I have a city in another world

Chapter 4728 The Liquidator’s Nightmare

Chapter 4728 The Liquidator’s Nightmare
The appearance of undead soldiers was already expected.

The dispute that occurred during the day made many people believe one thing. The target of the undead soldiers was the children of the family.

The children of the family are still there, and the undead soldiers will come.

Many people are afraid of undead soldiers and are unwilling to fight such monsters.

Different from ordinary monsters, undead soldiers are extremely powerful in combat, and possess wisdom not weaker than ordinary people.

There are even commanders who can formulate tactics according to the situation and make the defenders complain.

The fearless offensive method is every defender's nightmare.

Undead soldiers can also take advantage of the night and the thick gray fog to cover their figures, and approach the target silently.

They are not only a group of sharpshooters, but also excellent assassins, who silently eliminate the enemy.

Moreover, their eyes are completely unaffected by gray fog and can easily see targets clearly at night.

In fact, it is not only the undead soldiers, but also other monsters. Night is their world, and their natural abilities will be enhanced to varying degrees.

The undead soldiers drive the monsters and launch attacks continuously, making the battle extremely intense.

The scavengers who watched secretly were very happy. Undead soldiers appeared on the battlefield and successfully diverted the attention of the defenders.

As long as they seize the opportunity and act quickly, there is a great possibility to complete the cleanup task.

At the same time, I also had a doubt in my heart, why did I get the cooperation of these monsters when I acted?
Could it be that because Faomen and the monster belong to the same camp, they have a common target of attack?

If this is the case, Famen is definitely not a peaceful place.

Today's awakened people have gradually regarded Famen as their faith, and it is difficult to accept this fact.

Fortunately, the system has already taken precautions. It is reasonable to claim that the cleaners are not protected by Bodhisattvas and attacked by monsters.

With such an explanation, the doubts of the awakened people will gradually disappear, and they will no longer have doubts about the sect.

When people's hearts are biased to one side, their thinking will inevitably be affected, and they will make some judgments that are more in line with their own likes and dislikes.

Soon someone started to move, quietly sneaked into the survival base, and went straight to where the parasite was.

The battlefield was in chaos, and so was the interior of the survival base. Even the defenders of the same base were unable to take care of each other at the moment.

The special combat environment has had a serious impact on the defenders, and now everything is in a state of exploration.

Whether it is blocking and killing the enemy, or tactics and tactics, this is true in all aspects.

The liquidators entered the base much more smoothly than expected, without any obstruction at all.

Following the guidance of the system, they searched all the way and soon discovered the mission target.

Perhaps no one thought that there would be awakened people sneaking into the base to carry out assassinations, resulting in the defense not being particularly tight.

The cleaners will definitely not miss a good opportunity like this and launch attacks on the target one after another.

Inside the survival bases, fierce gunfire erupted, and at the same time there were panicked and angry roars.

The first action of the liquidators started without warning, and many children of families who insisted on staying in the tomb city were affected.

After killing the mission target, the clearers quickly withdrew, and soon disappeared into the dark night.

Come and go like the wind, without any hindrance.

Most of the guards are resisting the monster's attack at this moment, and have no time to take care of internal affairs.

Even before the battle ended, they didn't receive relevant news, and they didn't even know that the survival base was attacked by liquidators.

Even if he knew about it, he probably wouldn't care too much about it. As an awakened person, he also doesn't like the younger generation of the family.

The system's judgment has a profound impact on the awakened people. Although they don't say it, their hearts are also full of contempt.

I think this group of guys has robbed the benefits of the awakened ones.

It would be the best thing if someone takes action to kill them. Apart from anything else, it can at least reduce energy consumption.

There has been news that the stronger the awakened person is, the more energy they will consume.

Although it is sufficient for the time being, there is no guarantee that it will be the same in the future.

Practitioners have always been selfish, competing with heaven and earth, and fighting with their fellows. When encountering such things that affect their own interests, they will often make the same choice.

The cleaners who completed their mission quietly returned to their original fighting positions.

Under the cover of night and dense fog, the clearers came and went freely, and no one noticed their anomalies at all.

When the assassination broke out, it would be difficult to suspect them.

Most of the clearers, the operation process was very smooth, they found the target easily, and returned smoothly after killing them.

However, there were also some liquidators who encountered obstacles during their actions, and even suffered casualties.

Just because their cleanup target is hidden inside Base No. [-], although it is not heavily guarded, it is extremely difficult to enter the base.

Although like other places, it was attacked by undead soldiers, the defenders were not in a panic.

With the participation of players, Base No. [-] was built like an iron barrel.

Various magic weapons and talismans were arranged around Base No. [-], which had an excellent auxiliary effect.

One of the luminous talismans released bursts of energy fluctuations, which could continuously dispel the gray mist.

Under the illumination of strong searchlights, the view of Survival Base No. [-] is very clear and will not affect the battle.

Unlike other survival bases, the interior is in chaos, and even the road can't be seen clearly.

There are also huge differences in the weapons used by defenders, and they are not even at the same level at all.

All kinds of magical instruments, combined with military weapons, display extremely powerful power.

Every bullet fired, as long as it hits the target's body, can instantly cause huge damage.

The bodies of undead soldiers are not afraid of ordinary bullets, often leaving only a small hole.

Base No. [-] uses rune bullets, and if it hits an undead soldier, it can almost blow up half of the body.

The broken body parts will still burn, which is equivalent to killing and cremating, and sending them away in one step.

There are also many javelins stuck on the wall, with talismans attached to the surface. As long as an enemy comes close to a certain distance, the javelins will automatically fly up and kill them.

The seemingly simple weapon has a terrifying killing effect. The moment it touches the target, four blades will spread out, cutting the target's body into pieces.

There are also streamers of light flying around outside the base, hitting enemies from time to time.

Exploding flames, terrifying acid, dazzling lightning...

The attack method released by Liu Guang caused heavy losses to the undead soldiers, and a large number of corpses piled up around the base.

Some liquidators approached Base No. [-] recklessly without understanding the situation, and ended up being targeted.

Facing these powerful magical weapons, they simply couldn't resist, and the awakened extraordinary ability also couldn't save their lives.

In a short period of time, more than a dozen liquidators were killed, leaving them no time to escape.

Some unlucky guys didn't even leave a complete corpse, and the broken corpses and monsters were mixed together.

The liquidators who came first were eliminated directly, and those who came later did not get any advantage. As long as they got close to the No. [-] base, they would be attacked.

Finally, there was a lucky guy who witnessed the scene where the cleaners were killed, and was so frightened that he quickly stopped his actions.

He secretly hid beside him, observed the battle situation, and didn't dare to rush forward at all.

During this period, if you encounter fellow cleaners, you will be given a warning to reduce casualties as much as possible.

The current base No. [-] is a millstone of death, and anyone who comes close will definitely die.

Not to mention completing the mission, being able to leave alive is considered lucky.

However, there were some clearers who were still approaching recklessly, and were killed under the watchful eyes of their companions.

Good words are hard to persuade, damned ghosts, these guys who thought they were smart, ended up losing their lives in a daze.

When the undead soldiers stopped attacking, they also took advantage of the gap in the battle to flee, and fled from the No. [-] base in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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