I have a city in another world

4790--Andrew Liu Hanyan's new task

4790--Andrew Liu Hanyan's new task

The practitioner's voice echoed in the square, introducing the origin of this huge stone tablet.

It is not an ordinary stele, but a special magic weapon, which is refined by the cooperation of the formation and the refiner.

There will be a beam of light that shoots straight into the sky from the top of the stele, forming a huge phantom.

Even though they are hundreds of miles away, as long as they focus on the light pillar, they can clearly see the content of the inscription.

It is reflected in the soul, as if it is close at hand.

On this majestic stone tablet, there are six cultivation methods recorded, corresponding to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and a set of universal cultivation methods.

Below the six sets of exercises, there are detailed notes.

Survivors can try to practice and find a method that suits them, so that they can have a chance to become true practitioners.

Different from the game world, this island located in the sea is full of aura.

It is definitely more than enough to serve as the residence of the cultivation sect.

However, due to rule restrictions, even if survivors become practitioners, they will eventually be stuck in the Infant Transformation realm and unable to advance.

Even the existence of such restrictions is enough to make the survivors excited.

At this moment, the survivors immediately had the motivation to strive and make progress.

Following the instructions on the stone tablet, the survivors meditated and tried hard to communicate with the energy of heaven and earth.

The process of comprehension is actually very slow. If ordinary people want to enter the state of cultivation, it will take a few days if it is fast, or even years if it is slow.

This is the difference in qualifications, and it also represents the difficulty of the path of cultivation. It is definitely not as simple as gasping for breath and drinking water.

Without great perseverance, it is difficult to achieve success in practice.

The huge square, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, seemed extremely quiet at the moment.

The survivors were all studying hard, looking like they were thinking hard, or they couldn't wait to try.

When you feel hungry, you can also leave this square and go to the nearby forest to find food.

This selected giant island has quite abundant food resources, coupled with a warm and pleasant climate, it is easy to support millions of people.

Tang Zhen chose this place to deal with the prophesied catastrophe, and even sent people to build a special underground shelter, as well as supporting food and drinking water systems.

Even if a disaster occurs, there is always a place to take refuge.

Tang Zhen's operation was equivalent to saving two worlds, and it was also an act of immeasurable merit.


Inside Loucheng, a certain residential building.

Liu Hanyan took off his gaming helmet, stood up from the spacious balcony, and looked at the scenery in the distance quietly.

The picturesque scenery of Loucheng makes people never get tired of watching it, but Liu Hanyan's eyes are slightly confused.

The switch between the two worlds will give players a sense of chaos and confusion, and it will take a minute or two to adapt.

After about a minute, Liu Hanyan picked up the spiritual fruit drink on the table, unscrewed it and took a sip.

Soft and perfect red lips, provoking a beautiful arc.

After returning to his best condition, Liu Hanyan opened the communicator and dealt with various daily tasks.

This was her third time logging into the game, and she still felt a little uncomfortable and even felt like it was a waste of time.

But Liu Hanyan definitely obeyed Tang Zhen's orders and did not hesitate to let her jump into the crater.

The city lord issued an order that residents who have obtained the game qualification must be online for four hours a day.

No matter who you are, you must comply, otherwise you will be deducted.

Tang Zhen set an example and spent all day in the game, and other residents naturally had to follow suit.

However, from Liu Hanyan's point of view, Tang Zhen is just addicted to games and has nothing to do with hard work.

I complained secretly in my mind, and even questioned him in person, but it was of no use at all.

Tang Zhen decided that even nine oxen could not bring him back.

However, for Tang Zhen's rescue plan, Liu Hanyan raised his hands in favor of it. It would be too cold-blooded and heartless to watch a world being destroyed but remain indifferent.

If it was Liu Hanyan in the past, she might choose to turn a blind eye, but since joining Loucheng, she has become completely different from before.

The state becomes higher, but the natural compassion gradually returns.

Liu Hanyan is very satisfied with her current life, and enjoys working and practicing every day.

There will be such a change, which is naturally influenced by Tang Zhen.

As the saying goes, the upper and lower works, what kind of style the city lord has, the residents below will subconsciously imitate it.

The environment like Loucheng really makes people feel very relaxed, especially the practitioners who have belonged to various major sects.

At this time, a task popped up, issued by Lou Ling, asking her to go to the immigration island.

Among the survivors in the game world, a group of female monks were selected and returned to Loucheng for special training.

This is Tang Zhen's order. I don't know the specific reason, and there is no need to find out.

Trying your best to complete tasks and strive to earn more points is what Loucheng residents need to consider.

After checking the equipment and confirming that there was no problem, Liu Hanyan went straight out and boarded the transport airship.

Based on her current state, she can completely drive the magic weapon to fly, and go to the sky and into the sea as if walking on flat ground.

But if she can choose, she still prefers to take the transport airship, which is more comfortable and relaxing.

Moreover, she is not the only one participating in this mission, many residents of Loucheng will also go together.

In the future, many Loucheng residents will stay on the island to work.

It took Tang Zhen a lot of effort to bring these survivors over, and he must maximize the benefits.

In the future, among these survivors, Tang Zhen will select a large number of candidate residents.

If the building city wants to be promoted, a high-quality resident reserve is essential, and it is even a necessary condition for upgrading.

Now that Tang Zhen has experience, he will not wait for the cornerstone platform to make a request, but make corresponding preparations in advance.

It doesn't matter if it's over the limit, he can afford it no matter how much.

With this in mind, Tang Zhen chose a suitable residence for immigrants, and publicly taught the practice formula.

The lower world contains a lot of spiritual energy, making it easier to awaken spiritual veins. The environment is completely different from the game world.

Survivors who crossed borders will receive a thorough cleansing when they pass through the crystal wall of the plane.

The reason for doing this is to remove the imprint of the plane in the survivor's body and avoid being suppressed by the rules after being teleported.

There is also an additional big benefit: the teleporter can be reborn, and all the aches and pains all over his body disappear without a trace.

The pools and water-like substances seen by the survivors are actually a combination of the energy of heaven and earth and the power of the plane.

It was as if a membrane separated the two worlds, but now a hole appeared. The energy of one world wanted to come out, but it was suppressed by the other world.

By passing through the loophole, the survivors will be able to complete their journey across dimensions, and their bodies will be thoroughly cleansed.

Tang Zhen did this deliberately to enhance the survivors' spiritual fitness.

There is no free lunch in the world, and you have to pay for what you get. Of course, the survivors will definitely not suffer, and Tang Zhen also makes sure that he does not lose money.

Liu Hanyan and a group of Loucheng residents took the transport airship and arrived at their destination three hours later.

As the teleportation continues to operate, there are more and more survivors on the island. Most of them stay in the square, and many go to other areas to explore.

Not everyone likes a noisy environment. Many survivors prefer to be alone and quiet.

On this closed island, there are no wild beasts and there is no shortage of food.

Survivors are not allowed to fight among themselves, otherwise they will be severely punished, ranging from being deported from the country to being killed directly.

The gentleness and closeness shown by Loucheng requires the survivors to be obedient and obedient in exchange. If there are stupid people who don't know how to show appreciation, the residents of Loucheng will definitely not be polite.

Don't forget that these residents of Loucheng are all real practitioners, and they can conquer the city with a wave of their hands.

When facing ordinary people, arrogance will inevitably arise. If it were not for Tang Zhen's order and arrangement, the situation of the survivors would never be so favorable.

(End of this chapter)

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