Chapter 4783
The survivors at sea, seeing the huge devil who suddenly appeared, couldn't help falling into panic.

Since the extraordinary disaster, countless demons and monsters have ravaged the land, causing the survivors misery.

However, demon king-level monsters rarely appear in front of the world, and their mountain-like size brings a strong sense of fear.

When they saw the Demon King roaring in anger and launching an attack on the floating island he was riding on, many survivors showed expressions of despair.

Such a terrifying monster, even the players cannot stop it, the survivors can only close their eyes and wait for death.

The burning oil tank made a sharp noise, and flew across the sky, about to hit the floating island.

The survivors on the floating island collectively let out a desperate cry.

At the very moment, white light flashed again, and then a figure appeared in the sky, blocking the path of the oil tank.

The huge difference in size between the two makes people suspect that with just a slight collision, this figure will turn into flesh.

Unexpectedly, in the next moment, something incredible happened.

This figure stretched out his hand and pushed, and actually blocked the burning oil tank, making it unable to move forward at all.

The raging flames also enveloped his body, but he was not affected in any way.

"Tips for carving insects."

A voice came, with deep disdain.

The demon king in the distance couldn't help trembling when he saw the small figure that suddenly appeared.

Hearing it growl, he turned and fled without hesitation.

No one knew that at this moment, the demon king was under tremendous pressure of fear.

The strength of this suddenly appearing figure is simply unfathomable, far exceeding the limit of this world.

The Demon King knew very well that the other party could never be an aborigine, but a practitioner from another world.

This world full of holes is not only connected to the underworld, other worlds can also enter freely.

This is extremely important news, and it must be reported to the Demon God immediately, otherwise there may be accidents.

The main purpose is to escape and escape, so as not to be killed by this practitioner.

The sudden reversal of the crisis made the survivors dumbfounded and terrified. They watched the oil tank being intercepted in a daze, and then saw the devil turn around and run away.

"The monster was scared away!"

It wasn't until someone screamed that the survivors realized what had happened and couldn't help but cheer.

"What are you running, that bastard can't run away at all!"

The player in charge suddenly made an excited voice.

Obviously he has recognized the true identity of this cultivator, so he can say such affirmative words.

Sure enough, as soon as his words fell, the practitioners in the air moved, grabbed the huge oil tank and danced.

It was as if there was an invisible chain that tied the burning oil tank and circled the monk continuously.

Such a strange sight looks weird and exciting.

But in the blink of an eye, the oil tank was wheeled a dozen times before being thrown out again.

The oil tank wrapped in flames shot towards the fleeing Demon King like a fire-breathing missile.

The speed of the oil tank was extremely fast, but in an instant, it flew behind the demon king.

The terrified and desperate Demon King couldn't dodge this extremely fast attack at all, and could only let out an unwilling roar.

The oil tank penetrated into the Demon King's body, followed by a violent explosion, and his huge body was instantly enveloped in flames.

The green flames surrounding the oil tank turned pale at this moment, and from time to time there would be red fire dragons roaming freely.

The Demon King, wrapped in flames, struggled and roared crazily, trying to get rid of the terrifying flames like maggots attached to his bones.

Struggle is doomed to be in vain, but will accelerate the burning of the flame, and the crackling sound is like adding fuel to the fire.

As the Demon King struggled to move around, large chunks of flesh and blood attached to the flames continued to fall off, and the mountain-like body began to disintegrate.

The fire burns from the inside out. When the outside is shattered, the inside has already been reduced to ashes.


At the last moment of his life, the devil wanted to shout something, but thick smoke and flames were erupted from his mouth like a volcano erupting.

Immediately afterwards, like a landslide, first an arm was lost, then a leg was broken, and finally the head rolled into the dust.

Flames still erupted from the bare neck, eventually burning everything to ashes.

The Demon King was beheaded in public, and the Demon General and Demon Soldiers also dispersed, fleeing the battlefield like crazy.

A deadly crisis was successfully resolved in this way.

The survivors cheered, thanking the players who desperately guarded and the powerful practitioners of unknown origin.

Looking at the rough sea, hope was rekindled in my heart.


In the headquarters of the tomb city, Tang Zhen watched a group of survivors enter the sea smoothly, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Before receiving the signal for help, Tang Zhen had already noticed this group of survivors and found that their situation was relatively difficult.

The front is the sea, and the pursuers are behind, and they may fall into desperation at any time.

He couldn't just watch the tragic scene where hundreds of thousands of survivors were killed by monsters and the corpses filled the side.

Rescue must be provided, at all costs.

There are definitely more than one or two survivors who have encountered similar difficulties, and it can be said that they have their own difficulties.

It is almost impossible to rescue them all.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, this group of survivors forcibly crossed the sea and chose the plan of breaking the boat.

This is indeed a glimmer of hope, and if it can be done well, the likelihood of success is extremely high.

However, the monsters that followed threatened the plan to cross the sea, and might even fail completely.

Tang Zhen made a prompt decision and immediately released cannon fodder players to block the chasing demons and monsters.

In order to ensure success, Tang Zhen invested ten times as many cannon fodder players to ensure that the survivors can successfully cross the sea.

From the beginning of the transfer plan to the present, no survivors have successfully arrived at a survival base, and now they are struggling halfway.

Some people even suspect that the transfer plan is impossible to succeed, and everything now is just a waste of time and energy.

When belief and confidence are affected, there will be slack in action, and it is easier to give up when facing difficulties and dangers.

At this critical moment, it was necessary for Tang Zhen to set an example and prove that the transfer operation would be successful.

But he didn't expect that the demon king of the demon army was so cunning that he had been following the team.

I don't know what kind of technique was used, and it became the size of an ordinary monster, and it never made an attack.

It is very likely that this demon king already knows the environment ahead, and wants to wait until there is no way ahead before launching a general attack.

The sources of information about the Demon King are mainly flying demons.

In today's sky, there are many monsters flying wantonly. While they are catching food, they are also providing information to the devil.

The demons of the flying race are mostly scouts raised by the demon king, and the demon eyes placed in the sky.

Relying on their reconnaissance reports, the Demon King can pursue and intercept them more accurately, always holding on to the survivors and refusing to let go.

Such flying monsters are actually even more hateful, and almost everyone kills them.

It's a pity that such a monster is extremely difficult to kill, so you can only let the opponent wreak havoc above your head.

Tang Zhen thought of a way and tried to kill the flying demon, but it had little effect.

The sky is vast and boundless, and flying monsters appear and disappear. Most of them are encountered by luck.

Since establishing a connection with Loucheng and being able to transmit materials, this problem has been solved.

Tang Zhen teleported the unmanned fighter jet, went directly into the sky to conduct inspections, and moved with the survivors.

It is also waiting for a rabbit, if the flying monster dares to come, the unmanned fighter jet will kill it immediately.

The flying monsters will definitely come. They are tasked with surveillance and will definitely pursue the survivors.

But when they arrived at the scene, they realized that there were terrifying clearers in the sky that allowed them to run rampant.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, a fierce battle ensued.

How could a flesh-and-blood flying demon be an opponent of high-tech weapons? It was killed and fell one after another.

Without the assistance of the flying demons, the demon legion would be equivalent to losing their eyes, and they would no longer be able to monitor the survivors at all times.

(End of this chapter)

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