I have a city in another world

Chapter 4717 Awakened Custer

Chapter 4717 Awakened Custer
Custer suddenly shot, startling everyone.

"Bastard, do you want to kill someone?"

Someone shouted, looking at Han Maier's crotch that was shot through by a bullet, showing an expression of lingering fear.

"Don't worry, the bullets I shoot will not miss. As long as you keep your mouths in check, my guns will always point at the enemy."

Castor's voice sounded, with a hint of confidence in his tone.

Although Custer's position and expression could not be seen due to the darkness, everyone could imagine his proud look.

"Nonsense, in such a dark environment, how can you guarantee that the bullet will not go wrong."

The woman from the same family as Custer suddenly shouted in a cold voice, feeling that this blood-related illegitimate brother is simply an idiot.

If he kills other family members, he will definitely be held accountable in the future, which will bring a lot of trouble to the family.

"Shut your mouth, my stupid sister, I don't need you to tell me what to do!"

There was a hint of disgust in Castor's tone.


The woman was about to speak when suddenly a bullet flew and hit her earring.

A scream came out, and the woman covered her ears with a frightened expression on her face.

Custer opened fire again, showing off his skills, and his shooting skills were indeed frighteningly accurate.

"Custer, I don't remember you having such good marksmanship. Can you tell me what happened?"

The leader's voice sounded, and he thought of a possibility, and asked Custer loudly.

"Hahaha, I think you should have guessed it, yes, I just awakened superpowers!"

When Custer said this, everyone was surprised and delighted. They really didn't expect that someone would gain superpowers so soon.

Then, deep jealousy and unwillingness arose in their hearts, and they couldn't understand why such a good thing happened to Custer?
In the eyes of these rich kids, they are far better than Custer and should be favored and cared for by the gods.

"Can you tell me, what ability have you awakened?"

Someone asked loudly, his tone full of curiosity, but actually he had evil intentions.

Many people had their ears pricked up, fearing that they would miss the content of the conversation, or even temporarily ignore the dangers in the outside world.

"Hahaha, am I stupid or you are stupid, I really thought I would tell you what ability I have awakened?
If you have any brains, you will not tell others about your abilities to avoid being plotted and targeted. "

Custer's ridicule made some people look ugly. Maybe they really had such thoughts.

The team leader was silent for a few breaths, and shouted to Custer: "Since you have awakened, can you help to go to the No. [-] base for help, I am worried that those people sent just now will not be able to complete the task."

Everyone who thought they could be rescued as long as they persevered, suddenly became panicked.

The current situation is very dangerous. Even if the rescue is not timely, they may be killed by monsters.

Now the team leader told them that something might happen to the team asking for help, which was like a bolt from the blue.

If this is the case, they will undoubtedly die.

"Why are these idiots so incompetent!"

Some people cursed loudly, trying to vent the fear and anger in their hearts, but they attracted angry eyes from other guards.

At this moment, the young ladies did not dare to offend the guards, so they had no choice but to keep their mouths shut.

"Custer, since you have the ability, you should take the initiative to stand up. Everyone will definitely not forget your help."

At this time, the team leader must step up and play the role of middleman.

He has now seen that Custer's relationship with these rich families is very poor. If he does not come forward, the matter may not be discussed at all.

"I really don't appreciate the gratitude of these guys."

Custer sneered, his tone sarcastic, and he didn't even bother selling favors.

“Having said that, I have to remind you that the team leader’s concerns are actually very reasonable.

A minute ago, about 1 meters away from the base, the last guard who asked for help had his head blown off. "

In a calm tone, Custer told everyone the cruel fact that the rescue team just sent had been completely wiped out.

Everyone was shocked again, but no one dared to question, lest Custer's retaliatory shooting would be triggered again.

At the same time, they also knew that although Custer was very bad, there was no need to lie about this kind of thing.

"Then what should we do? Are we really going to die here?"

A woman shouted loudly. The unexpected events that happened one after another left her on the verge of despair and collapse.

"Caster, you must help. As long as I can go back alive, I will give you that classic car you like."

A young man shouted that he was willing to give up his beloved collection in order to save his life.

"Me too, I will give you the Hessen Bar under my name when I go back, and you don't need to pay a penny!"

Several wealthy sons spoke one after another and offered great rewards one after another. They didn't expect Custer to help in vain, and the rewards they gave were also very sincere.

“Custer, you should be very clear that if you perform well in this crisis, your status in the family will be improved.

I protect and oversee and give unbiased advice to make sure you get what you deserve. "

The team leader also tried to persuade Custer at this moment, for fear that he would stand by and watch.

The gunfire continued, but Custer's voice did not sound again, as if he had left the base.

When everyone felt flustered, there was a sudden sigh, which made everyone's hanging hearts fall to the ground.

"I'm actually not interested in the reward you promised.

But if I can't bear to watch you die, then I will reluctantly help you.

Remember what you said, don't default on the debt, otherwise I will make him pay a heavy price. "

Custer, in the darkness, said in a faint voice, with an indifferent expression on his face.

He was standing on the roof at the moment, only ten meters away from everyone, but no one saw him at all.

It turned out that the surface of his body was covered with the same substance as the night, which could block his body and breath.

Only a pair of eyes shone with a dark green light, like a lone wolf in the dark.

Looking at the group of panicked men and women, Custer shook his head secretly, turned and walked towards the outside of the base.

He didn't find it contemptuous or ridiculous when he saw this group of familiar guys terrified in the face of death.

If he hadn't been lucky enough to accidentally awaken his extraordinary abilities, he might have looked so ugly, huddled in a corner and shivering.

Now that he has awakened his extraordinary abilities, what Custer wants to do most is to prove himself and surprise everyone who underestimated him in the past.

Going to Base One to seek help is what Custer must do, even if it means taking huge risks.

People must have goals in life, and Custer just wants to prove himself.

In the past, he lived in confusion, was looked down upon by many people, and felt very painful and confused inside.

Now that he has finally gained a new life, he must take some action, not to gain the approval of others, but just to prove that he is no worse than others.

Relying on his powerful night vision ability, Custer saw more and more monsters, which had already surrounded Base No. [-].

If this situation develops, it won't be long before the monsters enter Base Three.

When that time comes, no one can survive, and he will not be able to escape either.

Breaking out of the encirclement to ask for help is also to save yourself.

But it is not an easy task to rush out, and it is very likely to be attacked by monsters.

His ability to awaken is to integrate with the night when he is still, and he can control the bullet to lock the sniper target.

In night sniper operations, it is naturally a very powerful method, but if it is used in breakout operations, it seems a little inadequate.

Stillness does not mean absolute invisibility. When you get close to a certain distance, you may be spotted by monsters with keen perception.

No matter you hide in the base or choose to break out, you can't avoid confrontation with monsters.

Custer had no choice, no matter how dangerous it was, he had to bite the bullet and rush forward.

(End of this chapter)

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