I have a city in another world

Chapter 4402 Turns out to be a true immortal!

Chapter 4402 Turns out to be a true immortal!
The inspector from Guzhou has become a little flustered at this moment.

Their identities are special, they run rampant in the world, and all of them are bloody.

They have killed countless people and have a heart as strong as iron. They are the kind of people who are not afraid of chaos.

But at this moment, they were shocked by the scene in front of them, and found that the building city in front of them was not simple.

The evil ways and cults in the world have their own advantages and disadvantages, but for experienced inspectors, they can see through them at a glance.

At least until now, they still haven't been able to see through what kind of method Loucheng used?
If you don't understand the reason, there is no way to crack it in a targeted manner.

This group of inspectors who claimed to be experienced and unscrupulous in doing things fell into a state of helplessness at the same time.

The trapped young official's face was now distorted and he kept screaming in pain.

His body was bound by chains, and at the same time he was violently dragged by his companions, enduring quite a lot of force.

It was like dismembering a body by five horses, it was extremely painful.

"Let go of me, don't pull anymore, I'm dying!"

Under the imprisonment of the invisible force, his body did not move at all, but the dragging force was fully borne by himself.

The sound of broken muscles and bones made him panic, fearing that he would be torn into pieces in the next moment.

Driven by the desire to survive, he could only shout loudly, to save his own life first.

When the inspectors heard this, they quickly loosened the chains to avoid tearing up the young official.

When he looked at Lou Cheng again, his eyes were full of seriousness.

They came here excitedly, thinking that they could solve a major case, but they didn't want to encounter such a thing.

One of the inspectors looked at the people around him with eyes like a hawk.

"Come here for me."

He stretched out his hand and pointed forward, choosing a commoner.

It was the man who was hit by the whip and his face was covered in blood. When he realized that he had been chosen, he trembled in fright.

"grown ups……"

Just as he was about to say something, the patrol envoy on the opposite side widened his eyes, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Enduring the pain and fear, he hurried forward with a flattering smile on his face.

"Tell me all the news you know, and don't hide anything."

His tone was cold, his eyes were like knives, and he felt full of oppression.

Before this servant, he just wanted to please the powerful, but he didn't want to be whipped for no reason.

Although he was afraid of resentment in his heart, he didn't dare to speak nonsense, and quickly told all the news he knew.

The inspectors who were traveling with him all listened attentively, but their expressions became more serious.

"If what the other party said is true, then the Immortal Mansion in front of me may really say something..."

After listening to the servant's narration, a group of inspectors looked at each other and felt a little pressure.

They really don't know how to solve the situation in front of them, but they can't just sit idly by.

Otherwise, if something happens and the officer punishes him, no one present will escape.

He was even more secretly angry in his heart, complaining that the young officials were greedy for meritorious deeds, and they were also implicated in it.

The young official regained his breath and shouted again in a panicked tone, asking everyone to quickly find a way to rescue him.

"If you can't do it, please notify my uncle immediately. If something happens to me today, none of you will be able to get through it easily!"

Trapped in fear, fearing that no one would save him, the young official threatened directly.

He had his back turned to his accomplices, so he couldn't clearly see everyone's expressions. He didn't know that after these words were spoken, a trace of murderous intent flashed in many people's eyes.

But it is fleeting, so as not to be seen by others.

"This monster is not simple, maybe it is a practitioner, and the news must be reported.

If you are really a cultivator, you must ask the Tianshi Mansion to come forward, which is definitely not something we can handle. "

Everyone nodded at the same time, indicating that it was true.

If it is an ordinary demon way, they can naturally swarm and kill them, and even mobilize troops to encircle and suppress them.

But if you are a Taoist monk, it is not something that ordinary warriors can deal with, and if you are not careful, you will lose your life.

Ordinary people think that immortals are just legends, and they have no chance to see them on weekdays.

As inspectors, they know that there are real immortal masters in this world, and they are located in the Tianshi mansion in the capital.

On weekdays, she practiced in seclusion and would not easily appear in front of the world.

The duty of Jing Cha Si is to clean up the fake practitioners and act as the eyes and hunting dogs of the Tianshi Mansion.

If a counterfeit product is found, the other party will be hacked into pieces. If a real practitioner is found, the news must be reported as soon as possible.

But in the past actions, [-]% were fakes, and real practitioners were rarely encountered.

The reason is that outside monks are strictly prohibited from entering the Tianshi Mansion's territory.

As long as you dare to enter, it is tantamount to provoking and kicking the gymnasium, and you must pay a heavy price.

Even if he was killed in a fight, he could only blame himself for being unlucky, and the master had no right to pursue responsibility.

The inspection envoys did not know the more specific situation, and they were not qualified based on their status.

If you want to join the Jingcha Division, you must be a descendant of an official or a big family, and children from poor families are not qualified at all.

But even so, in front of the disciples of the Tianshi Mansion, he is still as humble as a slave.

In a short period of time, the inspectors made up their minds not to act rashly for the time being.

Report the news first, then collect the corresponding information, and wait for the order from above or dispatch assistance.

After making up his mind, an inspector immediately opened the box and took out a piece of yellow talisman paper about three inches wide and one foot long.

The front of the talisman paper is full of patterns, which look simple and weird, and are filled with rune fonts that no one recognizes.

The inspector took out a fountain pen, wrote on it, and wrote all the things that happened to him.

Immediately after facing the rear, muttering words in his mouth, he rubbed the location of the amulet head with his fingers.

A puff of smoke rose, and the talisman paper burned instantly, and soon turned into a pile of fly ash.

Seeing this, the people in the distance were secretly shocked. They didn't expect that this group of patrol envoys also had immortal methods.

"The news has been sent out, we just need to wait and be vigilant."

The patrol envoy who spoke was the commander of this team, but he had always been overwhelmed by others before.

His expression was gloomy, and his eyes swept over the trapped young officials, with a hint of coldness flashing through them.

"Cao Tongyin is trapped, we must rescue him, but we must not act rashly.

In the event of an accident, we have a chance to escape, but Cao Tongyin is likely to lose his life. "

Inside the Jingcha Division, there are different levels, the copper seal is the lowest level, and the jade seal is the highest level.

Although it is only the lowest level, there are ministers behind him as backers, and the inspectors who lead the team dare not offend. These words are actually for Cao Tongyin.

It’s not that we don’t want to save you, it’s that we’re afraid of harming you by acting rashly.

Hearing this, the young official immediately shut his mouth. He was almost torn apart by violence just now, and he didn't want to experience that feeling again.

Although he is arrogant and arrogant, he is not an idiot. He clearly realizes that Lou Cheng is not simple.

If it is true that this place is controlled by practitioners, we must be even more careful.

Thinking of his uncle's reminder to him when he joined the Jingcha Division, Cao Tongyin broke out in a cold sweat.

I complained even more in my heart, why was I so unlucky?

Cao Tongyin, who was imprisoned, can't even move his head now, and can only be forced to look forward to Loucheng.

Then he saw a figure above the city wall, Ling Feng standing proudly in front of him.

It was a young man, wearing a spotless white robe, as if he had been relegated to the mortal world.

(End of this chapter)

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