I have a city in another world

Chapter 4642: Attention from all sides, greedy mercenaries!

Chapter 4642: Attention from all sides, greedy mercenaries!

The beautiful Maple City suddenly fell into chaos.

The highway, which is usually sparsely populated with vehicles, was crowded with citizens driving cars, fleeing into the distance with panic on their faces.

Not long ago, there was loud gunfire in Maple City, and a large group of armed savages broke in.

Unlike the savages depicted in the media, these savages are not stupid and actually know how to drive cars and use weapons.

A few of the savages were naked, but most of them wore a variety of clothing, and the sizes were obviously very ill-fitting.

They rampaged through the city, rushed into the manor and fought with the mercenaries, and won in a very short time.

The misunderstanding of the savages, coupled with the fear of war, caused the citizens of Maple City to be in chaos.

Most citizens returned home and closed their doors tightly, while a small number of citizens drove cars and fled out of the city as soon as possible.

I was afraid that if I hesitated any longer, I would be harmed by the savages.

The Maple City Police Department had already received a large number of police reports, but there was nothing they could do.

However, a police station with dozens of people really had no chance of winning when faced with thousands of heavily armed savages.

No matter the equipment or combat power, they were completely crushed. They were able to defeat professional mercenary groups and kill them instantly with no effort.

But in the face of the invasion of savages, if the police station does not respond, it would be an absolute dereliction of duty.

The bald police chief reluctantly gave the order.

All police officers quickly returned, took out weapons and armor from the weapons depot, and immediately entered a state of war.

Facing the savages in the manor, the Maple City police did not dare to attack, but chose to defend and confront them.

As early as the accident occurred, they had already asked the military for help and received a quick response.

At the nearest military camp, operations have already begun.

As soon as the request for help from the military was completed, the police station received calls from many large groups asking what happened.

The police chief of Maple City is full of doubts. He can't understand why a group of savages who broke into the city attracted the attention of major groups.
There are obviously many multinational groups that have nothing to do with Maple City, but now they show an extremely caring attitude and ask if they need assistance?
The police chief of Maple City does not know anything about the extraordinary savages, otherwise all doubts would be solved.

The city government of Maple City has also received relevant inquiries, and many groups have expressed their willingness to send security experts and even first-class mercenary groups to solve this crisis.

Maple City officials had no right to make a decision, so they had to tactfully express that they would study it carefully.

Representatives from major groups didn't say much, but hung up the phone politely.

But it didn't take long for Maple City officials to receive relevant notices one after another.

The major groups that had previously communicated with each other had already obtained entry permits, and even obtained some extremely difficult-to-obtain armed permissions.

The officials suddenly realized that the previous exchanges were just routine matters. These multinational groups would always find various ways to come to Maple City.

The influence it has is far greater than imagined.

For these super giants, national borders and rules are never limitations. If necessary, they can even subvert the existing regime.

There are even legends that many countries are controlled by these super consortiums.

According to the content of the notice, many special people will arrive in Maple City in the next time.

This city in the jungle has never been so lively as it is now, with guests from all over the world gathering here.

At the same time, the police were still monitoring the manor to prevent the savages from launching more sabotage operations.

If this is the case, a fierce battle is bound to happen.

What people were worried about did not happen. After the savages occupied the manor, they did not attack other places.

Instead, they quickly organized the manor and built various fortifications, obviously preparing for war.

The methods displayed once again shocked the outside world.

Whether it is the police in Maple City or the various forces watching the video remotely, they have all determined one thing at this moment.

These savages are by no means ignorant, they even possess extremely high military literacy and are building the manor into a military fortress.

If you launch an attack rashly, you will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

In their hearts, many people are actually full of contempt for savages, thinking that they are ignorant, dirty and ugly.

What they saw at this moment changed their attitude, and they knew that the savages were not as simple as they thought.

In other words, this group of savages is completely different from the savages in other places.

The police in Maple City finally saw the video of the previous battle, but some of the scenes were beyond their understanding.

They vaguely understood why this matter had attracted great attention from the outside world. Perhaps it had something to do with the strange abilities displayed by the savages.

The police in Maple City were on tenterhooks, fearing that the savages would suddenly attack, but a group of mercenaries rushed into Maple City.

The visitor was none other than the mercenary team that had previously responded to the Skull Crusher mercenary group and returned halfway.

They didn't fight the savages, and they didn't know what happened specifically. Escorting the Skull Crusher mercenary group out of the forest was considered as completing the agreed mission.

The two sides returned to the camp halfway.

But just two hours ago, they suddenly received an order from a large multinational group.

Ask them to go to Maple City as quickly as possible and wait. Security experts from the group are on the way and will arrive at the scene soon to meet.

This order was sudden, but the employer was very generous. The mercenary group had no reason to refuse.

Just as they were preparing to take action, they suddenly received more calls, all of whom were top customers in the eyes of the mercenaries.

They all have the same purpose, hoping to place employment orders and go to Maple City to perform tasks.

The situation that happened one after another made the mercenary leader panic and became more and more convinced that something big had happened in Maple City.

He used his own channels to investigate the situation in Maple City and soon learned the truth.

A group of savages with unknown origins broke into the territory of the Skull Crusher Mercenary Group, triggering panic throughout the city.

It is very possible that the Skull Crusher Mercenary Group has been defeated and the Savage has become the actual controller of the manor.

This piece of news is shocking, but it also answers the mercenary leader's doubts as to why all forces are paying attention to Maple City.

This group of abnormal savages must have a big secret hidden in them, otherwise this kind of thing would never happen.

If you want to know more details, you must visit the site in person, and you may be able to get more benefits.

With this idea in mind, the mercenary leader ordered to advance at full speed and arrived before the military.

According to the agreement with their employer, they need to wait near the manor before discussing their next move.

But the greedy mercenary leader recalled what had happened before and concluded that the Skull Crusher Mercenary Group had obtained a shocking treasure.

Because of the treasure, they were hunted by savages and had to invite other mercenary groups to evacuate after suffering heavy casualties.

It was also because of the treasure that the savages were attacked and attracted great attention from the top forces.

Since this is a possibility, you must not miss the opportunity.

If you get ahead of all the forces and get the possible treasures, you will definitely be able to get huge rewards.

With this idea in mind, the mercenary leader did not abide by the agreement, but decided to directly attack the manor.

Although the intelligence personnel of Maple City reminded that this group of savages may be very complicated, the mercenary leader still decided to act.

Perhaps these savages were a little special, but he still believed in his own experience, because so many savages died in his hands that he had lost his sense of awe.

In front of the manor in Maple City, a battle broke out again.

A group of aggressive mercenaries divided into three directions and launched a fierce attack on the manor.

These mercenaries originally thought that with their powerful advantages, they should be able to easily control the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the battle began, they suffered a head-on attack, and a nightmare battle began.

(End of this chapter)

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