I have a city in another world

Chapter 4643: Continuous setbacks!

Chapter 4643: Continuous setbacks!

On the battlefield dominated by guns, personal bravery is greatly weakened, and no matter how powerful the fighting skills are, they cannot bear the damage of a single bullet.

Especially those soldiers with excellent quality and hard training can kill countless enemies with the weapons in their hands.

Under the right conditions, it is entirely possible for one person to kill thousands of enemies.

More powerful nuclear weapons, one can even destroy a city.

The methods of these mercenaries are actually quite powerful and fully meet the standards for going to the battlefield. Some mercenaries are even experienced in many battles.

They originally thought that in terms of what they were good at, they should be able to easily crush the savages.

But when the war started and the gunshots sounded, they realized that they had made a big mistake.

Overestimating his own strength and underestimating the horror of the savages, the first batch of mercenaries who rushed into the manor quickly collapsed in different combat positions.

The extremely precise shooting directly hit the vital points of the mercenaries, causing them to lose their lives on the spot.

Some guys who were lucky enough to survive were rolling and howling on the ground, but there was no way to get timely rescue.

The confident mercenaries were instantly in chaos, with ghosts crying and wolf howling in the communication channel.

The head of the mercenary group in charge was breaking out in a cold sweat at this moment, and secretly regretted it in his heart.

He really didn't expect that these savages were so fierce that they could suppress a group of professional mercenaries.

Although there is no specific data, it can be roughly estimated that dozens of mercenaries have been killed.

The two sides had just fought each other, and had suffered such tragic casualties, how should the next battle be fought?
Judging from the situation on the battlefield, the Savage's marksmanship is extremely accurate and he can easily crush the precision shooters in the mercenary group.

Anyone who dares to show his head will fly away at a shockingly fast speed.

The mercenaries had never experienced such a brutal battle before, and it was even more terrifying than a battle between countries.

"Stop fighting and evacuate quickly!"

The head of the mercenary regiment who had been severely injured decisively ordered to retreat. If the battle continued, the entire mercenary regiment might be wiped out.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why the Skull Crusher Mercenary Group suffered a disastrous defeat. It was because the enemy was ridiculously strong.

But he didn't realize it, and even broke the agreement and launched an attack on the manor privately.

Not only did it cause casualties, but it also violated the agreement with the customer. In addition to bearing the corresponding punishment, it may also cause a bad reputation and make it impossible to continue to hang out in the circle.

Facts are enough to prove that this is an extremely stupid decision.

When the head of the mercenary group felt remorseful, the mercenaries under him were also in panic and despair.

Under the pressure of the savage players, they couldn't move forward at all, and could only hide behind the bunker aggrievedly.

There is no way to move forward, even to retreat, but anyone who dares to try, the bullets will fly at the first time.

The incomparably precise marksmanship made the mercenaries feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave. The more they understood the killing effect of firearms, the less they dared to act rashly.

As soon as the battle started, it had already reached a stalemate.

Apart from the bloody battlefield, there are still many forces watching the battle, and they were once again shocked by the strong fighting power shown by the wildlings.

Many people even suspect that the Savage is actually a special soldier in disguise, which is why he has such accurate marksmanship.

However, experts have confirmed that these people in the manor are indeed savages, and their appearance and physical characteristics must not be faked.

The precision of marksmanship is probably related to the wildling's eyesight, or his talent in shooting.

If these conditions are met, it is reasonable to shoot accurately.

However, the means of modern warfare are not just gunfire, but all-round and three-dimensional comprehensive strikes.

Not to mention the disadvantages of modern warfare, that is, they are extremely dependent on logistics supplies. If there is no supply of ammunition and other equipment, they may not last long at all.

If they really fight, these savages can't be opponents at all. Don't look at the fierce performance now, but it won't be long before they run out of stamina.

The representatives of the organization watching the battle from the rear contacted the head of the fleeing skull-crushing mercenary one after another, wanting to find out how much ammunition was in the manor.

Whenever possible, try to capture the savages alive. If it is really impossible, you can get some savage corpses.

That greedy and brainless mercenary captain is just a pawn to explore the way, no one cares about the life and death of him and his mercenaries.

If these mercenaries are used to test out the foundation of the extraordinary savages, it will definitely make all the audience happy.

When the battle was raging, there was a sudden roar in the air. It turned out that a military helicopter had arrived at the scene.

As soon as it reached the sky above the manor, the helicopter fired fiercely, and the two missiles shot directly at the buildings in the manor.

The buildings in the manor have a long history and are said to be the property of an earl. Banditry was rampant during construction, which also affected the architectural style.

The two missiles bombarded the building, but did not cause much damage, leaving only two charred holes.

Before the new attack was launched, several figures suddenly appeared in front of a narrow window.

They held up a steel pipe and pointed it at the helicopter in front of them.

Before people could react, a flame sprayed out, it was a homemade rocket, and it went straight to the armed helicopter hanging in the air.

The sudden change shocked everyone.

It has just been confirmed that the Skull Crusher Mercenary Group does not have anti-aircraft weapons, and the amount of ammunition in reserve is also quite limited.

A previous war had depleted the inventory.

But looking at the fire-breathing steel pipe, the fool also knew that it was a cannon, and it was quite powerful.

In the absence of artillery, artillery suddenly appeared on the battlefield, either carried by savages themselves or modified and assembled using existing ammunition.

No matter which possibility it is, it is enough to shock people.

The pilot of the armed helicopter quickly pulled up the joystick, trying to avoid the sudden shelling.

The rockets trailed flames, crossed the armed helicopters, and flew far away before exploding.

But at the same time, flames sprayed from the roof again, directly hitting the pilot's seat of the armed helicopter.


With a loud noise, the armed helicopter was wrapped in flames and tilted towards the ground quickly.

The helicopter that fell to the ground made another violent explosion, and then black smoke was seen rising into the sky.

On the road at the entrance of the manor, several armored vehicles suddenly rushed over, but as soon as they entered the gate, they were treated like a watergate baptism.

The sprayed water pipe was filled with extracted fuel, which was poured on the armored vehicle.

With the appearance of a flame, raging flames soared into the sky, surrounding the armored vehicle and the soldiers fighting in coordination.

Black smoke rose into the sky, mixed with screams.

The raid launched by the military did not achieve the desired effect, but suffered heavy casualties from the very beginning.

Neither aircraft nor armored vehicles could suppress the savages, but instead suffered serious losses to themselves.

But at the same time, soldiers had surrounded the manor, waiting for the next order to attack.

Suffering severe injuries one after another shocked the soldiers and seriously affected their morale.

But even so, the battle still continued, and the savages who invaded Maple City must be punished.

With an order, the attack started again. Compared with those mercenaries, the soldiers fired more fiercely.

But in the face of the more ferocious savages with military weapons, these soldiers don't actually have much advantage.

From the very beginning, the battle was quite difficult.

If this situation develops, what happened to the mercenaries before may happen to these soldiers soon.

The commander would certainly not tolerate such a situation.

After observing the situation on the scene, he immediately called for an air strike, hoping that the bombers would raze the manor to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the bombing request was rejected by the superiors, and they demanded that they be captured alive as much as possible.

The commander who received the order was so angry that he cursed, but there was nothing he could do.

(End of this chapter)

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