I have a city in another world

Chapter 4620 Game Planet

Chapter 4620 Game Planet
The underground space has not been cleaned up, and there is no news of the civil orb. Tang Zhen should have a very leisurely life in the future.

In fact, there are still many things, but the residents of Loucheng can handle them, and there is no need for Tang Zhen, the city lord, to participate in the whole process.

They are growing and becoming stronger and stronger, and Tang Zhen is getting more and more relaxed.

As time goes by, Loucheng continues to grow and grow, and the residents of Loucheng will eventually bear everything.

Tang Zhen was so happy that he wished he could relax as soon as possible and become a truly happy and carefree city lord.

As the transaction was completed, the planet server took possession of another ball of orange light.

The light ball is not the product itself, but a means of sealing, Tang Zhen has long been used to it.

As the seal was opened, another ball appeared in front of him.

Tang Zhen was a little surprised by the ball-in-ball operation, but he soon discovered that the ball in front of him was not simple.

The colorful colors on it, as well as the undulating low-lying mountains and rivers, all prove that this is a planetary model.

The main reason is that the jungle environment is complex, there is no need to shoot the arrows too far, and the main damage depends on poison, coupled with limited materials, this makes the bows and arrows of the natives so wonderful.

But the real essence was not learned at all.

Once shot in the body, there is basically no chance of survival.

The corpse was swollen and curled up as if roasted, and seemed to have suffered great pain.

To wield such crude weapons against the enemies of civilized society must pay a terrible price.

The natives hid in the bushes, constantly throwing bows and arrows, and whining sounded from their mouths.

As a result, Tang Zhen was so fast that he avoided the bullet, and the bow and arrow in his hand were thrown out at the same time.

There was even an automatic rifle that fired at the native savages so fiercely that no one dared to show their heads.

Even when shooting, he showed a cruel smile, wanting to see Tang Zhen being shot through.

Tang Zhen sensed carefully and confirmed that there is spiritual energy in this world, but it is relatively thin.

The aborigines who have lived here for generations believe that all this belongs to them, and they resolutely do not allow outsiders to destroy and snatch it.

The natives use it as a weapon, and everyone does it. In fact, there is a reason.

With a diameter of five meters, it slowly rotates away from the ground, and it is also very spectacular to see.

After killing two enemies in a row, Tang Zhen got some bonus points, which could help him acquire combat skills.

Tang Zhen looked at himself again. At this moment, he had turned into a native youth, with a piece of sackcloth wrapped around his crotch, and a wooden bow and arrow in his hand.

The lumberjacks on the opposite side obviously knew the power of bows and arrows, and they were all hiding behind the big trees and shooting.

There were even some children, whose heads were pierced by bullets, lying motionless on the rocky beach by the river.

A forest appeared in front of my eyes, as well as animals shrunk down like ants, and indigenous savages dressed up like matchsticks.


Little did he know that at this moment, he had been locked in the same way.

The natives wailed loudly and hid behind the big trees one after another.

How could the other natives miss such a good target and shoot at him one after another.

The bearded man opened his mouth, let out a wail, and stretched out his hand to pull out the bamboo arrow.

Obviously, these natives had heard similar spells before and learned to shout them during battle.

At this moment, they were fighting by a small river in the jungle, and their opponents were a group of lumberjacks with shotguns.

At this moment, an option suddenly popped up in front of Tang Zhen's eyes. Do you want to participate?

It drew an arc, flew over the river, and plunged directly into the bearded eye socket.

The lumberjacks on the opposite side became angry because of this, raised their guns and started shooting continuously.

Tang Zhen is not a judge, and he is not in the mood to administer justice, let alone this is a game.

The lumberjack who was shot with a bow and arrow by the indigenous savages was full of feathered arrows, no matter the head, face, neck, chest or abdomen, there were straight and short arrow shafts everywhere.

There are timber companies on one side and forest natives on the other, and the different camps have their own advantages.

The corpses of the native savages did not look so miserable, but the number of casualties was obviously higher.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and he fell limply to the ground.

It's just that his chain saw has been replaced by a shotgun, and he is looking for the target through the scope.

Of course, there is a great possibility that this game will affect reality, but it still won't affect Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen twisted his body slightly, hid behind a big tree, and at the same time put the feather arrow on the wooden bow.

But in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen bamboo arrows were inserted into the bearded man's stomach and chest.

Sure enough, as soon as the idea was born, a gunshot was heard, and the native standing diagonally opposite him was hit in the body, and the dark skin around his waist was directly torn.

It seems like a game-like behavior, but it represents a fatal murderous intention. The bows and arrows that are constantly shot are covered with the poison of plants and animals.

After struggling for a few moments, he began to violently convulse, and after a while there was no movement.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen frowned slightly and looked across the river.

I saw a white-skinned bearded man holding a double-barreled shotgun in his hand, aiming and looking around.

It was a battle of interests, with timber companies wanting to harvest more timber and obtaining permits from local regulators.

Checking the attributes of the two camps, Tang Zhen chose the native savages, and then chose to join the game.

On both sides of a river lay the bodies of the casualties.

There is a machete on his waist, the blade is not particularly sharp, it should be polished with iron sheet.


The conflict between the two parties broke out from this, and both wanted to kill the other party to protect their own interests.

In fact, it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong in things like this. In short, each has its own reasons.

Seeing this scene, the natives continued to cheer.

Tang Zhen chose to participate, and then another option popped up, allowing him to choose the camp to join.

The blood from the corpse spread along the clear river, even attracting some blood-sucking aquatic creatures.

The hot breath came, and the surroundings were filled with gunshots and roars, as well as the strange voices of the forest natives, who were cursing the enemy in simple and rapid language.

At this moment, Tang Zhen detoured to another location, bent his bow and set his arrows at a lumberjack.

When Tang Zhen looked at him, the bearded man happened to look over, and his eyes immediately showed surprise and cruelty.

The thin and small wooden bow is too weak, and the range is also pitifully short.

The moment he showed his head, the bearded man also shot, obviously he had been waiting.

The content of the curse is correct, but it is a pity that it does not cooperate with the corresponding spell, so the spell cannot work at all.

The lumberjack who was shot collapsed directly under the big tree without even making a sound.

In the next second, his consciousness left his body and directly plunged into the interior of the planet.

The wriggling organs and blood fell, and the native fell to the ground and wailed loudly, desperately trying to cover the wound.

A list of skills appeared in front of Tang Zhen, which could be upgraded by spending points. Different skills had different effects.

Tang Zhen opened the wooden bow and felt the strength. He had a clue in his heart and suddenly rushed out from behind the tree.

Curious, Tang Zhen stretched out his finger and tapped it lightly, and the touched area rapidly enlarged.

Tang Zhen loosened his fingers lightly, and the feather arrow crossed the river bank and shot into the back of the opponent's head.

As soon as he grabbed the arrow tail, his body stiffened slightly and started to tremble continuously.

Aim the gun at Tang Zhen and pull the trigger.

The bearded man fell to the ground without convulsions or struggles at all, and turned into a corpse at an extremely fast speed.

Hunting stealth, witchcraft and poison, there are two major branches.

Tang Zhen chose the hunting skill and successfully lit it up, and a small tattoo appeared on his arm.

Tang Zhen could perceive that this rune-like totem actually had the same effect as a magic talisman.

It can slowly absorb aura, release it when needed, and then reabsorb and accumulate.

Such an interesting gameplay made Tang Zhen's eyes shine, and he became more and more eager to hunt and kill enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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