I have a city in another world

Chapter 4602 The End of the Road?

Chapter 4602 The End of the Road?
After the two parties negotiated the conditions, Venerable Motong informed the hiding place of the water spirit pearl, which was actually located in a certain black desert on the original land.

Using the scorching soil of the desert, coupled with a special sealing technique, completely shielded the breath of the water spirit bead.

In the process of sealing the Water Spirit Orb, a precious talisman was also used, which was specially prepared for this operation.

The monks of each family actually have similar things in their hands, just in case they are needed.

Some things may not be done, but corresponding preparations must be made.

No one can guarantee that he will not have good luck and find the top treasure of luck.

Knowing the exact location, Tang Zhen immediately sent someone to bring back the water spirit bead.

After taking it back, Tang Zhen played with it for a few minutes, and then put it directly into the treasury for storage.

One-fifth of the conditions for promotion to the fifth level of Lou Cheng have now been met, and the remaining four series of spirit beads will be found sooner or later.

Although there are only a few years left, Tang Zhen is not in a hurry. As long as the unification of the lower realms is completed, it will not be a problem to find other four-element spirit beads.

If there is no resistance to doing things, you can do whatever you want, and no one will care if you turn the world upside down.

After retrieving the Water Spirit Pearl, Tang Zhen began to focus more on the dying Sea Tribe.

In recent times, the battles with the Sea Clan have become more frequent. The other party is obviously struggling to the death and is not willing to just sit back and die.

In the past, the ocean was their territory, and they would definitely have the upper hand in battle.

It is different now, the sea water is constantly receding, and there are bare seabeds everywhere.

In the originally endless sea, countless depressions and lakes appeared, and many marine creatures were trapped in them.

Ordinary sea creatures can only be slaughtered by others, but those sea monsters have completely fallen into madness.

When they see the residents of Loucheng, they will immediately attack, and their behavior will be extremely crazy.

The rapidly depleting ocean has left the Krakens with no hope. Facing the threat of death, it is an inevitable result to choose to go all out.

For such sea monsters, monk Loucheng was not polite, and directly gave a series of services such as shooting, killing and collecting corpses.

The food factories inside Loucheng have been operating at full capacity recently, and the food produced is piling up like a mountain.

Except for a small amount of food, the rest are sent to the underground freezer and frozen in batches for storage.

Tang Zhen, who has experienced food shortages, has a deep obsession with food storage. Naturally, the more he can store, the better.

Even if Lou Cheng couldn't eat it, he could still sell it outside. These sausages made with the flesh and blood of sea monsters were no different from medicines for strengthening the body.

Trading with gold and silver is bound to be a large amount of income.

After the monks in Loucheng cleaned up, ordinary residents could start collecting supplies. Whether it was food or minerals, the residents of Loucheng could say that they would not refuse anyone who came.

This was a predatory development, and it was Tang Zhen's preparation to fill his pockets before leaving the lower realm.

People often say that poor families have rich roads, which is very reasonable. Whether it is the cost of the journey or management in an unfamiliar environment, you need enough money.

Without money to clear the way, it will be difficult.

Putting it on Loucheng is also the same reason. In order to maintain the operation of Loucheng, the daily expenses are like flowing water.

If you are not in charge of your family, you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are. Tang Zhen doesn't love money, but just maintains his life.

Although today's Loucheng has gradually established some industrial foundations, it can produce its own grain and refine medicine.

I want to be self-sufficient, but there is still a big gap.

It can't even meet the low-end needs, let alone those high-end needs. If there is no cornerstone platform, the building city may be paralyzed and shut down in an instant.

Tang Zhen is aware of this, and has been working hard to make up for it, striving to grow and become independent as soon as possible.

Today's Loucheng is just a seedling in the greenhouse, growing under the shelter of the cornerstone platform.

The environment in the lower realm seems harsh, but with the protection of the cornerstone platform, the crises encountered are actually near-miss.

But in the real spirit world, it is equivalent to being exposed to wind, frost, rain and snow. No matter how strong the cornerstone platform is, it cannot block the open and dark arrows from all directions.

Only by relying on yourself can you thrive.

Annihilating the deep sea clan is a key step in the growth process.

The current deep sea shape has completely changed. If the monks of the Sea Clan see the panorama, they will inevitably cry involuntarily.

Not only has the ocean area shrunk crazily, but giant dams have appeared to block the flow of seawater.

The prototype foundations of these dams are actually the large and small mountains in the sea, which were originally hidden in the seabed thousands of meters deep, but are now exposed to the sun.

The Sea Clan tried their best to build these giant dams in an attempt to delay the coming of the doomsday disaster.

At the beginning, this operation was really effective, and it really blocked the flow of sea water.

As time goes by, high gorge and flat lakes have formed in many places, and the four sides are blocked by dams, and the water level in the central area has dropped.

But neither the Sea Clan nor Tang Zhen wanted to see this kind of scene happen, because when the seawater dried up before, the teleportation vortex had changed and expanded uncontrollably.

If a similar scene repeats itself and the teleportation vortex occupies the entire central sea area, the consequences will be unimaginable.

No one can guarantee that the expanded teleportation vortex will not go out of control, and can it swallow the entire lower realm together?
When that time really comes, Lou Cheng will also be implicated and can only be forced to flee.

I have to mention here that although Tang Zhen has the ability to release the vortex, he can also put it away, but that is only under normal circumstances.

If the teleportation vortex gets out of control, he has no way to put it away.

To put it bluntly, this kind of teleportation vortex is a mutated version of a small black hole. Once it gets out of control and expands wildly, it will become a truly terrifying black hole.

It's okay not to know, Tang Zhen, who knew the truth, was also terrified when using it.

What Tang Zhen was worried about, the Hai Clan was actually more worried about, but they had no choice but to bite the bullet and take the risk.

If the plan is successful, it would be great, but if the plan fails, the Sea Clan can only consider themselves unlucky.

So far, they have exhausted all means, but they still cannot restore the crisis.

The opponent was really too powerful, leaving the Sea Tribe unable to fight back. Many sea monsters had given up their struggle.

Regarding the dying struggle of the Hai Clan, Tang Zhen could not sit idly by, so he sent monks from Loucheng to destroy the embankment

The transport airship carrying ammunition specially selects those weak links and bombs and destroys them mercilessly.

Once the dykes transformed by the submarine mountains are blown up and disintegrated, they will bleed thousands of miles in an instant.

When the turbulent sea water flows, there is no way to block it, unless a sea monster of the level of an infant appears in person.

The infant-level sea monster is as big as a mountain and is indeed capable of sealing the gap in the collapsed dam.

The problem is that Lou Cheng has issued an order to kill the Huayinghai Clan on sight, and will also give generous rewards.

Today's Loucheng residents are all staring at the strong Sea Clan. As long as they successfully hunt and kill them, they can make a fortune overnight.

Under such special circumstances, for the strong Sea Clan to show up on their own initiative, they are simply seeking their own death.

Moreover, bombing and destruction of buildings can be carried out continuously. After bombing the east, bombing the west, there is no warning at all.

Even if the Sea Clan tried their best, they couldn't seal the gap. After a period of struggle, they finally had no choice but to give up.

The turbid sea water was rushing endlessly, and the sea clan's second defense plan failed completely.

The desperate sea clan powerhouses have nothing to do now, they can only wait helplessly for death to come.

But he didn't expect that at this moment, on a certain submarine island in the East China Sea, a teleportation array that had been dusty for many years suddenly started.

Along with the surging sea, a figure slowly appeared.

Sensing the environment of the lower world, this figure secretly frowned, and then his divine thoughts spread.

"I, Ao Hai, come from the Sea Emperor Palace in the True Spirit Realm, and I am here specifically to save you today!"

(End of this chapter)

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