I have a city in another world

Chapter 4764 The underworld can also fight monsters and upgrade

Chapter 4764 The underworld can also fight monsters and upgrade

After the death of the Demon King, the tentacles on his body shrank rapidly and condensed into black crystals.

Under the traction of spiritual force, the crystal flew towards Tang Zhen, and was quickly absorbed by the flying spiritual tentacles.

The high-speed magic power slowly stopped at this moment.

In mid-air behind Tang Zhen, an illusion of a demon god appeared. The image was extremely ferocious and strange.

Looking down at Tang Zhen from a high position, after taking a deep look, it slowly dissipated like a cloud of smoke.


On the hill-like corpse, Tang Zhen got up and showed a satisfied smile.

This time in the wilderness battle, the harvest was far richer than expected, and even killed a demon lord.

The owner of this piece of land is now lying at Tang Zhen's feet, and he will be dead in a short time.

The nearby monsters, large and small, will never miss this high-level blood food. They will crazily snatch and devour it, and there will not even be a single bone left.

It was the first time among players to kill the devil king.

Tang Zhen had discussed countermeasures before this, trying to find a way to deal with the attack that the Demon King would inevitably launch.

It never occurred to him that the hidden demon king would be single-handedly killed by him before he even launched an attack.

This magic devouring skill is far more powerful than imagined.

The Demon King certainly did not expect that Tang Zhen would be able to break through obstacles and advance so quickly after entering the underworld.

The monster it drives to attack becomes Tang Zhen's promotion ladder, because the realm reward after killing the monster is still there.

This was another surprise, and at the same time the biggest gain of this trip, far more exciting than killing the Demon King.

The devouring demon skill that he practiced was also advanced at the same time, possessing more powerful means and power.

Not only can it condense mental power tentacles, but it can also grow solid tentacles of flesh and blood on the body of the attack target.

For the target being attacked, this was a quite fatal blow, and the Demon King was killed precisely because of this method.

Tang Zhen, who won the victory, had time to think about the problem, and the more he thought about it, the more incredible he felt.

Being in the underworld, you can still defeat monsters and level up. This is something that no player expected.

The underworld and the game world belong to different planes, but the power of the rules of the artifact can still play a role.

It can be seen that the refiner of the artifact has energy far beyond imagination, and it is by no means as simple as imagined before.

Downton became deeply curious about this former disciple of the Forbidden Sect, and tried to speculate on the realm the other party possessed.

It must be very powerful, and may even have become a demon, to have an impact on the rules of the underworld.

For Tang Zhen, this is a good thing.

If it has the same effect on other players, then you can find a way to send the player into the depths of the underworld.

After obtaining the realm improvement, you can more effectively block the monsters in the demon world.

Of course, it is only at the Demon King level. If a higher level monster appears, the players still cannot be their opponents.

This kind of thing should not wait, it must be tested immediately.

Tang Zhen issued an order to select players who had reached the perfect state of foundation building and let them move closer to his location.

At the same time, look for monsters and try to break through.

He will stay where he is, respond to the arrival of players, and perhaps try to go deeper.

After beheading the devil, the risk in this area is reduced, at least there will be no major problems in a short period of time.

Tang Zhen also wanted to take this opportunity to conduct an in-depth investigation of the underworld.

All the information he learned before came from the cornerstone platform. Although Tang Zhen did not doubt its authenticity, he wanted to see what was going on with his own eyes.

Not to mention that the demon world is vast and has different conditions in different areas. If you can accurately locate it, you will definitely gain more initiative.

Because in Tang Zhen's hands, there is a map of the distribution of forces in the underworld, which is difficult to obtain but not very useful information.

Previously, Tang Zhen happened to see this power distribution map while collecting information about the underworld on the Cornerstone platform, so he bought it.

At the time, I did not expect that I would have the opportunity to conduct an investigation myself.

After waiting for about three hours, a group of players appeared in front of Tang Zhen, each of them armed to the teeth.

From the beginning of the supernatural disaster to the invasion of monsters from the underworld, players and natives have been on the defensive.

This is the first time that I have gone deep into the underworld to hunt monsters.

Following Tang Zhen's request, the players looked for monsters to hunt, and were soon surprised to find that the bottleneck was loosened.

This situation is enough to prove that they have the opportunity to advance to a higher realm.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a player to advance smoothly and directly promoted to the realm of refining gods.

A group of players cheered. They had been stuck in the foundation-building realm for a long time, but could never find a way to advance.

This feeling is very aggrieved, as if you have all your strength, but your hands and feet are tied up by ropes.

In the face of those attacking monsters, there are obviously stronger hunting methods, but they cannot be used because of the limit of the realm.

But from now on, the worries no longer exist, because I finally found a way to be promoted.

The inspired players rushed forward, looking for traces of monsters everywhere.

Once a monster figure is found, it will pounce on it like a wolf and kill it with the fastest speed.

Before they knew it, the players came to Tang Zhen's location and saw the remains of the devil king like a hill.

When fighting the Sea Tribe, many sea monsters were extremely large, and players had long been accustomed to this.

They even draw blood and cut flesh, which is used to refine medicinal materials and make sausages.

The demon king of the underworld in front of him was the strongest enemy he had hunted since the beginning of the war, which could be regarded as breaking a record.

Originally, the players were still discussing how to kill a demon king-level monster.

There are different opinions, and most of them hold a pessimistic attitude, thinking that even if they can defeat the devil monster, they must pay a terrible price.

Tang Zhen gave the answer at this moment. Even single-handedly, he could kill a terrifying demon king.

The excited players immediately uploaded pictures and videos, which indeed caused a stir and discussion.

Tang Zhen's victory brought great confidence to the players, and they all clamored to kill the Demon King.

Although not every player can replicate Tang Zhen's record, this mentality is worth encouraging.

In fact, players also know that the enemy is still strong and we are weak. Although you can get promoted by going deep into the underworld, you must be able to come back alive.

Not every player has Tang Zhen's ability.

After the players arrive, they immediately collect the Demon King's corpse to obtain useful materials.

The Demon King is full of treasures and is an excellent material for refining magic weapons. Players will definitely not miss such a good thing.

However, during the collection process, they came to speculate on the cause of the Demon King's death, and the bloody holes all over his body were indeed shocking.

The various skills practiced by the players do not have such a lethal effect, but give people a very evil feeling.

This also made them suspect that what Tang Zhen practiced was a magic technique, otherwise there would not be such a weird destructive effect.

Although I was curious, no one asked.

What kind of exercises Tang Zhen practices is purely his personal freedom, and the residents of Loucheng have no right to interfere.

This is also the privilege of the city lord, let alone in the game world.

If you were an ordinary resident, if you wanted to practice magic skills, you would inevitably be subject to various restrictions and censorship.

There is no shortage of cultivation methods in Loucheng, and residents can also choose to take tests to obtain the type with the highest degree of fit.

After the practice begins, you can also get a tailor-made package to ensure more efficiency and safety.

If due to various reasons, there is a lack of cultivation resources, you can also apply for a cultivation subsidy from Lou Cheng.

With such generous conditions, he still wants to practice magic skills, which is purely to make trouble on purpose.

After all, no one can guarantee whether the residents will suddenly lose control and harm others after practicing the magic skills.

There is no shortage of practitioners in Loucheng, but no harm is allowed, not even a genius monk.

(End of this chapter)

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