I have a city in another world

Chapter 4621 Jin Ke Mu, the war between loggers and natives!

Chapter 4621 Jin Ke Mu, the war between loggers and natives!
In the warm rainforest, the battle continues.

The constantly flowing turbid river blocked the footsteps of both sides in the battle. It wasn't that they couldn't cross the river, but that no one could bear the price of charging.

On the battlefield at this moment, whoever dares to take the initiative to cross the river will inevitably be attacked by concentrated fire.

Regardless of whether bullets or arrows fall on flesh and blood, they will easily kill people.

Pairs of sharp eyes were secretly scanning each other, with murderous intent in their eyes.

Of course, you can also stay away from the battlefield and choose to attack the enemy in a roundabout way, but no one does it at all.

Lumberjacks are not professional soldiers. They can take up weapons for the sake of profit and shoot natives who are like wild animals in their eyes, but they are very conservative in their actions and dare not boldly implement various tactics.

If the roundabout attack fails and the natives find out and attack frantically, they will definitely lose their lives.

This is a professional limitation. Not everyone who picks up a trowel can build a flat wall.

The same is true for the forest natives. On the surface, they look fearless, but in fact they also feel fear.


But he didn't want the young man next to him to turn his head to look at him, and immediately screamed out of fright.

He played the role of a strong young native who would revolutionize the war.

At this moment, the lumberjack became more and more panicked, because the natives actually used guns and weapons.

It won't be long before reinforcements arrive.

A dark green shadow, like a chameleon, suddenly appeared behind his companion.

Tang Zhen at this moment was a great threat to them and he had to be killed immediately.

The enemy didn't notice, Tang Zhen had already moved to his side, and the bamboo arrow in his hand was thrust towards the temple.

From Tang Zhen's angle, he could see a group of gun-wielding lumberjacks shooting from the bunker behind the trees.

From time to time he would pull the trigger and let out an excited howl, with a hint of madness in his voice.

"I just received a notification that the company's reinforcements will arrive soon. None of these stinking savages can survive!"

The river was not very deep, Tang Zhen quickly swam over and hid in the bushes by the river.

Not far from him, a young man was lying on his stomach, using a shotgun with a scope.

"Be careful, this damn savage can use a gun!"

Just as he was about to turn his gun and shoot, Tang Zhen drew out the machete from his waist and slammed it at him.

Listening intently for a few breaths, Tang Zhen lowered his body and walked slowly among the trees.

They relied on their superiority in weapons to dare to fight and confront the natives, and they knew better that as long as they remained calm, they would surely become the ultimate victors.

Once anomalies are discovered, they will inevitably attack collectively.

Both sides have their own scruples, and the battle is also at a stalemate.

The two enemies were the closest, and they were Tang Zhen's preferred hunting targets. During the counterattack, he could dodge and evacuate calmly.

Unlike monk fighting, this kind of life-and-death fight in the jungle is more likely to make people feel excited.

But as soon as the words fell, he widened his eyes and looked at his companion not far away in horror.

The oil paint on the face, combined with the cold face, looks like a ghost in the eyes of the lumberjack.

The harvest of each hunt also gave Tang Zhen a sense of accomplishment and wanted to unlock more skills.

But in the chaotic jungle, it is definitely not an easy task to accurately find and shoot the target.

Tang Zhen hid behind the big tree, grabbed the strong man's shotgun, and took out the bullets from his pocket.

A feeling called fear slowly rose in their hearts, making them eager to escape.

Those are professional soldiers, mercenaries who work for money, and they kill people without blinking an eye.

They didn't just stare at the other side of the river, they also paid attention to the movements on both sides to prevent them from being attacked by the natives.

The moment he attacked, the chameleon-like camouflage disappeared at any time, revealing the face of a forest savage.

The tattoo on his arm flashed slightly, Tang Zhen walked forward, his feet landed without any sound, as if being blocked by something to absorb.

While Tang Zhen climbed up the tree, several lumberjacks came around, trying to surround him and shoot him.

The death of those companions did not frighten them, on the contrary, they became more and more excited.

Tang Zhen scanned the surroundings and quickly locked onto a target, a strong white man wearing a vest.

Half of his head exploded, his body instantly stiffened, and he fell to the ground without saying a word.

It is impossible for the two sides in the battle to know that a special player from outside the world has quietly joined the battle.

He let out a scream, turned around and ran away without hesitation, not having the guts to attack at all.

Taking advantage of the cover of trees and jungle, Tang Zhen quickly shuttled by the river, and soon came to a place far away from the battlefield.

After hunting two targets in a row and activating a hunting skill, Tang Zhen became more and more excited.

"Idiot, don't panic, let alone run around, just stay where you are!"

After confirming that there was no problem, Tang Zhen activated the lighting skill.

He held a shotgun, stood by the tree and pointed his head to shoot, and he would curse after firing a shot.

Those fire-breathing weapons are more terrifying than bows and arrows, and many natives are deeply afraid.

This is too unreasonable, too unexpected.

In the past days, many natives who prevented the company from making a fortune were erased from this world by them.

But he didn't want to hear a gunshot as soon as he approached, and the lumberjack near the left was directly hit in the head.

A lumberjack shouted loudly, reminding his companions to be extra careful, while trying to retreat backwards.

The strong man holding a shotgun suddenly froze, and there was a "cuckoo" sound from his throat.

But just after running a few steps, he heard a gunshot, and the back of his heart was beaten bloody by the shotgun.

The lumberjacks next to him also spotted Tang Zhen at this moment, and they all cursed and raised their guns and shot at him.

Hearing the comfort from the foreman, the lumberjack quickly calmed down.

The river brought a sense of security to the natives, allowing them to dare to stand by the river to block intruders, but they dare not cross the river to hunt and kill.

Bullets flew around, hitting the bark of the tree, and many branches were broken.

But when the natives can also use guns and shoot accurately, the sense of superiority brought by the equipment disappears instantly.

Tang Zhen raised his knee to block the strong man's stomach, preventing him from falling to the ground and making a sound.

The gunshots were getting closer and closer, and soon came to the edge of the battlefield.

If you want to continue fighting, you must obtain new weapon supplies, and firearms are the first choice.

He held a bamboo arrow in his hand and pierced the back of his companion's head, with the arrowhead leaking out of his mouth.

His eyes widened and he fell forward suddenly.

They knew all too well what a miserable scene it would be to be sprayed by this weapon.

This game is great and really addictive.

He counted the weapons in his hand and found that there were only three bamboo arrows left, but there was still a large group of enemies.

When the other two enemies saw this, they quickly raised their guns and fired, and at the same time they hurriedly found cover.

Throwing the wooden bow aside, Tang Zhen checked the firearm and fired two more bullets.

The foreman in charge of command yelled viciously, with a hideous expression on his face.

With a bang, the rusty machete stuck on the rotten log, and cut half of the young man's neck by the way.

"This is the devil!"

Skill - Silently.

Looking at the thick trunk of the tree, Tang Zhen jumped and quickly climbed to a height of five meters.

There is a fork here, which provides a foothold and blocks attacks from lumberjacks.

Blood gushed out from the wound, and the young man struggled to cover it with his hands, rolling and kicking on the ground in despair.

Tang Zhen knew this, so he would naturally make good use of the surrounding environment.

They are not ordinary workers, they often act as butchers and have killed many wildlings in the forest.

No one cares about such cruel behavior. No one cares about the life and death of the natives. There are even many civilized people who regard them as wild beasts.

Under the control of the consortium, it is difficult for opposition voices to emerge, and it has not been mainstream.

Occasionally encounter resistance from the natives, but as long as the mercenaries take action, any trouble can be easily resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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