I have a city in another world

4763--Andrew Tang Zhen fights the devil

4763--Andrew Tang Zhen fights the devil

This huge mountain-like figure released bursts of terrifying aura, making the surrounding monsters in the underworld tremble.

Judging by its size and breath, you can tell that this is a real devil.

A devil-level monster is the master of a domain in the underworld, controlling a vast area.

There are countless monsters in the underworld, and the devil's men are never short of cannon fodder. When they wage war, their tactics are often simple and direct.

Drive the cannon fodder to launch a fierce attack, causing serious damage to the target. When the time is right, the devil himself will appear.

I don't know how many enemies have been defeated by this simple tactic and become monster servants of the underworld.

Even if you are unwilling, you can't change it.

The slave is deep in the soul, bound by the mark of the devil, and has no ability to get rid of it.

It is for this reason that when they see the devil, they can't help but tremble in fear.

Those monsters that were turned into ashes by the sunlight because of the scriptures of salvation were completely freed from the shackles of the devil.

Get rid of the underworld and get rid of the suffering of samsara.

Otherwise, life and death will be wandering in the devil world, and there is no chance to be detached.

Tang Zhen's behavior is tantamount to confronting the devil and snatching its private property.

The Demon King would definitely stop such behavior and would not let Tang Zhen do whatever he wanted.

Otherwise, all the monsters in the territory may be saved by Tang Zhen, turning them into a polished commander.

Apparently, the Demon King had been hiding nearby before this, but he showed up early because of Tang Zhen's behavior.

"You humble ant, you disgust me and challenge my majesty.

Such rude behavior will inevitably be severely punished.

I will imprison your soul, put you in the burning soul lighthouse, and make you suffer from pain all the time! "

When the devil spoke, the four mouths opened at the same time, and different voices overlapped.

This weird harmony makes people's scalp numb when listening to it, and even their souls tremble.

Just by the sound it makes, it can make people crazy and demented, and become the slave of the devil unconsciously.

The monsters around them whined and seemed to be suffering unspeakable pain.


The Demon King snorted coldly, and then he saw the monsters around him wailing and being enveloped in thick, watery black air.

All kinds of accretions emerged from the monster's body, and became more and more fierce as the body swelled.

The previous calm posture was gone at this moment, leaving only the crazy desire to kill.


Even though he regarded Tang Zhen like an ant, the Demon King still didn't launch an attack himself, but drove the newly mutated monster.

However, in a short period of time, these monsters were promoted to demon generals, possessing the strength to complete the foundation establishment.

But if you observe carefully, you can find something wrong, the mutated monster is clearly burning vitality.

It won't take long before the fuel will run out and you will die directly.

Such a weird method is very similar to the method of modifying attributes, but it is simpler and more rude, and can only be used once.

It's not like the scroll repair attribute, which can be restored to its original state every ten days.

Driven by the Demon King, these demon generals rushed towards Tang Zhen, trying to tear him into pieces.

The six tentacles behind Tang Zhen waved and attacked again, trying to penetrate the bodies of these demon generals.

Monsters with improved realms were actually able to block the tentacles and try to fight back.

There were also some fierce monsters who took the opportunity to approach Tang Zhen and tried to launch a sneak attack on him.

As the owner of the building city and the only customer of the cornerstone platform, Tang Zhen has a lot of means.

In the game world, you can still practice cultivation.

The moment the monster approached him, streamers of light flew out, passing across the monster's body at an extremely fast speed.

The body of the monster that rushed towards Tang Zhen was instantly torn apart, and the cuts were extremely neat.

Streamers of light were flying everywhere, and as long as the monster got close to Tang Zhen, it would immediately attack.

But in the blink of an eye, pieces of meat were scattered around Tang Zhen, and all the monsters that came close to attack were killed.

Monsters large and small in the distance are still blocked by the bloody tentacles, and will be entangled and killed from time to time.

In the plane of the underworld, Tang Zhen's realm limit has disappeared, and he directly broke through and was promoted to the stage of refining gods.

As time passed, his realm rapidly increased, and the aura he released became stronger and stronger.

Tang Zhen's previous accumulation completely exploded at this moment, which resulted in a crazy improvement in his realm.

The Demon King noticed this and was slightly startled. If he continued to improve, it would be very difficult to kill Tang Zhen.

"Go to hell!"

Without any warning, the Demon King suddenly launched an attack and stomped hard towards Tang Zhen.

The demon king is about 50 meters high, like a building, and the ground shakes when the soles of his feet fall.

If he were stepped on, he would definitely die.

The moment he was attacked, Tang Zhen moved quickly, unable to withstand the crushing force as heavy as a mountain.

"Ants, you can't hide."

Seeing Tang Zhen dodging, the Demon King made a mocking sound, and stomped down slowly and quickly.

If this step is solid, Tang Zhen will become a meat pie.

"If you want to trample me to death, aren't you afraid of your feet hurting!"

There was sarcasm in Tang Zhen's words. Faced with such a desperate situation, he didn't even panic at all.

Tang Zhen not only snarled, but also gave the most severe attack.

As soon as his words fell, a golden light flew out from his waist, spinning extremely fast and soaring into the sky.

At this moment, above Tang Zhen's head, a huge foot was falling rapidly, covering the sky like a dark cloud.

In just one second, Tang Zhen can be trampled under his feet.

As a result, the golden light rose up, grew at an extremely fast speed, and its appearance also changed.

The top is in the shape of a drill, and the sides are sharp rotating blades. The golden color is mixed with silver, hiding an extremely sharp edge.

But in an instant, it got into the soles of the demon king's feet, and the shattered flesh and blood fell like a rainstorm.

"Ah, damn ants!"

The demon king who was attacked let out a scream, and his heart was even more violent.

I thought I would be able to trample Tang Zhen to death with one kick, but I didn't expect that it would be myself who would be injured.

However, in the next moment, something even more unexpected happened. The ant he was about to trample to death fought back again.

It actually drilled directly into the body of the Demon King along the wound on the sole of the foot.

"Ant, how dare you do this!"

The demon king was startled and angry, and subconsciously wanted to drive the ants out of his body, and then directly crushed them to death with his hands.

Before it started to move, it felt the pain in the soles of its feet, and one by one tentacles quickly drilled out from the feet.

The Demon King screamed in pain, bent down and stretched out his hand to tear, trying to pull out the tentacles from his feet.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, bloody tentacles spread along the ankles to a higher position.

The total number of spiritual tentacles Tang Zhen controlled was only six, but the flesh and blood tentacles that appeared on the demon king's legs numbered at least four to five hundred.

When the devil realized that something was wrong and stretched out his hand to pull it, the tentacles had already grown to the root of his thigh.

The arrogant and arrogant Demon King suddenly became flustered and terrified, and the situation in front of him was beyond his control.

He thought that he could easily kill Tang Zhen in a flash with his own action, but he didn't expect the fact to be completely opposite to what he expected.

At this moment, the Demon King actually felt a strong sense of fear and felt that death was approaching him.

Without any hesitation, it chopped off one of its own legs.

After the broken leg fell to the ground, it was instantly covered with bloody tentacles, and it continued to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The shocking scene shocked the devil's heart, and he was no longer as arrogant as before.

It didn't stay any longer, but decisively dodged and fled.

Unexpectedly, not long after running away, tentacles came out from behind the devil, and grew all over his body at an extremely fast speed.

The Demon King let out a scream, and frantically pulled the tentacles on his body, tearing off one after another.

However, the torn root revealed a dark wound, with blood flowing out continuously.

Accompanied by desperate screams, tentacles covered the Demon King's body, and his huge body suddenly collapsed to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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