I have a city in another world

Chapter 4727 Cleaner!

Chapter 4727 Cleaner!
The turmoil between the children of the family was temporarily resolved in this way.

But conflicts have arisen, and the system has used its influence to successfully arouse the hatred of the awakened people, making them think that their interests have been harmed.

It's like seeing a swarm of mosquitoes lying on one's body to suck blood without restraint, but there is no way to kill them.

The awakened person must feel uncomfortable. Once he finds an opportunity, he will definitely kill the mosquito.

There are also some awakened people who have particularly strong thoughts, and they only want to clean up the parasites.

It turned out that in their dreams, they all received tasks issued by the system.

Not only the children of the family, but anyone who wants to take advantage of the Grave City will be targeted for expulsion and cleanup.

In the vision of the awakened person, they can see the prompts given by the system, so as to accurately determine whether the opponent is the target of expulsion.

Originally, such a function was open to gamers, but the players refused to accept the management, and the system's plan was completely defeated.

Now the awakened ones have been selected and used as tool men.

The methods that failed on the players had quite good results when used on the awakened ones.

The main reason for this situation is that the awakened people are not very knowledgeable, unlike the residents of Loucheng who are well-informed and will not be easily deceived.

Using the successfully fooled awakened ones, the system started a cleanup operation. The undead soldiers were just one of the means, and the awakened ones were the real main force.

With the ability of the system, it is natural to be able to distinguish who is sincerely hunting monsters and who is stealing energy in the tomb city.

Every energy stealer is a parasite in the eyes of the system.

The system is not omnipotent, otherwise it can directly cut off the awakening opportunity, instead of expending so much effort to drive it away like now.

In the days to come, there will be more and more situations like this, and in order to prevent energy from being stolen, the systematic expulsion actions will become more intense and frequent.

The war in the tomb city will not only be limited to humans and monsters, but the battle between humans will also be more brutal.

Although this will affect the soul crystal collection plan, it is indeed a helpless move.

In a low-energy world, it is quite difficult to gather and increase energy concentration for a long time, and a considerable price must be paid for conversion.

There is no problem in a short period of time, but if it lasts for too long, the system may not be able to withstand it.

This kind of clean-up and expulsion is actually imperative.

There is a building in the east of the tomb city. There are people on the top who are responsible for guarding and guarding to prevent unrelated people from approaching here.

As the evening approached, people appeared from time to time and walked into the backyard of this building.

In less than an hour or so, hundreds of awakened people had gathered, and most of them covered their faces to prevent others from seeing their identities.

There is a person standing in the front who is in charge of hosting the party.

"Everyone who came here should have received a mission from the Bodhisattva to eliminate demons and clean up parasites."

The host glanced around and saw everyone nodding, indicating that he had indeed received the task.

"Out of prudence, I will verify it next, lest someone pretend to be a companion."

When the host said this, he muttered something, and then a mental wave spread around.

The awakened ones present must match the secret code, otherwise they will be impostors.

The verification process is very simple. Those who accept the task have their own password, which is very similar to a jigsaw puzzle.

When these puzzle pieces are put together, a complete pattern can be formed and more intelligence information can be obtained.

Scammers can’t provide the puzzle, and if they do, they can’t put it together completely.

Soon the puzzle pieces were put together, it was confirmed that no one was imposting, and all those who accepted the task were present.

After confirming that they were all their own people, the host issued a task, asking everyone to expel and clean up the parasites tonight.

The system has given them special vision, allowing them to see the expulsion target and just drive it away or kill it.

After the task is completed, the reasonable person will get the corresponding reward, and the more targets are cleared, the richer the reward will be.

This cleaning task cannot be carried out in public, otherwise it will inevitably offend a large number of people.

You must also hide your identity and not be discovered, otherwise you may suffer retaliation.

Despite the need to take risks, the participants still did not hesitate, in their view, this is an extremely noble behavior.

Destroying demons and saving the world is a supreme merit. Not only can you get rewards, but it is also of great benefit to your practice.

Although the awakened ones accept the task, they still have to see if there are enough benefits before deciding whether to participate in the action.

Today's awakened people are not yet at the level of fanatics, and it is impossible to give regardless of rewards.

Once the operatives have been determined, discussions begin on a plan of action.

Night is the best cover, it can hide the identities of the actors, and they can evacuate more easily and calmly.

If it were any other place, everyone might still be worried, fearing that someone would discover them and reveal their identity.

At night, the city of the tomb will be shrouded in gray fog, and in some places, no one can be seen a few meters away.

Such a special environment is simply a paradise for assassins. Even the cautious ones will be more courageous here.

It took only half an hour to complete the action plan, and the participants were given their tasks.

Before nightfall, everyone quickly evacuated and headed to different combat zones
The participants in the action all have different identities. In order to avoid being found abnormal, the play that should be performed must continue to be performed.

The identity of the liquidator cannot be known to outsiders for the time being, and may never even be made public.

Time passed slowly, and night fell quietly.

Like a rising tide, the gray fog quickly enveloped the city of the tomb, and the concentration continued to increase.

The monsters that had been holding back for a day rushed out of the city like a flood that opened the gate.

The hunters on both sides of the passage also launched an attack at this moment.

The sound of gunfire resounded through the night sky, and the battle was fierce from the beginning. However, due to the fog, many scenes could not be seen.

Some of them left quietly in the chaos and thick fog.

They concealed their appearance, arrived at their respective mission locations, and then quietly sneaked in to search.

In the vision of these people, the dark night covered by thick fog was not hazy, but there were vague humanoid existences.

Even if it is a long distance, and separated by the building wall, it can still be seen clearly.

This is the credit of the system, which marks the outline of the target and then projects it into the sea of ​​consciousness of the awakened person.

Different colors will also be marked according to the importance to facilitate the awakened person who performs the task to make a choice.

The awakened ones lurking in the dark, according to the prompts given by the system, quietly approached the mission target.

Although according to the mission requirements, you can choose to expel or kill the target, few people choose the former.

Most of them kill the mission target directly with the sword in hand.

This is clean and quick, and once done, it can effectively reduce the possibility of exposure.

If you choose to expel the target, it will not only be troublesome, but also very likely to cause various changes.

Maybe if you let someone go with kindness for a while, you will be retaliated against when you turn around.

Under the cover of night, the "parasites" marked by the system were quietly killed.

However, there are also some targets that are hidden in heavily guarded locations, making it extremely difficult to approach and kill them.

Targets like this are all children of major families. After experiencing the accident last night, they have raised their defense levels one after another.

Not only is the hiding place very hidden, but there are also a large number of guards, including awakened ones.

Hiding in the depths of the survival base and maintaining a high degree of vigilance, it is extremely difficult to successfully hunt and kill.

But these goals must be cleared, and the other goals are just incidental.

When the clearers felt embarrassed, they suddenly heard rapid gunshots, and the undead soldiers appeared again, launching a frenzied attack on the various survival bases.

(End of this chapter)

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