I have a city in another world

4682 - The Hidden Catastrophe

4682 - The Hidden Catastrophe

On the second day after the disaster broke out, there were still casualties in the tomb city, and the number was even higher than the first day.

This situation has long been expected, and the people can only express their anger.

Although some people's families were ruined, there were also people who became rich and got money in one night that they could not make in a few lifetimes.

There were also people who escaped death and learned how to fight ghouls.

This led to residents of Tomb City frantically grabbing fuel and flashlights after dawn, and robbed all merchants of their inventory.

But even so, it couldn't satisfy everyone's needs, and merchants went to other cities to buy goods.

Firstly, it is for personal use, and secondly, it is to take advantage of the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Many residents of the tomb city re-fortified their residences, added lighting fixtures, and prepared as much burning materials as possible.

At the same time, he also tried his best to buy weapons and equipment, and chose to be unarmed when encountering monsters.

In order to protect personal property and protect the safety of their families, they have no choice.

Some residents with better conditions simply packed up their bags and went directly to other cities for refuge.

If the Grave City is not safe, then go and live in other places. If you have money, you can freely choose.

People without money can't do it, they can only stay in one place, praying for the disaster to pass quickly.

It's a pity that this disaster seems to be getting worse and there is no sign of abating at all.

Thinking of being attacked and harassed by ghouls every night in the future, the residents of the tomb city have a feeling of collapse.

With anger in their hearts, they gathered together at the City Hall of the Tomb City, demanding a solution from the authorities.

Facing the angry residents, the officials are also battered, and they are also helpless in the face of the fierce ghouls.

Helpless can only appease, and said that it will be resolved as soon as possible.

The same is true for the military, which suffered heavy losses last night. Hundreds of soldiers disappeared without a trace, and dozens of others were seriously injured.

The soldiers injured by the ghouls could not receive effective treatment at all, and now they could only lie on the hospital bed and struggle in pain.

He suffered a lot of casualties, but the gains were not great. He only killed a dozen or so ghouls, and at the same time managed to capture three of them alive.

Before dawn, the three ghouls were sent to trade, and they got three boxes full of banknotes.

The ultimate whereabouts of this sum of money, only a few people know, probably into the pockets of some big shots.

Tang Zhen's local tyrant style can be regarded as the most effective amulet, and no one, whether official or private, dares to touch him.

The officials were afraid of his background and banknotes, so they didn't dare to act rashly. Moreover, Tang Zhen's actions were beneficial and harmless. Not only did he tell the way to deal with ghouls, but he also made many people rich.

If Tang Zhen is disturbed, it is likely to cause public outrage.

Civil forces did not dare to provoke Tang Zhen because he had now become a major financial sponsor of a group of Grave City residents.

Under such a dangerous situation, anyone who dared to enter Yin City to catch ghouls would definitely be a bold and cruel person.

In order to make money, these people can be said to be unscrupulous. If someone dares to stop them from making a fortune, they will inevitably attract crazy revenge.

Moreover, there is now a group of guards around Tang Zhen. They are all young and strong gunmen, and each one of them is a character who dares to fight.

It was for all the above reasons that Tang Zhen was able to ensure that he was safe and sound when he stirred up the situation.

Of course, this is just the beginning, and Tang Zhen actually doesn't know what the future will be like.

Even if an accident occurs, Tang Zhen can still easily solve it, not only because he is a manager, but also because of his own strong strength.

Hunting and killing the ghouls in front of him caused Tang Zhen's level to soar, and now he has returned to the first echelon of players.

I believe that after tonight, he will become the well-deserved No. 2 again and throw No.[-] by a long distance.

Ranking doesn't actually mean much to Tang Zhen. He just likes the feeling of upgrading.

There was chaos outside, but Tang Zhen sat firmly in the house, tasting the special delicacies of Tomb City.

Another advantage of this game is that you can travel and satisfy your gluttony. The scenery and food in various places are also the favorite of players.

There are even many players running around in the game world just to taste the special delicacies from various places.

Tomb City's special delicacy is a kind of wild fruit barbecue. The two are smoked and roasted with stone slabs. The unique aroma makes the mouth water.

Pair it with a pot of sour fruit tea for an ultimate enjoyment.

The two beauties beside him are in charge of making tea for Tang Zhen's barbecue, and there are people at the door who are in charge of guarding.

The young man following Tang Zhen was standing not far away, making a phone call and talking to someone.

He quickly hung up the phone, with a hint of worry on his expression.

"Sir, I have some news about what you asked me to inquire about.

Sure enough, as you expected, the number of ghouls is increasing, but they have not launched an attack on the city.

These ghouls are stronger, and they are concentrated at the exit of the underground tomb that is covered in gray fog. Under the protection of the gray fog, they don't seem to be afraid of the sun's rays..."

When the young man said this, he showed a worried expression. He knew that if this situation continued to develop, it would inevitably lead to disastrous consequences.

No matter how bad Tomb City was, it was still his home, and he really didn't want to see the city destroyed by disaster.

But the current situation is indeed getting worse and worse, like a flame smothered in a haystack, which may erupt at any time.

Not to mention his relatives and friends, who all live in the Grave City, will inevitably be affected when a disaster breaks out.

Listening to the young man's story, Tang Zhen nodded.

"You also have a sum of money now. Since you are worried about the safety of your family, why not send them away."

Looking at the hesitant young man, Tang Zhen continued: "Don't say it's hard to leave your homeland. Compared with life, what are some industries?
If you save people and lose your land, you will save your land. If you save your land and lose your people, you will lose your people and your land. In the face of disaster, everything outside you is worthless. "

Tang Zhen did not tell the young man that the future situation would be worse than imagined, and it would not take long for the ghouls to launch a large-scale attack.

These people in the tomb city will become the food of the ghouls, or the servants of the ghouls.

Whenever there is enough food, this kind of monster will train servants, like the ghosts of the tiger monster, to find food for itself.

This kind of ghoul that does not condense soul crystals is the most annoying thing for players. After killing them, they can only get experience points.

It is also for this reason that Tang Zhen is not worried about leaking the news, because the attraction of Tomb City to players is very low.

However, in the old lair of the ghouls, there are many good things, which are the necessary supplies for the players.

There is also a ghoul mother in the lair, there must be soul crystals on her body, and she has a very high level.

Players are no strangers to various monsters in the underworld, they also know the existence of the ghost mother, and know that the opponent has high-level soul crystals.

Although it is difficult to obtain, high-level players still have a great possibility to try it.

This group of guys is like this, each of them is bold and will do anything to earn points.

When the players arrive, the grave city will become even more chaotic, and it may even become a hellish place.

Of course, it wasn't that the player intentionally harmed people, but that the tomb city at that time would inevitably become a hunting ground for ghouls.

The young man hesitated for a few minutes, finally picked up the phone and called his master.

He expressed Tang Zhen's suggestion and his own thoughts, hoping to move his family to a safe place.

They made a lot of money last night, allowing them to do this easily. Even if they never go back to Tomb City, they can still live well outside.

The young man and his master did not intend to leave prematurely, but would continue to stay in the tomb city to make a fortune.

Such an opportunity to make big money is rare for ordinary people to encounter in their lifetime, so they cannot easily miss it.

As soon as the young man put down the phone, the door of the store was suddenly opened, and several men in military uniforms stepped in.

(End of this chapter)

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