I have a city in another world

Chapter 4678 Crazy reward

Chapter 4678 Crazy reward

In the edge area of ​​the cemetery, someone has approached to investigate, looking for traces of ghouls.

“According to the manual, ghouls like to walk on beaten paths, leaving a putrid smell in the places they pass.

If you soak red leaves in water and spray it on the ground, you can see the footprints of the ghoul. "

A young man with bright eyes said to several men around him, and at the same time took out the water bottle he was carrying.

This white kettle contained red liquid, which he sprayed onto the road paved with stone bricks.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, a row of footprints appeared on the ground, obviously not left by humans.

"It really works, it's amazing!"

Seeing this scene, the young man showed a joyful smile.

The successful experiment is enough to prove that the contents of the manual are not deceptive. As long as you follow the instructions, you may really be able to catch ghouls.

Thinking of that million-dollar bounty, the ferocious ghoul also became cute.

Looking at the joyful young man, everyone following him was also very happy, which meant that they were one step closer to the million-dollar bounty.

"Let's watch from now on. No one is allowed to approach this path. If someone insists on snatching it, go back and inform everyone!"

With a serious expression on his face, the young man said to the people around him, his attitude was like marching and fighting.

This matter involves a million-dollar bounty, and the young man must deal with it seriously, not to mention that if this matter is not handled well, someone may lose their life.

The group of old and young men present are all risking their lives for their future, and they must not be careless in the slightest.

After hearing the young man's arrangement, everyone nodded, saying that they would definitely complete the task.

They are very clear that once this matter is successful, they will be able to obtain wealth that they will never earn in their entire lives.

Even if your life is in danger, you must fight for it.

After the young man made the arrangements, he immediately rode his dilapidated motorcycle and headed straight for the edge of the city of tombs.

There are many repair shops here, and they are also close to the slums. The roads and housing are very old and dilapidated.

In one of the repair shops, the young man found a middle-aged man with a calm face. He was the man who had hoped to obtain the "Handbook of Ghostbusters" in Tang Zhen's shop.

The man is currently busy, cooperating with several men to weld a huge metal cage.

The cage is very strong, even if it is a car, it will not be damaged. It is a real good workmanship.

This sturdy metal cage is specially designed to deal with ghouls, and it is also the most important part of the capture plan.

The middle-aged man is checking and checking every solder joint to make sure there are no problems.

Once the welding is not strong, causing the ghoul to break out of the cage, someone will definitely be in bad luck.

Severely injured, severe death.

After the inspection was completed, the middle-aged man turned his head and nodded slightly to the young man.

"Master, we have found traces of the ghoul. I have sent someone to guard it. We can start taking action at night!"

The young man's words were full of excitement, including the nervousness of catching ghouls, but also the expectation of huge wealth.

The middle-aged man nodded, frowning tightly, and finally felt a little relief at this moment.

"Finding the trace of the ghoul is just the first step, and there are still many things to be done.

The more times like this come, the more careful you need to be. There is absolutely no chance of being careless! "

When the middle-aged man said this, he took a deep breath and his expression became more serious: "As long as we can succeed, everyone's destiny can be changed. You can continue to go to school, and Xiaoli's illness will be treated with money... "

Hearing this, the young man also became serious, and nodded with a serious expression.

"Master, don't worry, I will do my best to make sure there won't be any problems."

The middle-aged man nodded with a smile on his face.

"You work seriously, I am very relieved, so I let you take charge of this matter.

Do things well, and when you succeed, I will give you an extra bounty. "

The young man was very happy to receive the master's praise, and asked in a low voice: "Master, what do you think the person used to acquire the ghouls?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man shook his head slightly.

"I don't know, and you don't need to ask curiously, lest you waste time and even cause unnecessary trouble.

The world today is different from the past. It is full of opportunities, but it is also very dangerous. The smartest way is to keep a low profile and never stand on the cusp of the storm. "

Middle-aged people know very well that knowing too much is not a good thing, and a simple life is happiness.

If you offend a powerful opponent, you may die in a daze.

The two chatted for a few more words, and then went to the slaughterhouse together to collect the bait needed to trap ghouls.

In the manual provided by Tang Zhen, there are very detailed formulas, which do not require any professional knowledge, and only need to follow the prescription to take the medicine.

In fact, the best bait is the unlucky ones injured by ghouls. Their corrupt bodies emit a special stench, and they are also one of the favorite foods of ghouls.

You can't use injured people as bait, you can also get the other party's body fluids and excrement, and then mix them into the rancid animal viscera.

Adding some natural ingredients, it can become an excellent bait, which has great temptation for ghouls.

It took him an afternoon to get everything ready, and then he quietly waited for the night to come.

Tomb City became very quiet tonight, especially the residents near the edge of the cemetery. Every house turned off the lights early and closed the doors and locked them.

There are even many residents who have moved to other parts of the city and dare not stay in their homes at all.

Bright searchlights were set up on many houses, pointing to the silent Yincheng cemetery.

There are also many commanding heights, on which there are soldiers with weapons. They stare at the direction of the cemetery with serious expressions to prevent surprise attacks by ghouls.

What happened during the day shocked the military greatly. Until now, the soldiers who performed the mission still have not returned.

The military has once again sent soldiers to investigate the cemetery and intensified the blockade.

But even so, it cannot be guaranteed to be foolproof. The cemetery is really too large, and it is closely adjacent to the residential buildings. It can even be said that they are indistinguishable from each other.

There are also many dilapidated dwellings, which share a wall with the tomb. People live on one side of the wall, and corpses are placed on the other side.

In a place like this, there is no way to guard and isolate.

In addition to the uneasy soldiers, there were also many residents of the tomb city moving in the dark night.

They all come here for a reward, hoping to catch the ghoul and become a millionaire.

Everyone has carefully read the manual provided by Tang Zhen, but anyone who wants to succeed will make serious preparations.

When night came, these people acted immediately and set up ghost cages at suitable locations.

Put the prepared bait in the cage, and wait quietly.

In the hands of these people, they hold special tools that are made according to the "Ghost Hunting Manual".

It can be said that the entire capture process was done in accordance with the requirements of the manual. As for whether it could be successful, everyone had no idea at all.

The next thing to do is to wait and see if the ghouls will arrive.

Time passed slowly, and soon a faint gray mist drifted over, followed by a cold and rancid smell.

This is the smell in the tomb. The residents of the tomb city are no strangers, but they have never encountered such a strong situation, which almost covered the entire city.

In the ink-like darkness, something seemed to be approaching, and the fishy smell was getting stronger and stronger.

In a house near the cemetery, a large hole was cut in the wall, and an iron cage was placed inside the house.

The middle-aged man led the young man, as well as a group of brothers under him, waiting quietly with bated breath.

When the gray mist rose, a hunched and swift figure rushed toward their location.

(End of this chapter)

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