Chapter 4791

The scenery of the immigrant island is so beautiful that it can be called a paradise.

Although the original scenery was good, it was not so good. After some renovations in Loucheng, the old appearance suddenly turned into a new one.

Among the ordinary flowers, plants and trees, there are many more exotic flowers and exotic plants, absorbing the aura of the island and growing vigorously.

Many animals and plants in nature are awe-inspiring with their gorgeous appearance, especially the exotic flowers and plants planted in Loucheng.

All of them have strange and gorgeous shapes. While they compete for beauty, they also make the island's scenery more beautiful.

The transport airship arrived quietly and did not attract many people's attention. Today's survivors are concentrating on training and have no time to care about other things.

Many of the survivors were completely in a "nightmare" state. Although their eyes were open and their ears were very sensitive, they were completely blind and deaf.

Such a state is very dangerous. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is half-crazy, and may even be sent to a mental hospital.

If left unprotected, such "idiots" may starve to death, be hit by a car, or drown.

In the world of mortals, there must be great terror, which is one of the biggest obstacles for practitioners.

But on this island, there is no need to worry about any problems.

There is food everywhere when you are hungry, and there is a gurgling spring when you are thirsty. There are no unicorns and beasts, and there will be no people who have evil intentions and take advantage of others.

Although there will be some suffering, there will be no fear of life.

Although this side of the world is wide, it is also an excellent place for practice, allowing the survivors to roam around the island.

There are also some survivors who are not too addicted to it. It's not that they practice hard enough, it's just that everyone's understanding aptitude is different.

Some people are addicted to it, but they may not be able to gain much. Some people work from nine to five, but they can learn something.

Serena is like this. She has already found that mysterious and mysterious feeling after practicing for only three days.

This feeling is very mysterious, it will appear suddenly in a trance, but it can easily slip away.

In order to find this special state, practitioners tend to become demented, and gradually become indifferent to other things.

At the beginning, Serena was also in such a daze, until she accidentally fell when she lost her mind.

Realizing that she was not in the right state, Serena immediately stopped thinking hard, for fear that she would fall into the ditch from a high place again.

The most critical point was that she found that when she practiced like this, she would become separated from Qin Yi unknowingly.

Having experienced life and death together, and came to a strange world again, Serena has already regarded Qin Yi as a relative.

When faced with the choice between spiritual practice and family love, Serena chose the latter without hesitation. Nothing could replace it.

Having made up her mind, Serena began to look for Qin Yi everywhere. Both parties had smart watches that could show each other's location.

Following the guidance of the arrow, Serena found Qin Yi, but found that she was in a very bad condition.

The whole body was dirty and messy, the clothes were scratched and torn, and there were even scratch marks on the face.

Her hair was disheveled, her eyes were confused, and she randomly picked some wild fruits to satisfy her hunger.

While eating, he kept muttering in his mouth, speaking a language that no one could understand.

In the process of searching for Qin Yi, similar survivors were everywhere, so Serena naturally wouldn't feel strange and intimidated.

It is also mentioned in the cultivation method that the seeker is looking for light in the darkness. Once he finds the right way, he can get rid of the shackles and gain freedom.

From now on, when you practice again, you will not fall into the confusion of knowledge until you successfully build the foundation and become a true practitioner.

There are many ways to practice and enter the Tao, some are luxurious and some are difficult. These survivors on the immigrant island use the cheapest and most orthodox way of penance to enter the Tao.

Because of Tang Zhen's arrangement, without the threat from the outside world, the survivors can't repair it and they can't repair it.

Seeing Qin Yi's appearance, Serena felt heartbroken.

She tried to wake her up, but to no avail. In the end, she could only choose to follow silently.

Follow Qin Yi, walk around with her, and share food with her from time to time.

After eating, Qin Yi will become much more honest, sitting on the ground muttering, posing the poses and hand formulas of practice.

At this time, Serena would also practice for a period of time, but she was no longer as single-minded as before.

Half of my thoughts were devoted to Qin Yi.

Unexpectedly, such an operation turned out to be wrong, allowing Serena to find the most suitable cultivation method for her.

The half of consciousness responsible for practice is pure and firm, with no other distracting thoughts except practice.

That mysterious and erratic state was actually firmly locked by this half of consciousness, and the spiritual energy gathered slowly but firmly.

In the early morning of the fifth day, when a ray of sunlight fell on the ground, Serena's body suddenly released a burst of energy fluctuations.

Among the survivors on the immigration island, Serena was the first to successfully enter the Taoist order and successfully entered the ranks of monks.

Sensing the abnormality in her body, Serena was extremely happy, and immediately told Qin Yi the news.

However, Qin Yi at this moment is in the most confused period, and has no reaction to everything outside.

Seeing this scene, Serena was also worried, for fear that Qin Yi would continue like this.

While guarding the other party, she secretly thought of a way.

She shared her cultivation methods, hoping that Qin Yi could follow suit, but unfortunately the other party did not respond.

Soon she thought of another way to transport the spiritual energy into Qin Yi's body and slowly guide it according to the route of the exercise.

The practice method taught in the exercises relies on that mysterious feeling to absorb spiritual energy and enter it into the body for operation.

Beginners cannot maintain their state, cannot absorb a sufficient amount of aura, and it is difficult to successfully operate the practice route.

If the route cannot be run successfully, it is naturally impossible to successfully enter the Tao. This is actually an endless loop.

A lucky turn of spiritual power for a week can be regarded as a cleansing accumulation. After a long period of accumulation, it will eventually come to fruition.

When the seekers of the sect family practice, their elders will guide and assist them, which can increase the chance of success.

This kind of thing is simple to say, but it consumes a lot of money. The spiritual energy accumulated through hard work will be consumed in the process of guidance.

Practitioners are inherently selfish, and their seemingly long lifespan actually counts against every second.

Because they are more aware that it is far more difficult than imagined to achieve something on the road of practice.

During this period, if any shackles appear, you will be stuck on the path of spiritual practice, and you may even die without being able to cross them.

Helping guide people to practice Taoism is something that practitioners will not do easily if it is not beneficial to them.

Therefore, ordinary practitioners can only slowly explore on their own.

Cultivation families can help each other internally and are far more likely to succeed than individual cultivators, thus monopolizing more cultivation resources.

Serena had good intentions and wanted to help Qin Yi practice and stop being so confused.

In order to achieve her goal, it can be said that Serena spared no effort, and every time she would consume all the spiritual power gained from practice.

When you are thirsty, drink from the spiritual spring, when you are hungry, eat the spiritual fruit, and when you are sleepy, lie down on the grass.

Swimming among the picturesque mountains and rivers, wandering around aimlessly, life is very happy.

In the early morning half a month later, when Serena was guiding, she suddenly felt something unusual.

The meridian spiritual energy in Qin Yi's body started to operate automatically, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Serena opened her eyes and looked at Qin Yi nervously, only to find that she was looking at her with complicated eyes.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Seeing this scene, Serena asked worriedly, but she didn't want to be hugged tightly by Qin Yi the next moment.

"Wow", Qin Yi burst into tears.

The tears kept pouring out like a flood that burst the embankment, and the crying was even more unbridled.

There is pain, comfort, and all kinds of hesitation and despair accumulated in the past.

As the tears flowed, they gradually turned into tears of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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