I have a city in another world

Precarious Grave City

Precarious Grave City
Tang Zhen's fame soon spread to the military.

At this moment, they were under tremendous pressure and were trying hard to prevent the ghouls from approaching.

The use of searchlights helped solve a big problem. Faced with such a strong beam of light, the ghouls would dodge as much as possible.

This made the military very happy, thinking they had found a way to deal with ghouls.

But it didn't take long before they learned by accident that this method had been discovered long ago.

It was even used effectively, and many ghouls were successfully captured alive.

Information related to Tang Zhen, including the ghost hunting manual he distributed, also fell into the hands of the military.

After seeing the detailed instructions in the manual, a group of officers at the headquarters fell silent. When they were helpless, someone outside already knew the ghouls well.

"Should we arrest him and torture him!"

An impatient guy immediately made suggestions.

He may be thinking about the military, but he may also have other intentions, or even covet Tang Zhen's wealth.

One million yuan for a ghoul is enough to make many people envious. Guess how much wealth Tang Zhen has, and can he put it in his pocket?

"Before you understand his background, don't act rashly, not to mention that his behavior is actually helping us resolve the crisis.

The contents of this manual can be carefully studied, and it may be able to effectively reduce casualties. "

It is the commander who speaks and has the final say.

Facing the attention of his subordinates, the commander pondered for a while, and continued to say to everyone: "If possible, everyone can try to capture it. Such a generous bounty even makes me very excited."

When everyone heard this, they burst out laughing.

Stopping ghouls is a task, and earning bonuses is a benefit. There is no conflict between the two.

This amount of money can and must be earned.

Although it is more difficult to capture a living ghoul, it is nothing compared to the million-dollar bounty.

The commander made a decision, and the others naturally had nothing to say.

Although there were still some officers who wanted to catch Tang Zhen for interrogation, they were afraid of accidentally self-defeating.

Dare to use a price of 100 million to buy a ghoul, such an operation is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Once you offend the other party, you may be retaliated against. Not only will you not get money, you may even lose your life.

The commander also had this concern, so he adopted this conservative approach and did business with Tang Zhen in a proper manner.

This is income obtained through formal channels. Even the Emperor has no chance of taking it back.

As for how to operate in the future, we can wait until later.

After the meeting ended, the military immediately took action, sending people to study the "Ghost Hunting Manual" while arresting those illegal "poachers."

There must be a reason for arresting people. No matter whether the ghoul is good or bad, ordinary people are not allowed to arrest them.

The word "official" was spoken twice, and you could say whatever you wanted. Soon the unlucky guy was caught, and then there was another expedited interrogation.

The unlucky ones who were caught quickly understood the military's intentions, but there was nothing they could do.

They could only be forced to follow the other party's request and assist in capturing the ghouls together, but they were destined to miss out on the million-dollar bounty.

There is no need to say more about the anger and hatred in my heart.

There are also some well-informed or lucky guys who have escaped the military's search and arrest.

But they did not give up, but chose to go deep into the tomb area to find a suitable place for action.

Although the tomb area is more dangerous, they are willing to risk their lives to fight for the generous reward.

During the operation, the poachers also exchanged fire with the military, and there were even casualties.

The military was very angry about this and issued an order that if anyone dared to cross the restricted area, the soldiers could shoot him immediately.

It was originally thought that this method could have an effective deterrent effect and monopolize the business of capturing ghouls.

But he didn't expect that after midnight, heavy fog suddenly fell, blurring the boundary between Yin and Yang cities.

The security line set up by the military has also been severely affected, and it is impossible to see the situation in the cemetery clearly.

In the thick fog, monsters roared from time to time, which made people feel creepy.

The soldiers stationed at the defense line were suddenly attacked, and gunshots and screams would be heard from time to time.

The ear-piercing sirens sounded one after another, and the call for help was never interrupted.

Such a chaotic scene made everyone feel devastated.

Soon another group of ghouls rushed into the city under the cover of thick fog, looking for creatures for food.

Due to preparations made in advance, many residents in the fringe area have evacuated, and the remaining residents have also closed their doors and specially reinforced them.

But even so, it still couldn't stop the attack of the ghoul.

Ordinary people's houses only have a rudimentary protective effect and cannot withstand deliberate damage.

In the face of ghouls who are not subject to legal constraints and act with impunity, the doors and windows of residential buildings are no different from paper.

Not long after, a ghoul rushed into the house, and the sound of screams followed.

The rickety ghoul is actually two meters tall, with well-developed limbs and chest muscles.

It also has a big belly like a frog, which can accommodate a large amount of blood food and digest it extremely quickly.

Most of the time, ghouls have a flat stomach and are in a state of severe hunger.

It is this torture of hunger that makes ghouls become greedy and highly aggressive.

Ordinary people face no opponent against a ghoul. Without effective weapons, they are likely to be killed within a few seconds.

But fierce ghouls also have weaknesses. First of all, they are afraid of strong light, but also afraid of flames. They will die after their hearts are destroyed.

You can find a way to use strong light and flames, but it is not easy to destroy the heart unless you have a powerful weapon.

But if you dissect the body of a ghoul, you will be shocked to find that the heart of this monster is protected by bone armor.

Ordinary weapon shots cannot cause fatal damage to it at all, and will be blocked by the hard bone armor.

Because of its extremely fast metabolism, the body surface of the ghoul continues to rot and scab, eventually forming a thick bast.

This is also a means of protection. Ordinary people can't cause serious injuries by chopping with a sharp blade.

This kind of monster with infinite strength, rough skin and thick flesh is naturally a nightmare for ordinary people.

At this critical moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Turn on the lights, use torches and flashlights to expel monsters, instead of hiding in the dark and waiting to die."

These people all made mistakes, thinking that if they turned off the lights and hid in the dark, the monsters would not stare at them.

But how did they know that darkness is the favorite environment of ghouls, and they seem to be at home in it.

What's more, ghouls mainly rely on their sense of smell and hearing to catch their prey, and their vision in the dark is also excellent.

However, if it encounters strong light and flames, the ghoul's vision will be seriously affected, and it may even become blind instantly.

The strong light will make the ghouls feel stinging, and the flame is a deadly nemesis, and can even ignite their bodies overflowing with corpse oil.

The shouting reminder in the middle of the night, I don't know who made it, but it gave the terrified and confused people a direction.

Many people turned on lights, turned on flashlights, and lit flammable objects around them.

Throw it into the yard and at the door, hoping to block the monster's attack.

Soon they were pleasantly surprised to find that the ghoul avoided the fire, hid in a dark corner, and did not rush into their home.

"It works, bright light and flames can really drive away ghosts!"

The residents of the tomb city who escaped the catastrophe shouted loudly to remind their neighbors and other trapped people.

At the same time, he kept making phone calls, logging into the Internet, and sharing news with others in need.

Although there are not many such people, as long as one appears, it can help a large number of people in need.

On the second night of the ghoul attack, the residents of Tomb City finally knew how to fight against the monsters.

When the sun rose and the thick gray fog cleared, countless figures rushed towards the gas station.

The flashlights in the store were also quickly snatched up by the people, and many people were so angry that they didn't get them.

(End of this chapter)

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