I have a city in another world

Paradise of the Brave

Paradise of the Brave
The soldiers who survived by luck did not stop the aborigines and players from "scavenging". They had no ability to manage it, nor did they have the mood to care about it.

Now he only thinks about one thing, which is to follow the system prompts and go to the tomb area to hunt monsters and obtain soul crystals.

Many of the residents of Grave City who scavenge are Awakened. Maybe it won’t be long before the two sides become partners.

Since there is such a possibility, it should not jump out to be a villain.

There are also some surviving soldiers who took the initiative to join the scavengers and followed them to collect supplies.

With them to help guide, collecting also becomes easier.

Carload after cartloads of supplies were sent to the tomb city one after another, and the streets that were originally empty and quiet now became lively again.

The residents of the tomb city left in a hurry, and a large amount of useful materials were discarded, which are now just used to expand the base.

Some people were responsible for collecting equipment outside the city, and others were responsible for collecting supplies in the city, and they were also sent back one by one.

Several nearby streets have been simply cleaned up, and solid barriers are being continuously built.

This task may seem huge, but it is very simple to operate, especially if there are no restrictions.

All kinds of metal plates are put into battle at the same time, the work of gas welding and cutting is carried out at the same time, and the metal barriers are rapidly formed.

The thick steel plate is extremely strong, and the surface is welded with sharp steel thorns, which can be used to resist the impact of monsters.

The impact damage that ghouls are good at can't destroy this kind of metal wall at all, but will stab themselves all over the body.

Metal pipes are also erected on it, which can inject fuel under high pressure to kill fire-fearing monsters at high temperatures.

Behind the metal wall, various mechanisms can be arranged, each of which has a fatal killing effect.

In order to kill monsters, you can do whatever it takes.

The tragic casualties suffered before were due to the fact that the aborigines were unprepared, and at the same time fearful and evasive.

Now with a change of mind and time to arm yourself, things are completely different.

In order to be able to kill the monsters, the aborigines racked their brains and came up with various vicious methods.

The originally harmless machine, after modification, immediately turned into a terrifying murderous weapon.

This is a war that has only just begun.

While everyone was busy, there were long motorcades driving quickly on the roads connecting Grave City to other cities.

A small number of the passengers in the convoy were players, and they rushed over after receiving the news.

Most of them are aboriginal people. They are attracted by the high reward and are ready to come to Grave City to have a fight.

It turned out that in the nearby cities, information about the rewards of the Tomb City spread rapidly, attracting the attention of many interested people.

The residents of Tomb City testified that no one doubted that this was a lie. Under the temptation of money, many people decided to come to Tomb City to take risks.

Some people had to flee the Tomb City in order to survive, while others had to go to the Tomb City in order to survive.

Of course, the fact that this happened is also related to the players' fueling the situation. They need the help of a large number of guys who are not afraid of death.

No matter what the truth is, the goal was finally achieved, and desperate desperadoes swarmed in.

In the future, under the double temptation of money and awakening, more and more aborigines will arrive.

It was purely a coincidence that different teams were mixed together. The two parties met halfway and had a common destination, so it was only natural that they would go together.

In addition to these people, the military also dispatched an action team to investigate the previous changes.

An accident happened last night, causing the military to suffer heavy losses, with the casualty rate reaching [-]%.

This matter has caused a great sensation and must be resolved properly as soon as possible, otherwise it will inevitably have a negative impact.

The follow-up action plan has not yet been issued, but there is a news circulating in private that the military is likely to abandon the Tomb City.

Many senior officials believe that there is no need to invest more troops in Tomb City to avoid suffering the same disastrous defeat again.

The attitude towards the ghouls has also changed from the original thorough clean-up to the current defensive containment.

Designate a no-man's land, prohibit anyone from approaching, and establish a defense line in the edge area.

Once a monster approaches, it can immediately attack.

The high-sounding rhetoric is just to deceive outsiders. In fact, everyone knows that the military has nothing to do about it.

At least for a short time, there is nothing to be done about the monsters in the grave city.

This time, the investigation is actually just a routine, and even if the problem is found, it may not be solved.

Although the two sides are on the same road, they remain vigilant against each other.

Both players and hunters carry various equipment and arm themselves as much as possible.

It gives people the feeling that they are a group of illegally armed gangsters running rampant on the road.

The military's investigation team is also fully equipped and professionally trained.

If there is a conflict between the two sides, the consequences will be unimaginable.

For safety reasons, the two sides tacitly kept a distance to avoid accidents.

When they were about to arrive at Tomb City, everyone saw a dilapidated scene. However, in just a few days, the roads and buildings became dilapidated.

There are abandoned cars and broken corpses of humans and animals on the roadside, left to be exposed to the sun and ignored.

In today's tomb city, the most indispensable thing is the dead body, and the living can't take care of it, let alone help to collect the dead body.

In addition to human corpses, there were also some monster corpses, which attracted great attention from everyone.

The players are well-informed and have seen ghouls before, and have even killed them with their own hands.

So after seeing it, there was no reaction at all.

Most of the indigenous people and the military investigation team saw it for the first time, and they were inevitably very curious.

There are also some hunters who have participated in the operation of catching ghouls, and even won bounties.

The reason why they went back and forth was naturally that they couldn't resist the temptation, after all, no one would dislike a lot of money.

Receiving a million bounty alone, and sharing it proportionally with a group of people, safety are two different concepts.

After these people have made money, they still want to make more, and Grave City is the best choice.

In the hands of these hunters, they all held a ghost hunting manual, a copy that Tang Zhen had given away for free.

At the beginning, only a hundred copies were distributed, and there was no way to meet the demand. Many people took copies and kept them with them for emergencies.

Because the content is true and effective, the manual has become famous in a short period of time. No matter whether it is threatened by ghouls or not, everyone will try their best to get a copy.

Including the military investigation team, there is also a similar manual, the difference is that the information in it is more comprehensive.

When they were about to arrive at Tomb City, a roadblock suddenly appeared in front of them, and a group of heavily armed personnel blocked the way.

Most of the group of people blocking the way were aborigines, and there were some players among them.

The purpose of them stopping the convoy was to inform the rules of the tomb city. Although monsters are rampant now, the tomb city is not a land without owners.

If someone acts recklessly and disregards human life here, he will definitely be severely punished.

At the same time, outsiders were also informed that Grave City had established a survival base, and many transactions could be conducted at the base.

Block notices like this are dispensable in the first place, and their main purpose is to declare their own existence.

If you work together, you can get more benefits. If you mess around, be careful that you will lose your life.

The exchange time was very short, and the convoys were gradually released and allowed to enter the Tomb City directly.

The aboriginals in the convoy were all shocked by the awakened ones, and they were doubtful that so many practitioners had appeared in just a few days.

Unlike the restrained players, the aura of the supernatural user is not concealed, and ordinary people can see it at a glance.

The members of the military investigation team looked a little ugly, because the weapons used by the blockers were clearly standard equipment.

Carrying the army's gun, he stopped the military's investigation team, and at the same time dared to speak threats.

They were told not to run around after entering the city, lest they be bitten to death by monsters, and not to think about getting back their weapons and equipment, which were all earned from their scavenging work.

Under the angry eyes of the military investigation team, more than a dozen military vehicles passed by, and the artillery was dragged into the city like this.

(End of this chapter)

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