I have a city in another world

Chapter 4640 Weird Robber

Chapter 4640 Weird Robber
The obstacle that appeared in the middle of the road made the truck driver suddenly startled, and hurriedly stopped to check the situation.

In fact, he already had a bad premonition in his heart, and he was still holding a short shotgun in his hand.

A driver like him, who travels outside all year round, will prepare some tools to prevent accidents.

The truck driver holding the gun was highly nervous at the moment.

In the remote wilderness, the road was suddenly blocked by a broken tree, which was obviously abnormal.

Experienced drivers will inevitably become alert because of this.

But on a road like this, it is very difficult to turn around, and the driver has a little luck.

If it is really an accident, just find a way to pass, there is really no need to turn around and leave.

Unexpectedly, just as he got out of the car, a stone flew beside him.

The stone was fast and accurate, and it hit his wrist directly, and the hand holding the gun suddenly let go of the pain.

The weapon was unsteady and fell directly to the ground.

"who is it?"

The driver was taken aback, and subconsciously reached out to pick up the gun, then returned to his car and turned around to flee.

If you have time, call the police.

But at this moment, figures flashed by the side of the road, and countless figures rushed out.

Under the illumination of the headlights, it can be seen that most of them are thin and small, but their speed is extremely agile.

Those weird ghostly faces painted with colors also appeared in the eyes of the driver.

"Wild man!"

The driver was also experienced. The moment he saw these figures, he immediately recognized their origins.

But it was also because of this that he was inexplicably terrified and couldn't figure out what happened.

These ferocious savages will hide in the deep mountains and old forests, and rarely appear in the civilized world outside.

The last time he saw a living savage, it was in a park, where a family of savages was raised in a circus. There were six of them, old and young.

Locked in a cage and wearing a straw skirt, the audience can pay for a ticket to visit.

Out of curiosity, the driver bought a smoked chicken leg to tease the savage child in the cage.

In the eyes of the driver at the time, this group of savages raised by the circus were really no different from wild animals.

Although they look similar to humans, according to newspapers and media, savages cannot be considered humans at all.

The driver also agreed with this statement in his heart.

Surrounded by a group of savages now, the driver felt extremely frightened, as if surrounded by a group of terrible beasts.

"Don't come here, what do you want to do!"

The driver roared, trying to scare the savage away, but he didn't notice that his crotch was wet and exuded a foul smell.

I have been holding back my urine for a long time, but I didn't expect it to leak out at this moment.

"You coward, you peed on your pants."

The first barbarian player to rush over curled his lips with disdain, feeling depressed that he had lost a new pair of pants.

Without this trophy, for the next period of time, he will still have to wear a grass skirt to hang out.

It was shaking and shaking when I ran, which was really uncomfortable.

The savage hooked lightly with his foot, and the short shotgun on the ground fell into his hand, and only then did he show a slight smile.

Turning to look at the driver, there was a creepy smile on the face drawn with red and white paint.

"From now on, you can say whatever I ask, or I'll blow your head off with one shot!"

There was a babble, but the driver didn't understand a word.

"Don't waste time, the language is not understandable at all, and he can't understand what you say."

The savage player who followed closely shook his head and warned his accomplices not to waste their time.

"In that case, you should go to sleep first."

After making sure the driver didn't understand, the Savage player looked depressed, and slashed at the back of the driver's head with a knife.


The driver rolled his eyes and passed out directly to the ground.

Turning his head and looking to the side, he saw a group of savage players rushing into the car and began to inspect the delivered goods.

Someone else got into the cab and kept playing with it, and the lights kept flashing.

Players are not real savages, so controlling this type of truck can be said to be a piece of cake.

But in the blink of an eye, the truck was restarted and turned around smoothly.

Hide in a remote place so as not to affect the next action.

Perhaps it was because of the remote location that there were few passing vehicles. After waiting for nearly an hour, new vehicles came from a distance.

This is an off-road car, and there are several young people on it, who are actually drinking while driving.

Seeing that the road was being blocked, the young man who was driving stuck his head out and cursed angrily.

Before he finished speaking, his head was held against the muzzle of a gun.

The drunken young man broke out in a cold sweat immediately, and the evening wind that blew him awake instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that there were strange figures all around him, staring at him with cold eyes.


A young man behind, who was still drowsy at first, suddenly woke up at this moment.

Looking at the figures around him, he couldn't help but let out a pig cry.

Without a chance to struggle, they were torn off the car abruptly, and then fell heavily on the ground.

A group of savages in various costumes quickly approached and surrounded the men and women who smelled of alcohol.

Several men and women trembled in fright. They had already seen the true face of this group of highway robbers through the light.

Various legends about the savages made their scalps numb, and they were afraid of becoming the food of the other party's barbecue.

Many film and television programs, as well as adventure stories, have introduced terrible cannibals, and the content is extremely cruel and terrifying.

After waiting for a long time, the feared death did not come. They were just tied up hand and foot and thrown into the ditch beside the road at will.

There is also a fat man here, who has clearly woken up, but is still secretly pretending to be unconscious.

The inexplicable encounter made several young people puzzled, but the hanging heart gradually let go.

They also thought about running away, but there were wildling guards around them, and the guns in their hands made them fearful.

There were tigers, leopards and hungry wolves squatting beside the pit, their eyes glowing green, looking at the young people coldly.

Being stared at by a group of wild beasts at such a close distance made several people feel as if their hair was numb.

Fearing that these beasts would lose control, they would suddenly attack and tear themselves into pieces with their sharp teeth.

In their hearts, they also began to become more and more curious about this group of mysterious savages.

He can control wild animals freely, hold military firearms, and his words and deeds are completely different from what he imagined.

If their communication tools had not been confiscated, they would have secretly made phone calls or recorded the most exciting videos.

If it is released, it will definitely become a super hit.

In the following time, the sound of cars will be heard from time to time, and it won't be long before the unlucky guy is thrown into the pit.

These unlucky drivers did not suffer much harm, at most their coats were stripped off and their belongings were searched.

It was summer now, but there was a cool breeze in the forest. I took off my clothes and squatted in the pit, and it even felt inexplicably cool.

Unknowingly, the sky has brightened.

With the sound of a whistle, the beasts around the pit retreated one after another, and several heavily armed savages came over.

They waved their hands to signal the people in the pit to come up, and pointed to the barbecue on the fire next to them.

"Your breakfast, if you are hungry, you can eat a little."

The savage's tone was a little blunt, but everyone could understand it.

Looking at the delicious barbecue, someone swallowed secretly.

When they thought that the food came from savages, they felt a little scared, for fear that it would be poisoned.

The savage's gaze was like a torch, as if he could see through people's hearts, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Your car is temporarily borrowed, you can find a way to get it back in Maple City.

But my suggestion is that you go later, otherwise you may be involved in the war. "

The savage, wearing a camouflage combat uniform with a wolf fang necklace hanging around his neck, spoke with a cold and resolute tone.

After giving this warning, he turned and left with his rifle on his back.

A bunch of cars parked on the road started at this moment and sped towards the city ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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