I have a city in another world

4676--Andrew Tomb City Raiders

4676--Andrew Tomb City Raiders

After finishing eating, the two ghouls left one after another, preparing to capture other fresh prey.

Tang Zhen did not launch an attack, but waited quietly until the two ghouls left.

With his current equipment, hunting a ghoul is no problem.But if the number is two ends, and they are still healthy, if Tang Zhen chooses to fight recklessly, he is very likely to become a delivery man, a pile of shit pulled out by a ghoul.

I have to mention that the excrement of ghouls is also a valuable medicinal material, which can be used to refine medicines and magical instruments used by practitioners.

After devouring practitioners, ghouls will excrete high-quality feces, which can be sold at high prices in special markets.

Tang Zhen couldn't help wondering, what level of poop would he become after being eaten by a ghoul?

With a flash of thought, Tang Zhen came to the side of the street, in front of the torn corpse.

Tang Zhen didn't bother to pay attention to the remains of the unlucky guy, but looked at the silver pistol beside him.

Because of the ghoul's saliva, the color of the pistol changed and it gave off a foul smell.

Tang Zhen picked up the pistol with a dagger, and wiped it clean with a piece of torn clothes.

After careful inspection, it was found that the damage to the firearm was not serious, and it was in a barely usable state.

In Tang Zhen's field of vision, a group of messages popped up.

[A well-made pistol has been mutated due to being soaked in ghoul's saliva, making the pistol bullets have a corpse poison effect. 】

After Tang Zhen saw the introduction, he felt a little speechless. He didn't expect that this virtual game would look more and more like the same thing.

After experiencing the previous events, Tang Zhen believed even more that this virtual game is connected to the real world.

The game system is deceiving the players, making them mistakenly think that they have entered the virtual world, but in fact they are in the real world, using special means to shape the players' bodies, and injecting the players' souls into it.

Such deceit is despicable, but it is also very funny, at least until the truth is revealed, the players are very happy and happy.

Even if the truth is revealed, the players may not be angry. After all, they have nothing to lose and have gained a lot from the game.

Tang Zhen was just lamenting that the system was obviously trying to deceive to the end.

I want to deceive the players and continue to work hard for it.

This kind of thinking is a bit naive. Based on the urgency of the players, they will definitely not obediently take the bait.

Tang Zhen will not intervene too much, lest the game lose its fun.

For example, at this moment, he felt that the game became more interesting, and his desire to continue playing became stronger.

Putting away the mutated pistol, Tang Zhen took a look at his surroundings and continued walking forward.

Tomb City this night is destined not to be peaceful.

The ghoul from ancient legends caused hundreds of casualties overnight. When the sun shone on the earth, the police station was surrounded by angry and frightened citizens.

They yelled loudly, telling the police to go to the cemetery to clean up the monsters and give an explanation to those innocent victims.

The citizens of Grave City paid taxes as required to obtain a safe living environment, but now there are vicious incidents of ghouls wreaking havoc on people.

They feel uneasy and frightened, and strongly demand that the source of the danger be solved, otherwise they will have trouble sleeping and eating.

At this moment, the public sentiment is agitated. If it cannot be handled properly, it will inevitably lead to a greater crisis.

Little did he know that the police in Tomb City were also in a state of distress and didn’t know what to do.

They never dreamed that they would encounter a ghoul-eating incident, which would make their normal life unreal.

Although many people have imagined that various extraordinary events will happen in reality, the premise is that they are the protagonists.

When the protagonist is not himself and is facing the threat of death, the realization of the dream will not bring any joy, but will have a deep sense of anxiety.

The police in Grave City felt very unlucky.

Even if there were no ghouls, this kind of incident of hundreds of casualties and missing people must be handled properly.

Missing is just an excuse. After seeing the bloody scene, everyone knows that the missing person has actually been eaten.

After the emergency meeting, the official action officially began, and the first choice was to close the roads in and out of the cemetery.

This "U"-shaped cemetery avenue has a lot of fame in the local area, and is called the avenue of the dead.

When driving on the straight road and looking at the endless graves on both sides, an indescribable feeling will arise in my heart.

The heavily armed police soldiers completely closed this road, prohibiting anyone from entering or exiting this cemetery.

At the same time, there was a group of military vehicles, pulling heavily armed soldiers, into the center of the cemetery.

In order to ensure the success of the operation, the soldiers not only carried heavy machine guns, but also mobilized several artillery pieces from other places.

Once there is danger, artillery will be used to attack.

A sufficiently powerful firepower configuration gave the participants enough confidence that they would definitely be able to deal with the ghouls.

After all, through last night's analysis, it can be determined that ghouls are also made of flesh and blood. When facing powerful guns and weapons, they will definitely be torn apart.

In the peripheral area of ​​the cemetery, many citizens were looking forward to seeing the army return victorious.

Did not wait long, suddenly heard the sound of gunshots.

After the gunfire sounded, there was suddenly no movement again, which made the audience's hearts hang.

Not long after, gunshots like torrential rain were heard again, from which we can see that the battle must be extremely fierce.

Someone asked for frontline information, but did not get any useful answers, because not long ago, the communication between the frontline and the rear had been completely cut off.

No one knows what happened in the cemetery now.
Listening to the rapid gunshots, which gradually became sparse, a bad premonition arose in the hearts of the audience.

After waiting for another half an hour, a figure suddenly appeared on the Avenue of the Dead, walking unsteadily towards the exit.

The defending officer raised his binoculars to observe the sudden appearance of a figure, his face suddenly changed.

"Drive quickly and pick him up!"

The subordinates who received the order immediately drove up and brought back the soldiers who fell on the ground.

When the car returned and people took a closer look, they all gasped.

It turned out that he was a soldier, his body was covered with scratch-like wounds, and the exposed skin was covered with pustules.

His eye sockets were dark and sunken, his complexion was blue and white, and his hair was as dry as straw.

Through the identification marks on his body, someone recognized the soldier's true identity, but found that he had already betrayed the same people before.

"What happened, what happened to you?"

The officer leaned forward and asked the semi-conscious soldier repeatedly.

Hearing the officer's question, the soldier tried to open his eyes, and said in a trembling tone, "Monsters, countless monsters, they are all in the catacombs, dead, all dead, no one is alive..."

When the soldier said this, he fell into a deep coma.

Looking at the soldiers who were sent to the car for first aid, the officer frowned tightly. He didn't know what happened specifically, but he knew that the real situation must be extremely bad.

The army that just entered may have encountered an unexpected crisis, and it is very likely that they will suffer heavy casualties.

He wanted to rescue, but he didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only report the situation to a higher-level decision maker.

At the same time, Tang Zhen just got a one-year lease in a street-facing shop in Tomb City.

He wrote a sign and set it up at the door of the shop with a line of big characters written on it.

The top scientific research institution buys living ghouls at a high price, each with a purchase price of 100 million, and provides capture technical guidance!
Not long after the sign was erected, someone immediately heard the news, standing in front of the sign and pointing.

Having just experienced last night's tragedy, ghouls are the hottest topic in Tomb City. Tang Zhen's acquisition information immediately attracted the attention of the residents of Tomb City.

One million yuan is a huge sum of money, enough to make ordinary people rich, and many people have made plans in this regard.

(End of this chapter)

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