I have a city in another world

Chapter 4603 Sea Emperor Palace

Chapter 4603 Sea Emperor Palace

The base camp of the Sifang Sea Clan is now gloomy and filled with sorrow.

The seawater lost its self-cleaning function and became smelly, and the living environment was extremely bad.

The lower-level sea clans are terrified, and so are the high-level sea clans. The vast ocean controlled by them has now become a soup pot on the fire.

When the pot is boiled, it is the day of death.

Practitioners of the Sea Clan like the abundance and swell of the sea the most, so that they can swim in the boundless ocean.

Wherever the sea is covered, it is the domain of the Sea Clan, and they are the only rulers.

But since the accident happened, the boundless sea water has receded crazily, and the space for activities has become more and more narrow.

The practitioner of Haizhu seemed to be strangled by the neck, and felt more and more difficult to breathe.

They also struggled desperately to try to change the tragic fate of the Hai clan, but to no avail.

The disaster for the Hai Clan is imminent and cannot be reversed.

Ordinarily, at such a time, there must be that violent Hai Clan clamoring to fight Loucheng to the death.

But until now, similar sounds have not appeared, and all the senior leaders of the Sea Tribe in all directions are extremely silent.

Their bloody courage has long been completely broken up by Lou Cheng, and those impulsive guys without heads have now been made into sausages.

Even though he knew that he was going to die, he still took the initiative to die. The senior officials of the Sea Tribe were definitely not that stupid.

They choose to endure, trying to wait for the chance of life in a desperate situation, although the chances are extremely slim.

I really didn't expect that the opportunity would really come.

The envoy from the Sea Emperor Palace broke through the boundary and arrived at the critical moment, summoning them to a meeting to discuss!
Using seawater as a medium to spread news across the world is an extraordinary means in itself.

Hearing the voice from the soul, the high-ranking members of the Hai Clan were stunned for a moment, and then burst into boundless ecstasy.

They suddenly realized what it means to survive a desperate situation!

In fact, they are no strangers to the Palace of the Sea Emperor in the true spirit world. It is the sacred place in the hearts of all the sea people in the lower realm.

If you can join, you can throw away the stigma of bastards.

There is even a legend that all the Kraken races in the lower world are actually the legacy of a certain strong man from the Sea Emperor Palace.

It is said that the powerful monk had a very lustful nature. After accidentally entering the lower world, he befriended countless sea people.

After a romantic affair, he left countless descendants of mixed blood, and one day he returned to the true spirit world.

That's why it is said that the Krakens of the lower realm are true brothers and sisters who have half fathers and mothers.

Whether the legend is true or not, no one can judge, and the senior officials of the Sea Clan are ashamed to mention it.

But at this moment, the high-ranking members of the Hai Clan who heard the news suddenly had a feeling of being able to see their loved ones.

It's like a child who was bullied found his parents as a supporter, and his heart was immediately filled with confidence.

There was no hesitation at the moment, and immediately went to meet at the designated place according to the request of the other party.

Although they haven't met yet, they don't doubt the identity of the messenger, because some things cannot be faked at all.

This is an extremely secretive operation, so it is natural to avoid Lou Cheng's detection. Although the Hai Clan is in such a state of desperation now, they can still gather secretly if they want.

In other words, as long as there is water, the Sea Clan can display their might.

The journey was careful and careful, and finally the destination was successfully reached, and strong men from other sea areas also arrived one after another.

The envoy from the Sea Emperor Palace from the True Spirit Realm has been waiting for a long time and continues to receive visits from the practitioners of the Sea Clan.

Although the attitude was a little cold and arrogant, it was not particularly harsh, which made a group of monks from the sea clan breathe a sigh of relief.

They were afraid that the envoy from the upper realm would be arrogant and unreasonable, and he would be too harsh on the sea people in the lower realm.

In order to be able to survive and save their lives, the monks of the Sea Clan could only hold back their anger.

When all the Sea Clan monks arrived, the envoy from the Sea Emperor Palace stood up and directly explained the purpose of his visit.

"According to the analysis of the Sea Emperor Palace, this catastrophe is doomed to be impossible to resolve, if we don't provide assistance, the sea clan in the lower realm will definitely die.

Counting on you to save yourself is tantamount to idiotic dreams. "

The monks of the Hai Clan were silent, and they also agreed with this.

If there was a [-]% chance of winning, they would all take a risk, but now they have no certainty of winning.

While secretly ashamed, the envoy of Haihuangdian said: "Haihuangdian also understands the news about the lower realm, and knows that the fault is not on your shoulders.

The enemies you encounter this time are definitely beyond your ability to fight against, and failure is natural. "

Such a simple reassurance almost brought tears to the eyes of the senior Hai Clan executives, and a word of understanding and consolation at a time of desperation is enough to make people feel deeply.

"Dare to ask the envoy, what is the origin of that building city?"

A monk of the Sea Clan who turned into an infant asked the envoy of the Sea Emperor Palace, with a hint of resentment and embarrassment in his tone.

The other sea tribe monks pricked up their ears at the same time and were also extremely interested in this issue.

The war has progressed to this point, but they still don't know the origin of Loucheng, which makes the Hai Clan monks feel very aggrieved.

Even if he wants revenge in the future, he doesn't know who is the culprit.

But they also know very well that revenge is just a thought, and when they become stronger, Lou Cheng will only become unattainable.

The most important thing now is to save your own life, and you must not move those useless thoughts.

So as not to be affected, and eventually lose your life.

Hearing the question from the Hai Clan monk, the upper realm monk from the Sea Emperor Palace suddenly let out a cold snort.

Looking at the cultivators of the Hai Clan, their eyes became cold.

"I advise you to be honest and not do things that are beyond your ability, let alone expect the Sea Emperor Palace to help you and wipe your ass away from your stupid behavior.

If anyone thinks of launching an attack on Loucheng at this moment, he will be responsible for all the consequences. "

Upon hearing the rebuke from the messenger from the upper realm, the monks showed a trace of shame and annoyance, but it turned into helpless sighs in an instant.

The truth hurts people the most, but it just states the facts. If it were anyone else, they would be angry and angry. If they don't like it, they don't have to listen at all.

It was the messenger from the upper realm who reprimanded him, but he could only endure it silently, feeling awkward and like being slapped in the face in public.

"The envoy is right. We are overestimated. We will never dare to speak nonsense in the future."

A strong infant transformer from the Sea Clan stood up and was the leader of the alliance. He quickly took the initiative to apologize, fearing that he would offend the envoys from the Sea Emperor Palace.

Once the opponent gets angry and abandons the rescue of the lower realm, the consequences will be unimaginable.

For the senior members of the Hai Clan, this is the only hope in a desperate situation, and it cannot be missed no matter what.

"That's right, at this time, how come there are still people who don't know their own abilities?"

"Listen to the envoy's arrangements, and there will definitely be nothing wrong."

"If anyone talks nonsense again, the old man will definitely make him pay the price."

But in the blink of an eye, a group of strong people from the sea tribe who thought highly of themselves turned into flattering licking dogs.

He just wagged his tail to please the envoy of Haihuang Palace.

The sea clan monk who asked the question even shrank his head, as if he had made a huge mistake.

Today's Sea Clan monks really don't have any dignity to speak of. They were beaten by Lou Cheng to the point of losing their helmets and armor, hiding in the depths of the sea and not daring to show their heads.

It's just that before that, they had tacitly maintained their dignity, but now they were exposed mercilessly.

After losing the fig leaf, the monks of the Sea Clan became calmer and could flatter horses without any scruples.

Seeing the performance of the Sea Clan monks, the envoy from the Sea Emperor Palace nodded slightly. This was the effect he wanted.

Rescue is not the real purpose, the main task of his trip is to subdue a group of obedient servants.

If a group of unruly people did not obey the discipline's command, he would definitely not take them back.

(End of this chapter)

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