I have a city in another world

4701 - Take advantage of the chaos to expand the base

4701 - Take advantage of the chaos to expand the base
The changes in the tomb city sparked heated discussions among the players.

Many players are very interested in this special place and have plans to come and explore it.

Those players who had to be reborn due to various changes also regarded the extremely popular Tomb City as their first choice.

Players don't know that the popularity of Tomb City is so high, but there is actually a pusher behind it.

Without Tang Zhen's support, Tomb City would not have become so popular so quickly, and not many players would even pay attention.

From this we can know how important it is to control public opinion.

When the sun was about to rise, the monster receded like a tide, faster than when it came.

They bring disasters to the world and are the source of death terror, but sunlight is also a great terror to them.

All things are born with each other, and they will also restrain each other.

For shadowy demons, being in the sun is tantamount to falling into hell.

The living gray mist, like a deflated ball, began to shrink at an extremely fast speed.

As the gray mist retreated to the edge of the tomb area, it suddenly stopped shrinking, but the concentration became significantly higher.

Today, the tomb area is completely shrouded in gray fog. Even if a plane approaches for inspection, nothing on the ground can be seen at all.

All kinds of weird sounds came from the depths of the gray fog from time to time, making people feel creepy.

The residents who survived the night walked out of their homes with expressions on their faces as if they were surviving the disaster.

The natives who have awakened their powers are even more impatient and always feel that they have to do something.

Although they have awakened their powers, the natives do not have the courage to fight monsters, or they lack the corresponding motivation support.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the world in their eyes changed, and words suddenly appeared in the sky above their heads.

It is similar to the player's operation panel, but the function is much simpler, and it clearly conveys one thing to the players.

After hunting monsters to obtain soul crystals, you can go to the store to exchange them and get various valuable things.

Whether it is gold currency or natural treasures, they can all be traded by selling soul crystals.

Awakened ones can continue to kill monsters and level up, giving them more powerful abilities.

The higher the level of abilities, the more benefits they have.

The reminders that appeared in front of them surprised and delighted the awakened aborigines. They did not expect good things to happen one after another.

However, when they think of the fierceness of the monster, they feel a little scared. Although the benefits are indeed very attractive, they need to fight for it desperately.

It can be said that in terms of courage, the aborigines are far inferior to the players. After all, they only have one life and cannot be reborn at will like the players.

For the system, the players are naturally the best choice, and the aborigines are just the next best option.

Faced with the huge temptation, there are still many people with superpowers who are tempted. They are now a little arrogant, thinking that with their powerful abilities, they can try to hunt monsters.

If you can't do it alone, you can still form a team to complete it. When you become stronger in the future, you can do it alone.

There is always a solution to everything. Compared with the panic and helplessness in the past, they now have the qualifications to change their destiny.

The awakened supernatural beings are trying to find more of the same kind and study the next action plan.

Players have a public communication channel, but the awakened aborigines do not. Obviously, the system did it on purpose.

Perhaps it was the actions of the players that taught the system a profound lesson and no longer provided a platform for extensive and free communication.

In order to prevent some things from spreading through the communication system, it will affect the system plan again.

To put it bluntly, this kind of operation is to improve the players and avoid leaking their own plots.

What happened to the awakened person was soon known to Tang Zhen, because the followers around him chose to tell the truth.

Although these aborigines have awakened their powers, their attitudes have not changed much and they still respect Tang Zhen.

Not only because Tang Zhen provided shelter to the aborigines before, but also because he shared the cultivation method, which increased the chance of everyone's awakening.

There is another reason that makes the awakened dare not be presumptuous.

It turned out that Tang Zhen exuded an invisible aura, like a terrifying abyss.

As ordinary people, it is impossible for them to defeat Tang Zhen. Now that they have awakened as supernatural beings, they are shocked to realize that there is such a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

It seems no exaggeration to say that the two sides are far apart.

The awakened ones didn't know that they had this feeling of looking up at the mountains, but they were actually deceived by Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen's strength is indeed very strong, ranking first in the player ranking list, but it is absolutely impossible to have such a terrifying power.

The truth of the matter is that Tang Zhen took advantage of the manager's authority to give himself the halo of "His".

What this "he" is, Tang Zhen is not very clear, maybe it is some unknown god.

After using this authority, he has a passive ability. Once someone observes and perceives through an extraordinary perspective, the aura released by "him" will be triggered.

The stronger the monk, the higher the intensity of the trigger.

With this ability, Tang Zhen is a real strong man in the eyes of outsiders.

Of course, what is strong is only the momentum, and has nothing to do with the actual strength. Even if he falls to the ground with a slight poke of his finger, there will still be no discount in terms of momentum.

To put it bluntly, it is a paper tiger, but it looks good but it is useless. Once it is used, it may be exposed.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen is not a smug guy, and his own strength is very strong. Even if he really fights, he will definitely not be afraid of any enemies.

The main purpose of choosing this camouflage is to deter the aborigines so that they don't dare to have some messy thoughts.

For Tang Zhen, the aborigines are very good tool people. If they can be used well, they can definitely play a great role.

If you want to make good use of this group of guys, you need to use both kindness and power, and while giving benefits, you must also psychologically deter them.

For example, this wave of awakening, if Tang Zhen hadn't made people unable to figure out the root cause and possessed a strong deterrent force, there would definitely be awakened people with different thoughts.

The awakened people don't know that Tang Zhen has no intention of restricting their freedom. If the awakened people want to leave, Tang Zhen will never stop them.

Because he is sure enough to let the awakened ones who left leave and return, and even take the initiative to obey orders.

At this moment, he issued an order, asking everyone to go outside the city to clean up the battlefield and bring all kinds of military supplies left behind back to the base.

The fierce confrontation last night ended with the failure of the military. Not to mention countless casualties, a large amount of equipment was left behind.

Monsters only need flesh and blood, and they never clean up the battlefield, but Tang Zhen must not miss it.

It should be noted that there are many weapons and equipment that cannot be bought even with money, but now they can be picked up with swagger.

With so much material and equipment, the narrow streets would definitely not be able to accommodate it, so Tang Zhen ordered the expansion to continue.

All adjacent streets were included in the scope of the base, and new protective barriers were immediately established.

As the news of Tomb City spreads, more players and aborigines will arrive one after another, and this survival base will become the best place to stay.

The aborigines who received the order left Grave City with a large group of players and went straight to the location of the battle last night.

When we arrived at the scene, we found that it was really terrible. Weapons and equipment were everywhere, and broken corpses could be seen from time to time.

There are so many useful things that it is impossible to bring them all back to Tomb City. You can only pick out the ones you have played with and load them back into the car.

There are also quite a few aborigines, staring at armored vehicles and artillery. Ordinary firearms cannot kill ghouls, but artillery can blast them to pieces.

This kind of equipment has strong firepower, is also very convenient to transport, and the damage itself is not particularly serious.

After being discovered by everyone, they were all transported back to Tomb City.

During the process of collecting equipment, some surviving soldiers were also found, and many of them had awakened abilities.

It was with the help of supernatural powers that they survived by luck.

There are many more awakened people who have no chance to become familiar with their own abilities and become delicacies in the mouths of monsters.

This is the real life, when you think you are going to get lucky, you can lose your life in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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