I have a city in another world

Chapter 4658 Players’ Expedition

Chapter 4658 Players’ Expedition
Thousands of miles away, less traveled.

Although the road ahead is long, there are still people moving forward.

The speeding car stopped slowly, and in front of it was a dilapidated stop sign, marking the point of arrival.

In a short period of time, some areas oxidized a hundred times faster, especially buildings of all kinds.

The once bustling city, but now the roads are empty, but there are many scattered items.

Judging from the situation, we can tell that there was a major accident here, and many people must have fled in a hurry, and then abandoned various items on the ground.

In some corners, there were even dead bodies lying, exuding a stench.

Regardless of whether the thing was valuable or not, no one paid any attention to it, and it just lay quietly on the ground.

At the end of this road, there are only a few solitary houses left in the fringe area of ​​the small city named Legers.

Most of the urban areas have been completely shrouded in gray fog, completely disappearing from people's sight.

Standing on the road and looking out, you can see the clear outline of the gray mist, like a huge mountain, faintly reflecting the silver-gray metallic luster.

If you observe carefully, you can also see a huge existence looming inside the expanding and wriggling gray fog.

I don’t know where it comes from, but it’s creepy to look at.

At the edge of the gray fog, tiny lightnings appear from time to time, giving people a strong sense of space fragmentation.

There is a clear distinction between the two, as if they are incompatible with the whole world.

"Sure enough, it is an overlapping space. We can feel the breath of other worlds. It is worthwhile for us to come all the way."

From the long convoy, a group of wildlings in different costumes came down, some were dressed as warriors, and some were pure wizards.

There are also quite a few gamers, whose appearance is no different from that of the aborigines, but there are still differences in body shape and appearance.

After they got off the car, they looked at the town shrouded in gray fog, and compared the marks on the map to confirm that they had come to the right place.

"Then act quickly, don't waste any more time, you may not know, many players have already entered the gray fog area, and have obtained enough benefits."

There are many gray fog areas in the world, but they are not everywhere. In order to ensure fair competition, the players adopted the method of drawing lots.

Hosted by the system to ensure fairness and justice.

Whoever draws a place will go there to explore and hunt, instead of swarming indiscriminately.

When it comes to huge interests, there must be corresponding rules, and you must not do whatever you want.

Without restraint, good things can turn bad.

Players don't have much objection to this arrangement, or they are used to this mode, and at most they just complain.

After clarifying the destination, they hit the road at the same time.

After all, there are some gray fog areas, the distance is too far, and even need to cross mountains and oceans.

After all, there is no law in the spread of gray fog.

It may take a long time to wait until they reach their destination, so they may be left behind by other players.

However, the rules are always fair. In places far away, either the number of players participating is small, or the gray fog area is large enough.

In short, there are various ways to make the distribution as fair as possible.

In other words, after such a distribution, the players have control over the gray fog area, and if other players break in without authorization, it is tantamount to violating the iron law.

Not to mention that the player does not allow it, even the system will not agree.

Moreover, this distribution method also has the advantage of invisibility, that is, no one knows what is in the gray fog area until it is thoroughly discovered.

Maybe in a remote and inconspicuous little place, there will be hidden treasures that are exciting.

Tang Zhen stood in the crowd, looking at the gray fog area ahead, with a hint of curiosity in his heart.

Until now, he has never entered the gray fog area himself, but he has a general understanding of the gray fog area from the daily communication with other players.

The gray mist area they described is cold and desolate, and there are various spirit bodies and weird monsters.

There are also many weird buildings, plants with hidden murderous intentions, and countless scary things.

Some gamers call it the Underworld.

This vocabulary is very vivid, allowing gamers who don't know the gray fog area to have an intuitive impression at once.

Similar content is involved in the knowledge imparted and popularized by Loucheng, including the underworld, the ten halls of hell, and the vast and boundless underworld.

These contents are not fabricated, but real practice organizations, which have affected many planes in the Great Thousand World.

In many plane worlds, there are related rumors and powerful gods that they believe in together.

In many practice systems, there is the system of incense, Shinto and belief in becoming a god, which attaches great importance to the spread of one's own fame and the cultivation of believers.

Even in some cases, when the war of the gods is involved, it is very likely to affect many plane worlds.

There are also some unnamed small worlds that were attacked and damaged for no reason. In fact, it was all because they were involved in the war of gods.

Loucheng's dissemination of such information is not to cultivate believers for those practice organizations, but just to know oneself and the enemy.

No one can guarantee whether there will be an intersection with each other one day in the future.

Some things are unavoidable, so it is natural to make preparations early so as not to be caught off guard when things come to an end.

Knowing the roots of various practice organizations is actually a manifestation of strength. If you can identify them clearly and neatly, it will inevitably attract the fear and awe of the other party.

In the world of mortals, this is also the case. People in the rivers and lakes who have a lot of information can often get along better.

If Tang Zhen wanted to cultivate the residents of Loucheng, he naturally wanted to be as perfect as possible, instead of being an arrogant and reckless person who knew nothing about the outside world and was even arrogant.

In terms of personal strength, the residents of Loucheng may not be considered the strongest, but they are definitely not lacking in knowledge.

Maybe some people will think that this kind of cramming teaching is meaningless and just a waste of time and energy.

But one day, the residents of Loucheng will be pleasantly surprised to find that they have harvested so much spiritual wealth.

For future development, it is of great help.

However, the knowledge learned in the book is not as profound as the experience from personal experience. Now that the gray fog has fallen in person, Tang Zhen can't wait to investigate it.

As the owner of a building city, Tang Zhen is usually cautious in his actions and will not easily put himself in danger.

In the battle against the Sea Clan, Tang Zhen has been hiding behind the scenes, so he would not easily confront the enemy.

The main reason for doing this is to worry about accidents happening.

It wasn't until he became strong enough to dominate the lower realm that he personally led his subordinates to fight against the enemy.

Compared with ordinary practitioners, Tang Zhen is indeed cautious enough, even a little too cautious.

Tang Zhen was not ashamed of such behavior, and was even proud of it.

Let your cultivation be as high as the sky, and you have established a peerless career, but if you fall unfortunately, it will be tantamount to busy work in vain.

Live well, not just for yourself, but for more people who follow you.

Seeing other players impatiently entering the gray fog area one after another, Tang Zhen also sorted out his equipment and stepped in after them.

(End of this chapter)

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