I have a city in another world

Chapter 4679 Get rich just tonight!

Chapter 4679 Get rich just tonight!

In the Grave City late at night, many people could not sleep.

The terrible disaster that happened last night has not been effectively resolved, and the hidden danger of ghouls still exists.

The military's preparedness deepened the fear.

Many people are worried that the tragedy will continue to repeat tonight, and I don't know how many people will die.

They didn't dare to fall asleep, so that when an accident happened, they could escape in time.

In fact, many times, people are scaring themselves, because even if danger occurs, it may not involve them.

However, it is still necessary to remain vigilant.

While the people of Grave City were terrified, fearing that they would be attacked by ghouls, someone had already successfully captured the ghouls.

On a street with few pedestrians, a dilapidated car roared and passed by at an extremely fast speed.

There is also a trailer behind the car, on which there is a cage and is tightly covered by a piece of canvas.

A faint roar could be heard, and the smell of rotting corpses was wafting in the wind.

Behind this car, followed a large group of people riding various means of transportation, with expressions of joy on their faces.

For the gaze of the people on the side of the road, it seems that they have not seen it.

With a roar all the way, the vehicle stopped in front of a shop. As the door opened, a middle-aged man walked out quickly.

Behind him, there was a young man with an expectant expression on his face.

At the same time, the door of the store opened, and Tang Zhen walked out accompanied by two beauties.

"Your Excellency, we have captured the ghoul!"

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, his tone full of expectation.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone stepped forward and removed the rags on the cage, revealing an ugly and evil figure.

"It's a ghoul. You did a good job."

Tang Zhen smiled, stretched out his hand and clapped his hands twice, as an encouragement to the other party.

A beautiful woman behind him immediately stepped forward and handed the leather case to the middle-aged man.

"Check it out, this is the reward you deserve!"

The middle-aged man took the box and quickly reached out to open it. When he saw the piles of banknotes, his breathing became short of breath.

"OK, thanks."

While the middle-aged man was speaking, he handed the box to the young man beside him, and his eyes indicated that he must look carefully.

The young man nodded, and immediately counted carefully under the light, and it was obvious that his hands were trembling slightly.

"You're lucky, it seems you didn't suffer any casualties."

Tang Zhen looked at everyone and said in a casual tone.

"It all depends on your ghost hunting manual, which contains detailed instructions, otherwise we wouldn't know how to do it."

After hearing this, the middle-aged man quickly bowed to Tang Zhen and thanked him. Without the guidance of the ghost hunting manual, tonight's capture operation would never have gone so smoothly.

Tang Zhen smiled slightly, and when he was about to instruct the other party a few more words, another roar suddenly sounded.

Soon another convoy stopped in front of the shop, and they also dragged a cage, which also contained ghouls.

Seeing the group of middle-aged people, the faces of this group of people were ugly.

No need to guess, they must have thought that they arrived too late and missed the million-dollar bounty.

"I came just in time. I was about to tell you something."

Tang Zhen stood at a high place and spoke in a calm tone. His voice was not very loud, but it spread clearly throughout the street, allowing everyone to hear clearly.

“In the coming time, I will keep buying ghouls, and there will be no limit on the number.

As long as you have the ability, I will buy as many ghouls as you can for 100 million.

If I were you, I would hurry up and seize the time instead of staring at you here.

Let me tell you clearly, there are enough ghouls to make a lot of money for all of you. "

The originally tense atmosphere was suddenly reversed at this moment, and everyone present felt relieved.

Indescribable joy rose from their hearts.

I was still worried that I couldn't sell the ghouls I caught, but now I can feel relieved.

Anyone can make a fortune today if they act fast enough and are lucky enough.

"We also captured the ghoul and will sell it to you now."

The group behind them yelled at Tang Zhen.

"Give them money!"

Tang Zhen waved his hand, and another beautiful woman stepped forward and handed over the suitcase.

The man who took the box couldn't wait to open it, and then showed it to his companion with excitement.

Happy cheers suddenly sounded at this moment.

For ordinary people, this kind of crazy money-making opportunity never comes across on weekdays.

But at this moment, Tang Zhen helped them realize their dreams.

This one million bounty cannot satisfy everyone. They are all craving for more at this moment.

Following Tang Zhen's guidance, they easily caught the ghoul and overcame their fear because of the stimulation of wealth.

Now that they have greater excitement, they become more motivated and can't wait to return to the cemetery to capture more ghouls.

The middle-aged man looked at Tang Zhen and the twinkling eyes around him, and suddenly said, "If you need it, I can call a few people to stay and listen to your instructions to help you do things."

After Tang Zhen heard this, he turned to look at the middle-aged man and naturally understood what he meant.

The middle-aged man has obviously discovered that someone has a wrong mind about Tang, and it is very likely that he will try to rob him.

Normally, the middle-aged man would not pay attention to this matter to avoid getting himself into trouble.

But it's different now, Tang Zhen is the big benefactor, if something goes wrong with him, it means that no one will pay the bounty.

It can be said that protecting Tang Zhen's safety is extremely necessary.

Tang Zhen originally wanted to refuse, but seeing the middle-aged man's sincere eyes, he finally nodded gently.

"Thank you, let them stay, and I will pay you accordingly."

The middle-aged man nodded, turned around and gave some instructions to the young man, who immediately nodded and looked at Tang Zhen.

The young man took out his mobile phone, made a call, and then came to Tang Zhen's side.

"If you have anything to do, please give me your orders and I will do my best to complete it."

The young man was the middle-aged man's apprentice, and by keeping him with Tang Zhen, he was obviously really concerned about his safety.

Of course, the real purpose is to ensure that the reward will not end.

When the other group saw this, doubts arose in their hearts, but they quickly guessed the real reason.

"If your Excellency needs, we can also send some people."

They also want to protect the financial owner and get closer to Tang Zhen, so as not to let the middle-aged man take away all the benefits.

Tang Zhen nodded and made the same promise.

His original plan was to lure some thieves into action, and then kill them to gain experience.

But compared to winning over people's hearts and gathering a large number of thugs, hunting mobs has become insignificant.

It's time to go with the flow and recruit a group of people first to facilitate the next step of the plan.

A group of people left in a hurry, and another group of people came in a hurry. Most of them were young people, carrying sticks and long knives in their hands.

After they arrived, they stood silently around the shop with vigilant expressions on their faces.

Tang Zhen was not stingy and asked two beauties to give out money, each with a hundred-dollar bill.

Wages in Grave City are very low. Adults only earn seven or eight yuan a day, and a hundred-yuan bill is equivalent to half a month's salary.

When they heard that this hundred-yuan note was just one night's wages, the teenagers immediately widened their eyes and their hearts were filled with uncontrollable excitement.

A new world opened up, and they never thought that they could make so much money.

While excited in my heart, I was even more grateful to Tang Zhen, and worked harder when I was working.

Seeing that Tang Zhen had gained a group of guards in a short period of time, many of them looked disappointed.

Soon another group of people, dragging the ghoul they had just captured, excitedly came to Tang Zhen to exchange bounties.

Although it was already late at night, the news about the huge bounty still spread throughout Tomb City at an extremely fast speed.

It is unknown how many millionaires will be born this night.

(End of this chapter)

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