I have a city in another world

Chapter 4604 Abnormal Situation

Chapter 4604 Abnormal Situation
There are punishments and rewards, there are restraints and promotions, and this is the way to rule.

The previous warnings have successfully deterred people's hearts, making a group of Sea Clan practitioners dare not make mistakes.

The next thing to do is to win over and encourage them so that they can taste the benefits.

When you get benefits, motivation will arise spontaneously.

Looking at the monks of the Hai Clan, the envoy of the Haihuang Palace said: "I understand your feelings, and I also know that you are angry and want to make Loucheng pay the price.

Regarding what happened to you, the Sea Emperor Palace did not ignore it, it just didn't come at the right time.

You may know the reason.

Just because there are many iron-clad rules in the world below, it is extremely disadvantageous for practitioners in the upper world.

Lou Cheng can control the rules, and he is like a fish in water in this lower world. His words and deeds are really abominable.

At this time, if you fight against it, it is equivalent to hitting a stone with a pebble, which is quite stupid.

The Sea Emperor Palace is not afraid of losses, the key is that you are involved in it, aren't you afraid of the entire army being wiped out? "

When the envoy said this, he raised his eyes and looked around, and saw the monks of the Sea Clan nodding in agreement at the same time.

In this regard, they have a deep understanding.

Obviously they are all at the same level, and the Hai Clan still has the advantage because of their talents, but when facing the monks of Loucheng, they are always overwhelmed.

Various methods emerged one after another, even if the Sea Clan tried their best, they could not reverse the disadvantage.

The sea tribe monks were extremely aggrieved. Faced with one-sided bullying and suppression, they had no choice but to hide under the sea and not show up.

Although you can't beat it, you can hide it.


When the Hai Clan envoy said this, his tone suddenly changed, revealing a trace of cold killing intent.

"You don't need to worry, as long as you wait quietly for a few years, the time for revenge will come.

No matter Lou Cheng is in the lower realm or enters the true spirit realm, he will eventually be destroyed! "

The Haihuangdian envoy's tone was firm, and he obviously had a plan in mind, and it was definitely not a perfunctory talk.

"Seriously, it couldn't be better!"

A group of monks from the Sea Clan immediately beamed with joy when they heard the news. This was the best news they had heard so far.

Haihuangdian is no different than other places, it can be regarded as a promise. Since the promise is made in public, it means that something will happen.

The monks of the Sea Clan scratched their hearts like a hundred claws, full of excitement and curiosity, eager to know more news.

But they have learned to be good, don't ask what they should not ask, so as not to cause trouble for themselves.

Seeing that the monks were in high spirits, the envoy from the Sea Emperor Palace struck while the iron was hot and informed them of what was to be done next.

It turns out that the purpose of sending envoys from the Sea Emperor Palace is to set up a teleportation formation to send the practitioners of the Sea Clan to the Real Spirit Realm.

Under normal circumstances, it would take several years for a space crack that could lead to the real spirit world to appear.

Otherwise, the practitioners who descended to the lower realm would have already escaped and returned, and would not be able to continue to suffer from Lou Cheng's cowardice.

They would all be taken away, including the water spirit beads, and Tang Zhen had no chance of getting them.

Tang Zhen is lucky, God is helping him.

However, the Sea Emperor Palace has secret techniques that can use special teleportation arrays to forcibly teleport practitioners to the true spirit world.

This is expensive and consumes a lot of resources.

But even so, Haihuangdian still took action, which shows that there must be something up his sleeve.

The monks of the Hai clan knew it well, but they were willing to accept this kind of deal.

They will definitely not naively think that the Sea Emperor Palace is here to save their own people. They need to know that in the eyes of the upper sea people, the lower sea people are just a group of illegitimate bastards and are not worthy of being compared with the upper sea people.

Both parties have a tacit understanding and will never say too much, so as not to affect the subsequent cooperation.

Under the auspices of the messenger from the upper realm, a secret project began. During the operation, it was kept strictly confidential and must not be known to the Loucheng monks.

Once Lou Cheng takes action to disrupt the Hai Clan's evacuation plan, it is very likely that his busy work will be in vain in the end.

The envoy of the Sea Emperor Palace places special emphasis on confidentiality. Although he does not express too much in words, his actions reflect his fear of Lou Cheng.

Seeing this, the cultivators of the Hai Clan became more and more curious about Loucheng. They couldn't figure out why such a behemoth, the Sea Emperor Palace, would be so cautious about a practice organization in the lower realm?

The Hai Clan monks didn't know, and Tang Zhen actually didn't know either.

Because the date of the decisive battle is approaching, Tang Zhen has been paying close attention to the Hai Clan, for fear that these guys are dying, and they will suddenly break out and fight Lou Cheng desperately.

According to previous deduction, such a situation is very likely to happen.

As the saying goes, a trapped beast still fights. The Sea Clan is far more ferocious than a trapped beast. If they choose to fight tooth and nail, they are likely to cause serious losses to Loucheng.

Therefore, Tang Zhen issued an order that the monks of Loucheng should prepare for battle and deal with the sudden attack of the Hai Clan at any time.

If this battle breaks out, it will become the final battle between the two sides, completely determining the ownership of the lower realm.

Although it was already a certainty that Loucheng would control the lower realm, he hadn't really reached that point after all. There was still a place in the lower realm that Tang Zhen couldn't touch.

As time passed, Lou Cheng's actions went smoothly, but the Hai Clan's reaction was a little abnormal.

The struggle and confrontation that was supposed to escalate did not unfold as expected, and the Sea Clan's performance was a bit too quiet.

Although some battles broke out, the participants were all low-level sea people, and no high-level sea people were seen at all.

For Tang Zhen, the low-level Sea Clan is just useless cannon fodder and will not affect the final victory or defeat at all.

The high-level monks of the Sea Clan are the key to determining victory or defeat.

Although before this, the high-ranking members of the Hai Clan had deliberately avoided the battle, but Tang Zhen still felt that something was wrong.

In the early stage, they could avoid the battle because there was still room for buffering, but now that the fire is imminent, they shouldn't be so negative.

Tang Zhen had a feeling that the Hai Clan might be doing something secretly.

As for what he was doing, Tang Zhen didn't know, and Loucheng's intelligence system didn't have any corresponding information.

Although Lou Cheng now controls the land and sky, the sea is still the territory of the Hai Clan.

Especially in the recent period, the Sea Clan has intensified their search efforts, and the detection equipment deployed by Loucheng has been continuously damaged.

Especially in the core area, there are sentries at every step, and every water tribe member is an eye.

The various investigative operations in Loucheng could not be carried out effectively at all, resulting in the situation in some areas always being blank.

This is a real war, and most of the time it can only be deduced, and the bet is luck and resourcefulness.

After discovering something was wrong, Tang Zhen would definitely not sit idly by, so he ordered the monks in Loucheng to take action.

Start investigating key areas and, if possible, try to figure out the movements of the Sea Clan.

This is not a mandatory task, it doesn't matter if you can do better or not.

Tang Zhen would not sacrifice his own people to investigate some unimportant news, so as not to affect the morale of the residents of Loucheng.

The Loucheng monk who accepted the task was full of fighting spirit and went straight to the marked important area.

After arriving at the destination, a special bomb was dropped from the air and fell directly into the sea water.

At the same time, countless sea tribes gathered, moving as fast as lightning.

Under normal circumstances, the first reaction of the Sea Clan is to run away, and it is absolutely impossible to swarm.

Because such behavior is tantamount to seeking death.

From this, it can be judged that these low-level sea people are very abnormal, and there is a great possibility that they are being manipulated by the collective.

The density of aquatic organisms in this area is unbelievably high, and the moment the bomb fell into the water, it attached itself to it.

Fish, shrimps, shellfish, and various types of aquatic creatures are all attached to the bomb.

The adsorption process was extremely fast, but in an instant, the bomb turned into a giant ball.

Aquatic creatures worked together to try to lift the bomb and keep it suspended above the water.

Some special aquatic creatures took the opportunity to get close to the shell of the bomb, trying to launch a destructive attack.

This kind of operation is like flowing water, obviously practiced many times.

There is no need to say much about the bitterness behind it.

But even so, it still failed to affect the operation of the bomb. With a loud bang, countless sea people were smashed to pieces.

More bombs were dropped immediately...

(End of this chapter)

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