I have a city in another world

Extinction is only one line away

Chapter 4784: Extinction is just a hair away

Tomb City once again became the center of the entire world.

The last time it attracted the attention of the whole world was because this place became the portal of the underworld, and monsters invaded from here.

As the front line of resistance, Tomb City has attracted the attention of the entire world, and various forces have gathered here.

There are quite a few of them, not for saving the world, but purely for self-interest.

He didn't care at all about the life and death of other people.

When the situation got out of control, these people fled immediately, fearing that they would be killed by the demon if they were too late.

Only Base No. [-] continued to hold on, facing the attacks of countless demons, but still refused to take a step back.

Without this kind of persistent sacrifice, the monsters would have been rampant, and the situation would definitely be more dangerous and miserable than it is now.

Those idiots who think they are smart but are actually selfish are now being punished as they should.

Avoiding him only gave him temporary safety, but his strength and cultivation dropped rapidly, and the secular power he controlled could not protect him.

Death at the mouth of the demon became their final fate.

Presumably, before he died, he felt extremely regretful in his heart, and should have stood decisively with Tomb City back then.

If this is true, it will be a blessing in disguise. This once most dangerous place has now become the safest place.

They didn't know that Loucheng also had the function of teleportation, otherwise they wouldn't be reconciled even if they were ghosts.

It is still difficult for the powerful and powerful to save their lives, let alone countless ordinary people.

When the social system collapses and everything stops functioning, staying alive becomes a huge problem.

Facing monsters to kill again, it becomes increasingly difficult to stay alive.

There may be only one percent of the world's indigenous people left, and they are still decreasing.

Every minute of the survivors is full of suffering, struggling endlessly on the verge of life and death.

The current situation is far more severe than before.

Players were originally the main force in slaying demons, with the natives providing assistance. However, when facing more and more demons, they have become somewhat powerless.

There is another solution, which is the descending of Loucheng residents themselves.

The physical strength of the residents of Loucheng is far higher than that of ordinary demons, and it is easy to kill the demon king.

Tang Zhen never did this, because he was worried that the residents of Loucheng would be injured and unnecessary casualties would occur again.

At the same time, there are also concerns that if the residents of Loucheng participate in it, it will lead to a rapid escalation of the war state.

It was originally a low-level confrontation, and the upper limit was only the level of a demon king. Although it was very scary in the eyes of the aborigines, it was nothing in the vast practice world.

If the residents of Loucheng arrive in their true form, their nature will become completely different.

The young ones came to the old ones, the weak ones came to the strong ones, and finally the situation got completely out of control.

There is no shortage of strong men in the underworld, but there is no need to send them out, and there is no need to use a butcher's knife to kill a chicken.

When Loucheng sends out strong men, the underworld will definitely not show weakness, and there will definitely be more powerful monsters coming.

When that time comes, the demon's opponent will become a building city, and there may be more changes in the future.

For Tang Zhen, such a result is undesirable.

Although it is not possible to descend on a large scale to interfere with the battle situation, it is possible to send a small number of Loucheng residents to rescue the scene at a critical moment.

The battle at the port was the first time the residents of Loucheng arrived.

The demon king who suddenly appeared on the other end is definitely not something that ordinary players can fight against, and he is fully capable of making Duhai's plan come to naught.

At such a critical moment, Tang Zhen could only send Loucheng residents to the rescue.

The residents of the Transformation Infant Realm are not the strongest in Lou City, but they are enough to scare the devil.

It knew it was no match and fled without hesitation.

Since the residents of Loucheng took action, they would definitely not let the demon king escape and easily kill him with a single blow.

After the mission was completed, the Loucheng resident quickly evacuated and returned to Loucheng after being tested.

The battle lasted only a short time, but he was seriously affected and was suppressed to a small level.

The longer the delay, the more severe this state of suppression becomes.

If you stay here all the time, you will eventually be suppressed to build a foundation, which is also the highest level allowed by the game world.

The power of the plane will form shackles, sealing the spiritual veins of the practitioner's body, which will become stronger as time goes by.

It is necessary to practice in the Loucheng environment for a period of time before it is possible to return to normal.

To use this method, the residents of Loucheng must be on standby at all times, and they will come immediately if there is a situation.

The lowest level must be transformed into an infant, otherwise it will not make much sense and there will be no way to gain a suppressive advantage.

However, in today's Loucheng, there are not many monks who are transformed into infants, and they can even be regarded as the highest level.

Tang Zhen is the only monk in the realm of returning to the void.

Using the residents of Loucheng to save the situation can only be used occasionally, otherwise the combat effectiveness of the entire Loucheng will be affected.

If because of rescuing the aborigines, the monks who turned into babies in Loucheng were collectively demoted, Tang Zhen would not allow such a thing.

Things in the world are rarely as expected, so we can only work hard to move forward and try our best to find solutions to problems.

In the following time, we still need to monitor this group of survivors crossing the sea to ensure that they reach the teleportation wormhole smoothly.

After successfully passing through the wormhole, the survivors will come to the tomb city, confirm that they are not possessed by monsters, and then board the teleportation array directly.

Leave the game world, go to another planet, and start a new life.

The survivors will not enter the building city, but will be placed in the outside world, a land originally located in the ocean.

With an area of ​​about 1000 million kilometers, the natural environment is quite superior, and the abundance of food is enough to make people not want to make progress.

Such a fertile island has always been controlled by the Sea Clan and is located in the center of the former restricted area.

Lou Cheng used a terrifying teleportation whirlpool to make the sea water in the lower world disappear, and the former domineering Hai Clan was also wiped out.

After this war, groundwater continued to gush out, and large areas of water appeared in many places.

This island that turned into land was once again surrounded by the boundless water surface, but the scenery was far better than before.

Tang Zhen has ordered the residents of Loucheng to build a teleportation array on one of the large islands, and the construction is now underway rapidly.

With the previous construction experience, the construction of the new teleportation array is easier, and it will not take too long to complete.

By the time the survivors arrive at Tomb City, the teleportation array will be successfully established and even debugged.

Inside the tomb city, a teleportation array was also established, and it still had a one-way teleportation function.

This type of teleportation array has a simpler structure, which is equivalent to directly opening a portal, which can greatly increase the transmission efficiency.

In the following time, Tang Zhen responded to other players' requests for help while guarding the team of survivors crossing the sea.

The current situation is getting more and more serious, the monsters have become the masters of this world, and they each occupy territories of different sizes.

The competition between the monsters has now begun.

The demons in the underworld each have their own affiliations, and they are not monolithic with each other. When the indigenous people are eliminated, internal conflicts will inevitably break out.

Demons are inherently greedy, such a battle is inevitable, and it is very likely that it will intensify.

However, this kind of internal fighting between demons does not affect the final result. This world will fall sooner or later.

Tang Zhen only hoped that this time could be slower so that he could rescue more survivors.

Because the drone was put into use, Tang Zhen also had eyes in the sky to observe the situation of the whole world.

There are ruins everywhere, no trace of living beings can be seen, and there are more and more various monsters.

Many monsters among them are formed by the creatures in this world being impregnated with magic energy, and eventually mutated.

Occasionally, in some places, you can still see the remaining survivors, but their situation is very difficult.

It can only be said that they are just hanging on, living day by day. If they cannot be rescued as soon as possible, these survivors will not live long at all.

(End of this chapter)

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