I have a city in another world

Chapter 4718 Persistence in Desperate Situation

Chapter 4718 Persistence in Desperate Situation
Pulled out from the barrier of No. [-] base, using the cover of night, Custer kept moving forward.

At this moment, he could already see figures flashing in nearby buildings, and they were obviously undead soldiers.

They are not in a hurry to attack, but like a cat playing with a mouse, they continue to harass the No. [-] base.

But as long as you seize the opportunity, you will attack the fatal vital points like a poisonous snake.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, in only ten or twenty minutes, the casualties of the defenders have already exceeded one-third.

Such heavy casualties were enough to cause the camp to collapse. They are still holding on now simply because there is nowhere to escape.

If there was really a way of escape, everyone in Base No. [-] would have evacuated long ago, and it is absolutely impossible to persevere until now.

Judging from the current situation, at most one hour later, the No. [-] base will be razed to the ground.

A sense of urgency suddenly appeared in Castor's heart, and he decisively accelerated his action.

In the state of high-speed movement, the newly awakened concealment ability was greatly reduced, making him look like a monster covered with long black hair.

During the march, the black mist continued to squirm, seemingly blending into the night, but in fact there was still a difference.

It is impossible for elite undead soldiers to ignore this anomaly.

Sure enough, after more than ten seconds, a string of rapid bullets shot over, dragging the faint green fluorescence.

The attack came quite suddenly, and the angle was very tricky, and it was not within Custer's vision at all.

The moment he was about to hit, Custer's body turned into black mist, and the bullet shot out from his chest.

"Clang clang clang!"

The bullet hit the metal, making a series of crisp sounds, as if the bullet just now didn't hit the entity.

But in an instant, Custer's body turned from weak to solid, and at the same time a large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Turning the body into a cloud of black mist is also one of the awakened abilities, which can reduce the damage caused by physical attacks.

Reducing damage does not mean eliminating it, and vomiting blood is the most obvious manifestation.

Although he felt very uncomfortable, Custer was still able to persevere, but the problem was that he had been discovered by the enemy, and more attacks would follow.

Sure enough, in the next second, a string of bullets flew towards him. He could clearly see the green trajectory, but there was nowhere to hide.

Castor let out a low growl, like a wounded beast, and rushed towards a nearby building at an extremely fast speed.

Attacks are inevitable, we can only reduce the damage as much as possible, and find a way to break out of the encirclement.

In the blink of an eye, he was hiding behind the building, and the bullets that kept coming hit the wall with bricks flying.

From Castor's mouth, jet-black dirty blood spewed out again, with a hint of faint green light inside.

The bullets used by the undead soldiers not only tear apart the body, but also carry deadly toxins.

After this dark green substance enters the injured person's body, it will trigger a series of vicious reactions.

Not only will it corrode the body's organs, it will also cause the body to become stiff and corrupt, and may even transform into a slave of the undead soldiers after death.

The smell emitted by the wounded will also reveal their location, allowing the undead soldiers to easily complete the tracking.

If Custer hadn't awakened his ability, he would have been dead long ago after being hit by more than a dozen bullets.

Being injured is not important, the key is that there is no way to complete the request for help. I originally planned to let others take a look at me, but now it seems that I have looked down on my ability.

Surrounded by many monsters, with his current ability, there is no possibility of successfully breaking through.

Because he had awakened his extraordinary abilities, Custer, who was somewhat complacent, suddenly became depressed.

He has some doubts now, even if he really awakens, he is still a loser.

"This is not the result I want. Even if I try my best today, I must find reinforcements!"

After only hesitating for more than ten seconds, Castor's gaze became firm. Some things can deceive others, but there is no way to deceive his own heart.

If you compromise this time, you will never be able to take a step forward in your future life.

Castor made up his mind, observed the surrounding environment, and started to act again.

Against the flying bullets, he kept running forward, using bunkers to avoid from time to time.

The ability he awakened does not include speed, and when running, he is not much faster than ordinary people.

Facing the elite undead soldiers, you will definitely suffer a lot, as green bullets are constantly shot into your body.

In a short period of time, the bullets accumulated in his body weighed three to five catties, and his body turned into a mass of rotten flesh.

Although he was not killed, Custer was very uncomfortable, and the route of the breakout was covered with vomited blood.

At this moment, Custer had already experienced symptoms of severe blood loss, his eyes were dark and he was in a trance.

If not treated in time, it may be life-threatening.

The most important thing to do at this time is to quickly find a place to rest and find a way to replenish the missing blood.

However, the situation is urgent, and there is no room for him to rest. If he continues to delay, the No. [-] base will definitely escape.

You can't rest, you must continue to persevere.

I'm afraid that no one would believe that this normally irresponsible and seemingly carefree libertine would have such noble qualities.

After resting for dozens of seconds, he spat out a mouthful of dirty blood, and Custer rushed out again.

But as soon as he took two steps, he felt the crisis coming, and immediately saw a figure blocking his way.

This figure is nearly three meters tall, holding a strange-shaped weapon in its hand, which is two and a half meters long. There is a bayonet and an ax at the front of the gun.

The fist-sized muzzle was aimed at Castor's head, and the trigger was pulled directly.


Accompanied by a gunshot, dark green flames sprayed out and landed on Custer with his head covered and his face covered.


Castor screamed, the blow was so heavy that he almost fainted.

Although the previous bullet attack was very painful, he could barely endure it.

But with this wave of attacks, the pain increased more than ten times, and the level of pain can be imagined.

Before he could recover from the severe pain, the figure on the opposite side attacked again and kicked him hard in the chest.

Like being hit by a car, Custer's figure flew out and hit the wall hard.

Custer, who was seriously injured, could no longer use his abilities and could only withstand the attack.

A big crater was knocked out of the wall, and Custer was like a puddle of mud, piled softly on the ground.

He felt that his bones were all broken, and his internal organs were also shattered and displaced.

The blood spurting out of his mouth was actually mixed with pieces of internal organs, giving off a green light.

Custer didn't pass out, but he was in a terrible state. He was struggling to stand up while spraying blood from his mouth.

After all, his work is still unfinished.

But at this moment, Custer didn't even have the strength to move his fingers, let alone stand up and continue to break through.

Did it just fail?
After struggling a few times, Custer showed a helpless smile. He didn't expect that after awakening, he was still a loser.

"But I'm not reconciled..."

The tall and terrifying figure stepped forward with heavy steps and raised the strange weapon in his hand.

It was obvious that ax and guns were to be used to perform an execution-like execution and cut off Custer's head.

One of the favorite ways to show off to the desert butchers decades ago was to chop off the heads of their enemies and hang them up.

Castor closed his eyes, waiting for the last moment.


A cold light flashed, and the head rolled into the dust.

(End of this chapter)

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