I have a city in another world

Chapter 4802: How Demons Are Made

Chapter 4802: How Demons Are Made

Outside the base of the tomb city, there is a large square, which is convenient for various aircraft to take off and land.

At this moment, I saw a figure suddenly descending from the sky, which attracted the attention of everyone around.

This figure has an astonishing aura. It is obviously a high-level powerhouse whose strength has already exceeded the upper limit of this world.

Looking at the appearance of this figure, some players immediately recognized it, and the other party turned out to be a monk who turned into a baby in Loucheng.

The other party descended in the body, obviously performing a special task.

Sure enough, in the next second, the monk threw out a cloth bag and poured out the contents.

It was the corpse of a demon king. Although its size had shrunk rapidly after death, it still weighed two to three thousand kilograms.

The number of ordinary monsters is extremely high, but the number of high-level monsters is very small, and monsters at the level of demon kings are extremely rare.

Quite a few people were curious and came forward to have a look.

After throwing away the Demon King's body, the Infant Transformation Monk quickly left, preparing to return to Loucheng through the teleportation array.

If he stays any longer, his cultivation level will plummet, and it may take a long time to return to normal.

Soon some players stepped forward, loaded the corpse of the demon king into a car, and sent it directly to the restricted area inside the base.

There is an area inside the base, which is not allowed to approach without permission, and the body of the devil king was sent to this place.

The corpse was placed on the autopsy table, and two more players appeared and began to process the demon corpse.

Their techniques are quite skilled, and the decomposition tools they use are also magic weapons, which can easily peel and remove the bones.

However, in a short period of time, the huge demon king turned into a pile of minced meat, and all the materials that could be used were screened out.

These special flesh and blood materials will be further refined until they meet the standards for use.

This kind of refining work is also completed by a special person.

In recent times, the weapon refiners in Loucheng have been engaged in this kind of refining work, and a large number of demon bones have been perfectly processed by them.

Processing the refining of the corpse scroll is not a difficult task, and the weapon refiners in Loucheng can easily complete it.

The really difficult part is to endow the scroll of bones, which is the right only possessed by the master of the artifact.

During the period, there were other monster corpses, which were sent to the base one after another, and they also had to go through the process of skinning and deboning.

After the devil king's bones were extracted, they were packaged and delivered to the craftsman, followed by some research and analysis.

Compared with ordinary monsters, the materials of the Demon King are undoubtedly rarer and more precious, and the difficulty of refining them is also higher.

Fortunately, the weapon refiners in Loucheng have all received professional training and have considerable knowledge reserves.

The knowledge reserve of ordinary weapon refiners is rarely comparable to that of Loucheng weapon refiners. Especially the knowledge of confidential weapon refiners is an undisclosed secret of various sects, and it is absolutely impossible to share it casually for learning.

But it's different in Loucheng. If you want to learn, you can get it, and the price you pay is extremely small.

The incomparably precious knowledge was absorbed by the artisans in Loucheng, and then slowly understood and digested.

Today's Loucheng weapon refiners just lack practical experience, but this special war can provide a wealth of training materials.

Their refining level is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It only took a short time for the refiners to formulate a refining plan, and after some deduction, it was confirmed that it was correct.

Immediately afterwards, the refiners worked together, and after some processing, they successfully refined the scroll of bones.

After confirming that there was no problem, it was delivered to Tang Zhen.

After the old monk asked to go to war, Tang Zhen had been waiting for the corpse scroll, but fortunately it was finally delivered to him.

He immediately inscribed the runes, and based on the strength of ordinary devil kings, he increased his strength by more than three times.

Players and monsters of the same level, when the two sides fight and fight, the player will have an absolute advantage.

Players can give full play to their own advantages, which is impossible for real monsters.

To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter if it is not your own body, you can use your strength to harm it, and it doesn't matter if you cause serious injuries.

By consuming vitality, it can be repaired quickly, and there is no hesitation when sacrifice is needed.

The old monk is different from ordinary players. His soul power is extremely powerful and he will definitely be able to exert more powerful combat effectiveness.

Tang Zhen knew what the old monk was thinking, so he refined a special body for him, which had super explosive and lethal power.

After entering the underworld, he releases his anger at any time until he is exhausted.

The more unwilling and angry the emotion, the stronger the lethality, and the consumption of the soul will also increase the speed

For other players, such an outburst is definitely a burden and can even cause serious damage.

But the spirit of the old monk was condensed to a perverted level, and he was not afraid of this extraordinary performance at all.

The more monsters he kills, the happier he may be.

The user didn't have any objections, so Tang Zhen naturally didn't need to worry too much, and soon a corpse scroll was completed.

Next, Tang Zhen manipulated the artifact, instilled vitality into the bone scroll, and wrote the rules of the world while activating it.

Only after going through this step can the scroll of bones be used.

The old monk was desperate and wanted to take action immediately, but he also knew that everything should not be rushed.

He waited slowly like this until the charging was successful.

The fully charged bone scroll, with a strange brilliance, automatically floated inside the artifact.

Following the normal steps, the next step is to put on the game helmet and put the soul into the body condensed by the artifact.

The process of condensing the body is to create a special flesh and blood body based on the corpse scroll.

Unlike other players, the old monk himself is in a divine soul state, and his current image is just a condensed energy.

You can directly control the avatar without using a helmet.

After listening to the attention process explained by Tang Zhen, the old monk couldn't wait, so he immediately chose to activate it.

In the past days, the system has been monitoring the player's operations, always acting as a bystander.

It's different now, he can personally descend in person, the feeling can be said to be completely different.

But in the blink of an eye, a demon king appeared in Tomb City, with a body comparable to a huge building.

When it was walking, even the ground was trembling.

The sudden appearance of the demon king attracted the attention of many people, who thought it was invaded by demons.

Fortunately, I was notified quickly and found out the true identity of this demon king.

However, this piece of news surprised the players even more than the demon king's invasion. Before that, they didn't know that players could control demons.

The Succubus is an experimental project and has not been made public to the outside world. The number of Loucheng residents who know about it is very small.

Now seeing the Demon King appearing and being controlled by the players, the residents are extremely surprised.

At the same time, they asked whether they could also be qualified to experience the feeling of manipulating monsters?

Inquiries like this have not received a clear response.

Tang Zhen's experiments have been going on, but unfortunately only the succubus can be controlled normally. The other demons always have various problems and there is no way to enter the battlefield.

Naturally, there is no way to respond to players' questions.

Players who received no response began to talk about the matter on the communication system and made various speculations and expectations.

For one thing, 1000 people will have a thousand ideas, and when gathered together, many interesting remarks and ideas will emerge.

Tang Zhen was also inspired a lot while browsing.

For example, he noticed that some residents mentioned the difficulty of controlling monsters, after all, their body structure is completely different from that of humans.

If you turn a person into a bug, there will definitely be a lot of inconvenience. After all, the hands and feet are missing and you have to squirm, and the feeling of control will be very weird.

At this time, someone suggested that why not combine humans and demons to create a brand new race.

It is equivalent to changing the skin, but the core is still human, so it can be easily controlled.

Not to mention, this suggestion is very interesting and should definitely be tried.

(End of this chapter)

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