I have a city in another world

Chapter 4680 How to upgrade local tyrants

Chapter 4680 How to upgrade local tyrants

Even though it was in the middle of the night, the news of the acquisition spread at a very fast speed. The poor people's desire for wealth made them extremely keen on this kind of news.

Many people in Grave City knew about this, and the ghoul that made them frightened was actually linked to a million-dollar bounty.

Some people think it's impossible and think it's just a lie. Others are dubious and try their best to ask around.

Those who are truly lucky and capable have already taken action and reaped the first pot of gold.

Tang Zhen became the center of the topic, and was endowed with various backgrounds. Some people were in awe of him, some harbored ill intentions towards him, and some were also very curious about him, wanting to find out the real background.

Tang Zhen didn't care about these things at all.

He was directing a group of young people to move the ghouls to the backyard, into a closed warehouse.

Tang Zhen chose this store not only because of the good location, but also because of the spacious space behind it.

After sending the ghouls in and letting everyone back out, Tang Zhen came to the side of the cage.

When the ghoul saw Tang Zhen, he immediately opened his bloody mouth and let out a hoarse and low roar.

For ghouls, any creature other than their own kind is a delicious food in their eyes.

Especially for practitioners, it is a top-notch delicacy that will make ghouls salivate.

Tang Zhen looked at the monster in front of him, but shook his head with a sneer, and pulled out a metal spear beside him.

This spear is very sharp, made of alloy material, and the surface has been finely processed.


The spear in his hand was sent forward, directly piercing the ghoul's vitals, causing greater damage and wounds as the monster struggled.

Tang Zhen twisted his hand, the hideous wound expanded again, and the ghoul's wail stopped abruptly.

Although it is an extraordinary monster, it is not an immortal type. When its vitals suffer fatal damage, it will still die directly.

In a short period of time, two ghouls were killed by Tang Zhen, and his level began to increase crazily.

Compared with ordinary enemies, the experience given by the ghoul is very high, otherwise Tang Zhen would not have such a layout.

His current behavior is very much like a local tyrant spending money on power leveling. As long as the money is in place, upgrading the level is not a problem at all.

This kind of operation is only limited to the early stage. The monsters captured are not powerful. If it were those powerful monsters, it would be impossible for ordinary people to catch them.

If you want to operate like this in the later stage, ordinary people will definitely not be able to do it, and ordinary banknotes will not work, you must make a move from the player and give them something they are interested in.

Tang Zhen didn't think so far, just have fun for the time being.

After killing the two ghouls, Tang Zhen asked the young man to lead people to clean up the scene and throw the dead bodies directly into the ravine outside the city.

The corpses of dead ghouls actually have a certain value, whether they are claws or poison sacs, they can be collected and used.

Tang Zhen didn't collect it because he didn't like it. If someone liked it, there was no problem in giving it to him for free.

Regarding Tang Zhen's behavior, the youth and the others didn't understand. They didn't understand why the monster bought with a huge sum of money should be killed and then thrown away?

They could only secretly guess that perhaps the useful things had been taken away, and the useless corpses would naturally be discarded.

This speculation is also correct, but it cannot be confirmed by Tang Zhen.

If it were another player, they would be able to guess the truth immediately and would be envious of Tang Zhen.

This method of killing monsters and leveling up is simply extremely satisfying.

It's just that the current players don't know what happened in Tomb Zeng City, and they can't imitate Tang Zhen's operations.

In the following time, someone excitedly took the ghoul and ran to Tang Zhen to exchange for the bounty.

I was nervous when I came here, fearing that the rumors would be unreliable and my busy schedule would end up being in vain.

But he didn't expect to go to the store. After showing the ghoul, he immediately got a box of banknotes.

After counting, the bounty is a lot, say 100 million means 100 million.

Tang Zhen did what he said, and his good reputation attracted cheers.

But the banknotes sent out in boxes also attracted more coveted eyes, and more and more vicious and greedy eyes became more and more.

The young man next to Tang Zhen felt a little worried and uneasy. He hesitated for a while, and finally took the initiative to find Tang Zhen.

"Sir, you are in a very dangerous situation now. It may not be long before someone will take the risk and rob you.

Although we can provide help, we still cannot guarantee your absolute safety in the face of extremely vicious criminals. "

The young man's words were sincere, and he was obviously thinking of Tang Zhen. He didn't want any problems with this big benefactor.

Tang Zhen nodded, and asked the other party back: "If you have any better suggestions, you can just put them forward. If it is useful, I will adopt it."

Hearing this, the young man immediately said: "I suggest immediately upgrading the level of equipment and replacing it with firearms, so that it can have greater deterrence.

Even if someone is really not afraid of death, we can still fight back forcefully. If we have to, there is no problem in killing the person. "

When the young man said this, a sharp look flashed in his eyes. His life experience in the slums made him know that he must be ruthless in order to gain a firm foothold.

When it comes to huge wealth, you need to be ruthless, otherwise you will be the unlucky one.

"I'm not familiar with this place, if you have a channel to obtain weapons, feel free to contact them.

As for the required funds, I will provide all of them. If you want to earn a commission, that's no problem.

As long as it makes sense, I have no problem with it. "

Tang Zhen replied with a smile, as if it was a trivial matter.

In fact, he felt a bit of joy in his heart. Weapons and equipment were also very important to him, and were even the main tools for hunting monsters in the early stage.

The players came naked and did not bring any equipment with them. They had to find ways to obtain all weapons and resources by themselves.

When Tang Zhen first came to Tomb City, he definitely couldn't find relevant channels, even if he had money, it might not work.

Now that local people have come forward to help open channels for obtaining weapons, Tang Zhen naturally wants them.

"Don't worry, sir, I know what I should do."

With Tang Zhen's approval, the young man was also very happy, and immediately called to make contact.

About half an hour later, two cars drove over, and after they stopped, several men with fierce faces walked out.

They glanced at the young man and then at Tang Zhen behind him, their eyes full of curiosity and greed.

Apparently they had also received the news, and they came here quickly after they knew about Tang Zhen, a wealthy boss.

In the eyes of this group of gun dealers, this business can make a lot of money.

Tang Zhen didn't bother to deal with these gangsters, but left the matter to the young man, who only needed to pay for it at the end.

All he cares about is the weapon itself, not how much it costs, so what if he is tricked once?

Who can be sure that what the other party wants is not money to buy his life?
It didn't take long before the young man found Tang Zhen and told him the price of the weapons deal.

Tang Zhen didn't know the specific market price, but he could sense the young man's attitude and knew that the other party was really trying to bargain for him.

The fact is exactly as he thought, this group of gun dealers opened their mouths loudly, wanting to bully Tang Zhen, a rich man from other places.

"No problem, give them the money."

Tang Zhen still had a calm expression on his face, not caring about the cost of the money at all.

The beautiful woman beside him returned to the house, quickly took out a bunch of banknotes in her pocket, and handed them to the young man with a smile.

When the gun dealer received the banknotes, he immediately showed a bright smile and nodded to Tang Zhen from a distance.

Before they left, they specifically asked the youth if they could also capture ghouls?

A ghoul costs 100 million. Such a profitable deal makes this group of gun dealers extremely tempted.

"Tell them, go ahead and catch them. I will take whatever you catch."

With Tang Zhen's promise, a group of gun dealers left excitedly and joined the team of catching ghouls.

However, Tang Zhen had a feeling that these guys who were eager for quick success and quick gains were likely to suffer unexpected losses.

If you rush to catch ghosts without even reading the instruction manual, you are underestimating extraordinary monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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