I have a city in another world

Chapter 4677 Local tyrant Tang Zhen!

Chapter 4677 Local tyrant Tang Zhen!

Driven by money, people soon took the initiative to visit.

"Are you sure the content written in the advertisement is not a lie?"

The person who asked the question was a bald, strong man who was two meters tall and had a murderous look on his face.

Wearing cheap clothes, but wearing a golden chain around his neck, he looked flamboyant and vulgar.

Looking at the strong man's appearance, you can tell that he is definitely not a decent person, but it is also such a guy who has an exceptionally keen sense of smell, and he will never let it go as long as he has the opportunity.

The round eyes are full of desire for wealth.

On the street behind the strong man, a large group of men gathered, all staring at Tang Zhen intently.

They were full of hope, hoping to get an opportunity to make a fortune from Tang Zhen.

"Of course it's all true. As long as you bring the living ghoul, the 100 million in cash will be yours!"

While Tang Zhen spoke, he opened the black suitcase beside him.

Bundles of banknotes were neatly stacked in the box, exuding an indescribably strange smell.

Banknotes are the dirtiest thing in the world after passing through the hands of thousands of people, yet they are eagerly pursued by countless people.

Money is what fascinates people the most. They don't know the smell and are crazy and persistent. In order to get the wealth of their dreams, they can even use any means.

Just like the stench emitted by the banknotes, it is obviously very unpleasant, but it makes many people intoxicated.

The large amount of banknotes in this suitcase immediately made a group of men's eyes turn red and their breathing became heavy.

The strong man who asked first was trembling with excitement, and subconsciously wanted to reach out to grab it.

As a result, at this moment, he saw Tang Zhen with a half-smile and lifted the hem of his white clothes.

A silver pistol was exposed, causing the strong man to stop, with a look of fear on his face.

He was really impulsive just now, he was dazzled by money, but he forgot that he dared to make such a condition, how could he be an ordinary person?

Tang Zhen, who has a gun and money, must have an unfathomable background and is definitely not someone he can mess with.

If you offend such a rich person, the consequences will often be miserable.

Holding back his gaze, the strong man looked at Tang Zhen and asked in an urgent tone: "You said you can teach people to capture ghouls. I want to know the method now. Can you tell me quickly?"

Faced with a huge reward, the strong man decided to fight it out. It is naturally best to succeed, and there will be no big loss if he fails.

Even if he knows that something cannot be done, he will give up in time.

Compared with ordinary people, street gangsters like strong men actually know better how to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

Unlike ordinary people, who are numb and slow, they are more accustomed to passive acceptance.

"no problem."

Tang Zhen nodded, took out a pamphlet, and threw it directly into the strong man's hands.

"This manual contains detailed instructions. As long as you and your companions work carefully, catching the ghoul is much easier than you think."

After the strong man got the manual, he quickly opened it to check it, looking impatient.

"Can you give me a copy, I want to try it too!"

A middle-aged man stood up and made a request to Tang Zhen. The vicissitudes of his face made people feel very calm.

Behind the middle-aged man, followed a group of young people who were not very big. Although they were thin, they were very energetic, and their eyes were full of longing.

"no problem."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he clapped his hands lightly, and then saw two beautiful and tall women walking out.

They are tall and charming, wearing brand-new uniforms, exuding an unattainable atmosphere.

When ordinary men see it, they will definitely not take their eyes off it.

But at this moment, everyone was not in the mood to watch the beauty at all, but all stared at the booklet in the beauty's hand.

"Give me a copy!"

"Thank you, and please give me a copy too!"

"Give me a copy, if I make money, I will treat you to the best restaurant!"

A group of men reached out and asked for the brochure from two beautiful women with wistful expressions on their faces.

It seems that if you get the manual, you really have the possibility of making a fortune.

The two women never refused to come, as long as someone wanted it, they would definitely smile and give away a manual.

In a short period of time, two hundred manuals were sold out, but there are still many people who want them.

Tang Zhen did not distribute any more, because there was no need at all, and the number of two hundred copies was enough to meet external demand.

If someone really wants to make money, they will definitely find a way to get the manual. Even if they can't get the original, they can still get a handwritten version.

This is not a high-tech, it is not difficult to copy, and if the memory is good enough, you can even recite the content.

Having received Tang Zhen's promise, a group of men left excitedly, and they couldn't wait any longer.

In the next time, whoever is fast enough will be able to earn 100 million first.

After everyone left, Tang Zhen sat on the chair with a smile on his face, with a calm expression.

For those greedy peeping eyes outside the glass window, it is completely regarded as non-existent.

Seeing this, the two beautiful women could only remind in a low voice: "Boss, why don't you keep the money, so as not to attract the attention of bad people?"

They are all employees of a large company, but last night they met the young man in front of them and asked them how much their annual salary was.

Maybe it was because of Tang Zhen's handsome appearance, or maybe because he was wearing a luxurious and famous brand, the two women told him the answer.

Doubled the payroll due to vanity.

Originally, he wanted to use this method to increase his social status, so as not to be underestimated by Tang Zhen, the boss.

But unexpectedly, Tang Zhen hired two people to work for him for a month with his ten-year salary.

Initially he was doubtful, but Tang Zhen took out the box and placed the banknotes in front of the two of them.

There is nothing in the world that can move people's hearts more than real money. The two women finally agreed to Tang Zhen's employment.

They followed Tang Zhen, rented the shop in front of them, and printed the "Ghost Hunting Guide" handwritten by Tang Zhen at the printing press.

The two women were sure that Tang Zhen was really rich, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to move out box after box of banknotes.

But it was precisely because of this that they reminded Tang Zhen not to overestimate the quality of the residents of Tomb City.

People are divided into three, six, and nine classes, and the flesh is divided into three layers. More than [-]% of the residents of the tomb city are poor ghosts who are busy with their lives.

With so many banknotes, it is enough to make them take risks.

Hearing the advice of the two women, Tang Zhen smiled lightly and shook his head, expressing that there was no need to worry.

Once an accident occurs, he naturally has a way to deal with it.

The two women didn't know that those malicious guys were actually experience packages delivered to their door.

As long as you kill it, you will definitely be rewarded.

Tang Zhen's operation was actually fishing. Before getting the ghoul, he could use small fish and shrimp to appetize his appetite.

His plan is very simple, that is, to offer a huge reward to the residents of the tomb city to help him capture the ghoul.

After killing it, you can gain experience points.

With the strategies given by Tang Zhen, as long as ordinary people are lucky enough and act more carefully, they have a great chance of catching ghouls.

If you want to carry out the acquisition plan, you must first have enough funds. In order to solve this problem, Tang Zhenzhen used the manager's creation privilege.

The previous manager character was wiped out in a nuclear explosion, but the creation privilege could still be used once.

After the new character is created, the administrator authority is regained, and the privileges are restored to their original state.

This is a good thing, Tang Zhen naturally wants to make good use of it.

He asked Lei Yun to hand over the storage ring, and then used the teleportation authority to send the storage ring to himself.

The last time he rescued Lei Yun, Tang Zhen stuffed the storage ring into the opponent's hand, so as not to turn into nothingness due to the violent explosion.

After obtaining the storage ring, Tang Zhen used the creation function of the new account to create dozens of tons of large-denomination banknotes.

There are a lot of currencies circulating in the game world.

At this moment, Tang Zhen already had the most powerful weapon in the world. As long as he was willing to spend a lot of money, there was almost nothing he couldn't do.

(End of this chapter)

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