced and beardless, with a thin skin and tender flesh, obviously he was born in a wealthy family.

The posture is extremely tall, and when he looks at the people around him, his eyes are full of contempt and disgust.

While he was talking, he drove the horse forward, but he soon discovered something was wrong.

The horse was unable to move forward and even neighed, as if something terrible had happened.

Seeing this, the young official quickly calmed the horse. When he found that it didn't work, he whipped twice more.

"Sir, there is a magic circle in front of this Immortal Mansion. You cannot approach it without permission."

Seeing this scene, a rich man's servant quickly reminded him in a flattering manner.

"Nonsense, you dare to promote the Yao Dao!"

When the young official heard this, he became furious, raised his hand and whipped him.

The servant was slapped in the nose, and immediately let out a scream, covering his face and hiding aside.

Under constant urging, the war horse neighed and threw the young official off the horse.

Immediately afterwards, the horse's hooves fluttered and rushed towards the distance.

The young official was a third-rate martial artist. Although he was thrown off by the horse, he quickly stabilized his body.

But even so, his posture was still very embarrassing.


The young official gritted his teeth, feeling that he had lost face, and his face quickly turned red.

Looking at Loucheng ahead, a hint of ferocity flashed in his eyes.

"Ignoring Jing Cha Si's warning is simply asking for death. Watch me cut off the demon's head and hang it on top of the city for public display!"

When the young official said this, he rushed forward and rushed into the building city.

When the companions behind him saw this, no one stopped him.

After they saw the building, they were also shocked by the building, but they did not believe the story of falling from the sky.

Instead, it is believed that the people are ignorant and the local officials are not good at doing things, so they let the city be built.

After the city was built, he would deliberately brag and exaggerate it to deceive the ignorant people into thinking that it was the work of gods and gods.

Foolish people will believe it and even exaggerate it everywhere.

Demons will take advantage of the opportunity to make money or plot rebellion, which is simply an unforgivable crime.

Jing Cha Si has seen too many things like this, and will also impose capital punishment on the captured demons.

Having heard the news before, there was a fairy mansion appearing in Huangshan County, so a group of them hurried over.

Firstly, it is due to the limitation of responsibilities, and secondly, it is also to collect the spoils. After all, the main purpose of the evil cult is to make money, and in the process of solving the case, there is an opportunity to enrich one's own pockets.

This furious young man is a relative of the head of the Guzhou branch of the Jingcha Division. He is arrogant and tyrannical, eager to make meritorious deeds to express himself.

Everyone knew this very well, and although they secretly despised it, no one stopped or interfered.

If you anger this guy and let him use his power to maliciously make things difficult for you, wouldn't you be asking for trouble?
But he didn't expect that the next scene would make a group of patrolmen widen their eyes, and their indifferent and numb expressions turned into shock.

The young officials who rushed towards the building city seemed to have encountered an invisible barrier and were directly blocked from moving forward.

The originally resentful expression quickly turned into panic, obviously he did not expect to encounter such a situation.

I originally thought that the demons were causing trouble and doing some deceptive tricks, but I didn't expect that they actually had some tricks.

At least he couldn't figure out what method the other party used to block him from moving forward.


When he thought of his colleagues looking at him with mocking smiles, he felt even more angry.

Because of his relationship, he became official after joining the Jingcha Division, which aroused dissatisfaction among many people.

But because of his identity, he dared not speak out in anger.

Seeing him being embarrassed and embarrassed at this moment, although he didn't say it on the outside, he was probably laughing to the point of laughter in his heart.

This bunch of bastards will look better with you in the future!
With this thought in mind, the young officials would retreat and then think of other ways.

But when he tried to retreat, he found that he seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't retreat even if he tried his best.

"Damn, what's going on?"

The young official roared angrily, his eyes became more and more panicked, and he began to try and struggle.

But no matter how hard I try, I can't take a step back.

At this moment, the young official finally felt panicked and panicked, and shouted loudly with a ferocious face.

"If you still dare to watch the excitement, please give me a hand!"

After hearing the words, the inspectors at the back tried to rescue him one after another, but they didn't reach out in person.

They were also frightened in their hearts, fearing that this strange situation would implicate themselves, so they all threw out their iron ropes and grappling hooks.

But in the blink of an eye, ropes entangled the young officials, and everyone was pulled back violently.

The rope straightened instantly, obviously in a state of exertion.

These inspectors are all third-rate warriors, and their strength is naturally far beyond that of ordinary people, and they can even wrestle with bulls alone.

But at this moment, they worked together, but they couldn't pull back the young official in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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