I have a city in another world

Chapter 4641: Kill the barbarians who come to your door

Chapter 4641: Kill the barbarians who come to your door
The name Maple City came from the natural environment.

Around this city, there are stretches of maple trees, including white maple, red maple, and big-leaf purple maple, and there are more than 20 species in total.

Every autumn, Maple City becomes colorful. With the rolling hills and valleys, clear lakes and characteristic buildings, the scenery is intoxicating.

In this small mountain town, there is a huge site owned by a large multinational group that operates mining and timber businesses.

The scale of the group is quite large, and the company here in Maple City is just one of them, and it is just under development.

The high-quality wood in Maple Leaf City has attracted many high-end customers.

Unexpectedly, not long ago, a bad news reached the group headquarters. The engineering team in Maple City was attacked by wild men, and even the mercenaries suffered heavy losses.

If it hadn't been for timely action and reinforcements from nearby cities had been invited, the skull-crushing mercenary group that had signed a contract with the group might have been completely wiped out.

The sudden change shocked many people. They really couldn't believe that the ignorant and thin savage could be so fierce.

Although it is only a third-rate mercenary regiment, Skullbreaker's combat effectiveness is not weak, especially in dealing with savages, it can be regarded as rich experience.

Such a mercenary team was actually beaten to pieces, which is actually enough to explain the problem.

Not long after, the video records of the battlefield were leaked and spread rapidly in a short period of time.

Seeing those ferocious savages performing various strange methods, every viewer was shocked.

The abilities displayed by the savages are indeed unimaginable, and they have already touched the extraordinary realm.

The world's top powers have long known of the existence of extraordinary savages, and these savages appearing in the video are obviously the goals they have been looking for.

People who have a lot of wealth are obviously rich in the world, and can even control the rise and fall of the country, but they are helpless in the face of death.

The emergence of extraordinary power, let them see the dawn of hope.

They were greedy and envious of the extraordinary abilities of the savages, and tried every means to obtain them.

The extraordinary savages in the video made all the major forces excited and took action immediately.

They send elite employees to the locations where the extraordinary savages are found, and some organizations simply send private jets to transport mercenaries from other places.

The goal of all parties is very clear, to capture extraordinary savages as much as possible, and then send them to the laboratory as experimental products.

In a short period of time, Maple City, which was not very well-known originally, attracted the attention of various forces.

A manor on the edge of Maple City is the residence of the Skull Crusher Mercenary Corps, and the atmosphere is heavy and depressing.

The mercenary captain looked gloomy, looked at the information displayed on the screen, and finally sighed.

He originally wanted to conceal the news in order to gain more benefits, but he didn't want to know the relevant news as soon as he returned to the station.

Many contacted colleagues, as well as many powerful organizations, have called to ask for details.

They are not out of caring, but greedy and hungry wolves, wanting to share the fat prey.

Facing these behemoths, the mercenary captain was completely powerless to resist, so he could only silently swallow his anger.

Fortunately, the captured two extraordinary savages already had a suitable buyer, and the other party was rushing to receive the goods.

As long as he gets this sum of money, even if he quits now, he can definitely make a lot of money.

However, the head of the mercenary group at this time does not intend to quit easily, but is ready to make good use of this opportunity and find ways to obtain more benefits.

Knowing the value of extraordinary savages, and knowing more about the greed and urgency of those big organizations, one can imagine that Maple City will inevitably become extremely lively in the future.

As the landlord here, he must be able to get both ways and get enough benefits for himself.

Standing at the office window on the fourth floor, looking at the moving figures outside, those mercenaries who used to be in high spirits all looked downcast at the moment.

The previous battle had reduced the Skull Crusher Mercenary Corps by half, which was definitely a fatal blow.

Perhaps it won't be long before the Skull Crusher Mercenary Corps will become history, and the surviving mercenaries will go their separate ways.

Although I feel a little reluctant, compared to the huge benefits, the disbandment of the mercenary group is actually nothing at all.

If necessary, he can make a comeback and build a more powerful mercenary team.

There are also some mercenaries who are gathering together at this moment, obviously planning something secretly.

You don't need to guess, you obviously got the relevant information and knew the extraordinary value of the extraordinary savage.

Faced with huge temptation, these mercenaries will definitely be tempted and look for opportunities to act.

Perhaps there are some guys who have secretly colluded with outsiders, acting as collaborators and guides, and once again go deep into the jungle to find prey.

In the past, such things would not have happened, or they dared not let outsiders know.

But it's different now. The mercenary group has become inseparable. Maybe it won't be long before someone leaves without saying goodbye.

In the face of huge temptation, even brothers and friends are unreliable, let alone mercenaries gathered for profit.

The mercenary captain frowned, but soon relaxed again and showed a confident smile.

Despite unexpected changes, he still has enough capital to protect himself, and he can definitely retreat in the turbulent waves.

However, this confident smile didn't last too long, and it froze on the face of the mercenary captain.

He saw a convoy suddenly appearing on the street in the distance, rampaging through the streets of the city.

Those cars were filled with strangely dressed savages, holding various weapons and fiercely knocking open the door of the mercenary group's station.

Rapid gunshots rang out, the mercenaries at the door were knocked over, and then the savages were seen rushing into the manor.

They held the captured rifles, and the bullets seemed to have eyes, and they accurately killed the moving targets in their field of vision.

But in a short period of time, the square of the manor was littered with corpses.

In addition to the fierce savages, there are also some terrifying beasts that are biting and attacking everywhere.

Cursing and screams rang out one after another. Facing the sudden appearance of the savage troops, the mercenaries had no ability to resist at all.

Compared with the previous battle, there were obviously more wildlings this time, and they poured in continuously, and the number should be at least a thousand or more.

Half of the manpower was lost, leaving only more than 100 skull-crushing mercenaries, and they were completely crushed by the savage troops in terms of numbers.

"Damn it, where did so many savages come from!"

The head of the mercenary was extremely shocked when he saw the ferocious savages running around.

Originally, he thought that there were not many extraordinary savages, so he came up with the idea of ​​capturing them all.

During the previous battle, the number of savages was not so large, otherwise not only the skull-crushing mercenary group would not be able to escape, but the reinforcements who arrived later would also be unable to leave the jungle.

Maybe the previous judgment was wrong. The number of extraordinary savages is far more than expected.

Suddenly appearing in Maple City at this moment must be for revenge. With these more than 100 mercenaries who have lost their fighting spirit, it is impossible for them to be the opponents of the savages.

Without the slightest hesitation, the mercenary captain rushed to the roof and at the same time gave orders to his cronies.

Close the passage leading to the fourth floor, take the captured two extraordinary savages, and quickly go to the helicopter platform on the roof.

He didn't need to say much at all, his trusted subordinates predicted his order, ignored the chaotic battle below, and rushed to the top of the building with two wildling prisoners.

In just 5 minutes, a helicopter took off and flew away quickly.

Seeing this, the savage players on the ground raised their guns and fired, and the bullets kept hitting the shell of the helicopter.

Although the outer shell was scarred, it did not affect the helicopter's escape. The savages who lacked suitable weapons were really helpless against such aerial targets.

No one knew at all that there were two unlucky guys on the plane, who were taken to other places in a daze.

It only took a short time for the players to win and successfully occupied the base of the Skull Crusher Mercenary Group.

(End of this chapter)

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