I have a city in another world

4719--Andrew Reinforcement from the Sky

4719--Andrew Reinforcement from the Sky

Amidst the hail of bullets, a figure slowly approached.

Although bullets were flying around and grenades exploded from time to time, they still couldn't stop this figure from approaching.

Around his body, there was a looming protective barrier that blocked every bullet fired at his body, and would cause ripples from time to time.

There are tiny runes inside the ripples, which seem to form the code of the world, blocking attacks from bullets and fragments.

A huge head is staring with eyes at the moment. Although it has been separated from the body, it is still gnashing its teeth.

Not far away, lying on the ground was a strong corpse, bare from the neck up.

"Boy, just scream if you're not dead."

A voice sounded, which made Custer's heart skip a beat, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

He saw a young man wearing a strange armor with a handsome and majestic appearance.

With a weapon on his back and a slender saber in his hand, he looked at himself quietly.

The undead soldiers holding strange weapons were now separated from each other and fell to the ground not far away.

Obviously, at the critical moment, the person in front of him saved him.

"Who are you……"

Custer spoke with difficulty, wanting to know who his savior was so that he could have a chance to repay him in the future.

Although he has a bad reputation, he always repays his kindness and never owes anyone anything.

Custer knew very well that judging from the aura and posture of the person in front of him, it would be difficult to repay this favor.

Such a powerful monster can be beheaded with one strike. What an amazing strength!

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what you want to do."

Hearing this, Custer quickly said loudly: "Base No. [-] was attacked by monsters. The enemy is undead soldiers. The fighting power is quite strong. Base No. [-] suffered heavy casualties.

I was responsible for going to Base No. [-] to ask for help, but now I am seriously injured and can no longer complete the mission.

Can you help me, go to Base No. [-] to ask for help, if you can be successfully rescued, I will definitely give you enough rewards! "

At this moment, Custer pinned his hope on the person in front of him, desperately hoping that the other person could help him.

If the news can be passed on and Base [-] can be rescued, it can be regarded as a death without regrets.

In his expectant eyes, the other party gently shook his head.


Custer was emotional and asked the other party loudly, but suddenly a stream of blood spurted out from his mouth.

The dark green blood was terrifying, as if it had been mixed with fluorescent agents, and there were a lot of internal organ fragments in it.

Seeing this, the young man on the opposite side threw an object casually, and it fell into Custer's arms.

"Because when you see me, you have already completed the task of asking for help.

Swallow this bottle of potion, pick up your weapon, and follow everyone to kill the enemy! "

As soon as the young man finished speaking, he saw figures emerging from the thick fog and rushing towards the attacks of the undead soldiers.

Every figure is extremely strong and powerful, exuding a frightening aura, and there is a calmness in the eyes that ignores death.

Some figures exchanged fire with the undead soldiers. They were powerful and accurate, knocking away the green bullets continuously.

The purpose of this is to cover your comrades and allow them to approach the enemy more easily.

Such accurate and rapid shooting surprised Custer. Even though he had awakened his extraordinary powers, he was not capable of doing this.

The pride brought about by the previous awakening has disappeared at this moment.

In front of these strong men, Custer felt pitifully weak and could be killed almost instantly.

"I understand, you are from Base [-]!"

Custer suddenly realized, and shouted in surprise.

The young man nodded, looked at the battlefield ahead, and suddenly rushed into the air.

A flash of sword light passed by, like a bolt of lightning.

With a roar, something fell from the sky and landed in front of Custer.

It was half of the monster's body, slashed diagonally from the shoulders to the waist, with muscles like those made of fine steel, and a pair of large bat-like wings.

Seeing the dead flying monster, Custer was even more shocked, and then a sick flush appeared on his face.

Such a fierce fighting scene made him feel extremely excited and he couldn't wait to participate.

But his severely injured body left him unable to move at all.

At this moment, an idea flashed in his mind, and what the young man had just said rang out, and he quickly grabbed the long box in front of him.

He reached out and pulled it gently, and the top cover of the box was opened, revealing a transparent glass test tube.

Inside this test tube, there is a rose-red liquid with streaks of fluorescent threads inside, which are as beautiful and bright as starlight.

Although he didn't know what it was, he knew it wasn't Fanpin at a glance, and remembering what the young man told him just now, Custer raised his neck without hesitation.

His injuries were extremely serious, he was almost out of gas, and he had no worries.

A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, so what if he fights for it once? At least in his opinion, the young man has no reason to harm himself.

Otherwise, there is no need to take action to rescue him from the monster.

The red liquid was poured into the mouth and was absorbed by the body in an instant. A strange feeling spread throughout the body.

The five viscera were abnormally itchy, and blood was constantly spurting out of the mouth, spitting out mouthful after mouthful.

Custer's eyes turned black from vomiting, and he could hardly breathe, but there was a happy smile on his face.

Although it was extremely uncomfortable, he could clearly feel that a trace of vitality was bursting out.

Just like dry land, it is nourished by rain, resurrecting dying vegetation.

This feeling of pain and joy was the first time that Custer felt it, and there was no way to describe it in words.

Soon he felt that his limbs had regained consciousness and he could barely stand up.

Custer's heart was burning and he couldn't wait to fight.

The young man just said that he should pick up the weapon and follow the others to kill the enemy.

The belligerent Custer would never refuse such an invitation.

Struggling to stand up from the ground and pick up the sniper rifle, Custer began to look for a suitable position.

Staggeringly, he climbed to the top of the building, placed his sniper rifle on the wall, and quickly searched for traces of the enemy.

There was a gunshot soon, and the bullets sprayed out of the chamber. Unlike the green flames of the ghost soldier, Custer's muzzle sprayed black smoke.

Even in the dark, there is no light, making it impossible for the enemy to lock the shooting position.

Compared with ordinary awakeners, Custer's technology is very special, and he has awakened more than one extraordinary ability.

He himself has super talents, and it was only after entering Tomb City that he awakened at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people.

If he is a resident of Loucheng and practices a technique that suits him, he will definitely achieve great results in the future.

Bullets sprayed out one after another, hitting the undead soldiers continuously. With the blessing of extraordinary ability, Custer almost hits every shot with a hundred shots.

When ordinary bullets hit the undead soldiers, there is only a small hole, and the killing effect is quite average.

Unless the monster's body is torn apart, it will continue to attack.

The bullet fired by Custer was different. It carried black smoke and could corrode the wound quickly.

Black smoke spread like a flame around the wound, burning out a terrifying and hideous hole.

The burning speed is extremely fast, and if it cannot be stopped in time, it can even burn flesh and blood to ashes.

The sudden appearance of destructive ability made Custer both surprised and delighted. He didn't expect that he would be a blessing in disguise, making his extraordinary ability even stronger.

But after carefully sensing himself, he found that this was not the case. The burning ability probably came from the bottle of red potion.

The potion contains special energy that can be released with attacks. Every time a bullet is fired, the special energy will decrease accordingly.

After several attempts, Castor was finally able to determine that the ability improvement came from the magic potion.

At this moment, Custer became extremely interested in the young man who saved him and the magical potion that improved his abilities.

I have made up my mind that after this crisis is over, I must go to Base No. [-] to find out clearly.

He has reason to believe that in the No. [-] base, there will be enough surprises.

(End of this chapter)

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