I have a city in another world

Chapter 4657 Crisis and hope in the catastrophe

Chapter 4657 Crisis and hope in the catastrophe

A sudden change threw the whole world into chaos.

On the newly released world map, there are many red dots, which are marked dangerous areas.

The density is very high, and it is completely free to throw, like rain from the sky.

But that's exactly what makes it difficult.

The rain brings hope and nourishes the common people on the earth, but this strange thing is a catastrophe, and the danger is extremely terrifying.

In the face of emergencies, the whole world chose to cooperate, share known intelligence, and jointly resolve this catastrophe.

Almost everyone, no matter where they are, has received emergency notifications.

The official clearly requires that these dangerous places must be avoided, and the farther the distance, the safer.

In order to save lives and reduce unnecessary casualties, I hope everyone can obey orders obediently.

Otherwise, the implementation of wartime rules must be merciless.

The government also dispatched a large force to seal off the outer circle of the real Leiyun in the gray fog area, strictly prohibiting any unrelated people from approaching without authorization.

Vehicles, aircraft, barbed wire, the tightness of the defense is shocking.

Residents near the danger zone were also forcibly asked to relocate to a place with sufficient safety.

He left without stopping after being ordered to do so.

It is not a request, but a mandatory order. Those who disobey will be severely punished, thus achieving the effect of killing the chicken and respecting the monkey.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to worry about the spread of the fog, which will cause a lot of casualties.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and a little unbearable will lead to chaos and big plans.

Witnessing the horror of the gray fog with their own eyes, or getting information from different channels, the people in the danger zone are very cooperative.

Even if you abandon your family and career, you must implement it, otherwise you may lose your life.

Compared with death, other things are nothing at all.

This is a big project, and a large number of people will be transferred. How to resettle them is also a big problem.

At the same time, there are food, living facilities, medical care and other issues that need to be resolved.

Not every country has the ability to solve this matter, and some are purely trying to catch ducks on the shelves.

When things come to an end, they have to do it. As for the quality of the work, they don't care much about it now.

Everything is based on survival. After all, there are people who have money, and people who save people lose land, and everyone saves land. This is the truth.

The terrible disaster is still going on, and it has not been effectively resolved for a long time. The refugee problem is also gradually breaking out, and all kinds of troubles follow one after another.

There will always be some guys who, despite losing the restraint of morality, will still take risks and do all kinds of crazy things.

The world was in catastrophe, and they, unable to see tomorrow, actually began to self-destruct.

Of course, I don't blame them, after all, everything I encountered is enough to make people bear huge psychological pressure.

Looking at the entire world, chaos occurs everywhere and is gradually on the verge of losing control.

All kinds of experts went into battle to study the source of this disaster at the same time, trying to find a solution.

However, the results of the research are not very satisfying.

If it is an ordinary situation, each country still has the ability to deal with it, but when it comes to extraordinary power, they are basically helpless.

The most powerful countries have basically zero experience in this area, let alone those small countries, which are purely blind.

The only thing that can be done is to follow behind those great powers and stretch out their hands to keep exploring.

Then in the darkness, I heard the instructions from the big country and tried to find a way to leave.

As for how to implement it and whether it can get out of the darkness, no one is clear now.

What can be done now is to try to stabilize the situation and avoid the possibility of further deterioration.

However, most people are pessimistic about the future.

Just as anxiety was spreading everywhere, the extraordinary savage, who had lost his popularity, reappeared in the public eye.

Their appearance this time shocked the world again.

Under the circumstances that the countries avoid it, the savages actively approached the gray fog area, completely ignoring the warnings against approaching, and entered it one after another.

The defender chose to ignore this behavior.

Extraordinary savages are notorious, and have even become the public enemy of the civilized world. It is naturally the best thing for them to take the initiative to fight monsters.

Countries also have to admit that the extraordinary savages are really strong, and perhaps only by taking action can they solve this terrible disaster.

Quietly, some people have changed their minds. They did not have a deep-seated enmity with the savages, but placed strong hopes on them.

Having seen the extraordinary abilities of savages, many people have given up their original pride, and there is even a popular opinion that savages have better blood genes.

There are even some extreme guys who suggest combining with savages so as to breed offspring with extraordinary blood.

In the past, if you dare to put forward such an idea, you will definitely be criticized by the public.

Nowadays, when there is chaos, a large group of people support them, thinking that only with extraordinary power can they be able to protect themselves.

In order to gain extraordinary power and fight against terrible disasters, it is completely acceptable to make some sacrifices.

These people not only talk about it, but also take action. They are always paying attention to the movements of the players, and they also take the initiative to communicate and contact.

Players do not reject such indigenous residents and give them more or less responses.

In fact, they also know very well that establishing good relations with the indigenous people is absolutely beneficial and harmless.

All kinds of materials you need can be obtained from the indigenous people, and if the other party's requirements are not excessive, they can also be properly satisfied.

The two parties have their own needs, and the cooperation will be successfully concluded.

The first transaction between the player and the natives was successfully concluded soon, and the player obtained a batch of supplies, allowing them to fight in the gray mist for a longer period of time.

Ordinary people regard gray fog as a restricted area, but players can enter and exit freely. This is the biggest difference.

There are also players who ask the indigenous residents to help build the altar of rebirth, so that they don't have to worry about the future.

The aborigines are not at a disadvantage either. They have obtained some weapons with special abilities from the players.

With these special weapons, they also have the ability to hunt monsters and deal with the living corpses that come out of the gray mist.

This kind of living corpse is not afraid of gun attacks. A bullet will make a small hole in its body, and it is as tough and strong as dry cowhide.

Knock it into the air with a car, and you can get back up in a blink of an eye, and continue to launch fierce attacks.

Unless you use machine gun fire, bombardment with shells, or use flamethrowers, it is difficult to destroy these terrible monsters.

This ferocious zombie monster caused headaches for the defenders, and related casualties continued to occur.

Using the sword provided by the player, you can easily split the living corpse in half like cutting tofu.

Such a ferocious killing effect surprised and delighted the indigenous residents, further confirming the correctness of the previous decision.

Dealing well with the savages will definitely bring more and more benefits.

Although using this cold weapon requires close combat with monsters, it is much more effective than shooting random bullets with no effect.

If you are not afraid of life and death, you can go into the gray fog and slash and kill all the monsters you see.

Of course, there is also a possibility that he will be killed by monsters.

The aborigines who got the equipment were not in a hurry to take action, but stayed outside and continued to observe.

The existing magic weapon type equipment is not enough to support adventurous actions, and we must continue to work hard to obtain more.

More and more people came after hearing the inquiry, and they gathered outside the gray fog area, forming special trading places of various sizes.

(End of this chapter)

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