I have a city in another world

Chapter 4803 The system enters the underworld

Chapter 4803 The system enters the underworld

Controlling the demon's body, the system was extremely excited.

From the moment he was born, he has shouldered a mission, and he has no control over it every day.

The sense of guilt and mission almost overwhelmed him.

When he finally had the chance to do something, he encountered a powerful opponent like Tang Zhen, who once again suppressed him so much that he couldn't hold his head up.

The depression in the system's heart was beyond words.

After seeing Tang Zhen's methods and having another negotiation between the two parties, the system decided to give it a try.

It pinned all its hopes on Tang Zhen.

Looking at the current situation, it shows that he made the right choice at the beginning, which is definitely much better than doing it himself.

Now manipulating the demon clone and performing missions in the underworld is something he could not have imagined in the past.

Although he is the controller of the artifact, the system doesn't even recognize the runes, let alone refine the demon version of the scroll of bones.

From this alone, we can see how big the gap between the two sides is.

Today's system has completely recognized the reality and only wants to do what it wants to do.

In the wasteland outside Tomb City, the system continued to adapt to the new body, causing bursts of smoke and dust as it walked.

Like a toddler, he gradually learns to run and jump, and can display some natural skills.

The systematic training is very hard, because he knows very well in his heart that the training results are directly linked to the combat effectiveness.

If he wants to take revenge on the demon, he must master the strongest attack method.

After training for half a day, the system finally took control of his body and achieved the same level of body and mind.

Being able to do this is enough to prove that the system's talent is not weak.

There are no weak soldiers under a strong general. Although he was eliminated by the main body, he was only inferior to the main body.

In the world of practice, it is also at the genius level.

After completing the adaptive training, Tang Zhen turned on the teleportation function and put the system on the retreat route of the foreman monks.

Previously, he had deployed succubus players to clean up the scattered monsters on the route, and the effect was quite good.

Succubus players who have undergone special training are quite powerful in combat and can easily kill ordinary monsters.

In a short period of time, the monsters near the passage were quickly cleaned up, and the marks on the map gradually changed from dots to lines.

There were also some locations where things didn’t go particularly smoothly.

It's not that the succubus players didn't work hard enough, but because of special circumstances, either a large number of demons gathered or they encountered a powerful opponent.

Encountering such a situation, Tang Zhen's request was to play by ear, and he must not risk his life to fight recklessly.

There is hope only when you live, and everything ends when you die, and being able to be reborn does not mean that you can do whatever you want.

A place like this just happens to send the system to clean it up.

As the teleportation light flashed through the system, the system finally left the artifact and landed on the land of the underworld.

As a spirit-like existence, this was the first time he had experienced such a thing, which made the system feel extremely excited.

Somewhere in the underworld, accompanied by a flash of white light, a huge figure appeared in front of the demon.

Not far from here, there are thousands of monsters, who are intercepting and killing a succubus player.

The battle between the two sides was fierce, and corpses were scattered everywhere in the wilderness.

Although the succubus was single-handed, he dodged flexibly under the siege of the monsters, and would reap a life or two from time to time.

But there are too many demons, and they have already formed a siege. Sooner or later, the succubus will be completely trapped to death.

At an extremely critical moment, the demon controlled by the system arrives.

In his special field of vision, he can distinguish the identity of the enemy and himself, and he can see the besieged succubus players at a glance.

"Don't panic, the old man is coming!"

The demon king controlled by the system roared and rushed over with long strides, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

The Demon King can absorb demonic energy, giving himself a huge size, and can even reach a height of nearly a hundred meters.

It was like a moving mountain, crushing it at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, the monsters besieging the succubus let out a burst of panic and wailing, wondering why the demon king appeared?
Not to mention the posture at this moment, it is clearly to launch an attack.

The quick-reacting monster ran away without hesitation, fearing that it would be affected.

Those monsters in the front also planned to escape, but how could they be faster than the Demon King.

But in the blink of an eye, they were trampled into mud by giant feet, leaving broken corpses on the ground.

The demon king controlled by the system used both hands and feet at this moment, and even kept rolling on the ground.

The purpose of this is to cause maximum damage.

He doesn't care about the image, he only cares about killing, the more monsters he kills, the happier he is.

But in a short period of time, the monsters had already lost countless lives and wounded, and they all fled towards the distance.

The magic general in charge was about to run away when he saw this, but he didn't know that he was already being targeted by the system.

High-level monsters are marked in the eyes of the system, and he doesn't want to let them go alive.

To the system, that's a sin.

He just heard him roar, grabbed a demon next to him, and threw it out as a throwing weapon.

The demon was like an arrow from the string, smashing towards the demon general, and then the two sides collided with each other.


The bodies of these two demons, like shattered watermelons, exploded and turned into two clouds of fine blood mist.

Seeing this, the other monsters howled in terror again, and ran around desperately.

After all, the system is a one-man battle, and there is no way to take care of both sides. Although many monsters were killed, more monsters escaped.

The system roared again, obviously unwilling to accept such a result, and began to hunt around with all its strength.

The succubus players who received reinforcements were shocked by this crazy fighting method, but soon became excited.

Chase around in the wilderness and kill monsters one after another.

After an unknown amount of time, two figures, one large and one small, gathered together through the corpses of the demon.

"Thanks for the help."

Looking at the tall demon king, the succubus player expressed his gratitude.

"You're welcome, it's me who should say thank you."

The Demon King waved his hand and looked far ahead, his eyes full of anticipation and fighting spirit.

"Here I leave it to you, I will take a step first, and we will meet again when we have a chance."

The battle just now made the system's blood boil, and now he just wants to kill more monsters.

It would be best to go through the entire underworld, kill all the monsters, and then rescue all the trapped monks from Famen.

This is just wishful thinking, but it is enough to prove how urgent the system is.

After saying goodbye to the succubus player, the system immediately took action and quickly moved forward along the evacuation route.

The speed is as fast as a gust of wind, wishing to penetrate all of this evacuation channel in the shortest possible time.

As the rescue operation unfolded, the monks of the Fortress Gate could follow the evacuation channel straight to the grave city without any obstacles.

Any monsters encountered during this period will be killed without hesitation, and they will not leave a single person alive.

The attitude of killing demons, the system is extremely firm, and it is determined that this is killing one and saving the hundred.

He doesn't care how many lives he can save after killing the demon, he only cares about how many lives will be harmed if he doesn't kill it?

Even letting a demon go is a sin that must be repented of.

This kind of paranoid thought became more and more intense in the process of systematically killing demons.

Such obvious changes were naturally under Tang Zhen's monitoring.

According to this state of development, the system is likely to gradually get out of control, and it is close to the edge of being possessed.

There will be such a performance, and it is naturally related to its nature.

The main body is a big demon, and the system will naturally be affected, or it will be easier to lose control and become demonized.

Tang Zhen knew this, and so did his body, so he set up an alert function.

When evil thoughts affect the system and become more severe, the alert function will come into play.

The system, which was boiling with killing intent, suddenly felt a chill all over, and then there were bursts of chanting in the mind.

The footsteps that had been running wildly stopped slowly, and stood on the spot thinking slowly.

The uncontrollable killing intent in my heart, as well as the thought of wanting to destroy everything, slowly dissipated at this moment.

He remembered that his mission was not simply to kill, but to complete the rescue mission set by the main body.

Even if killing is required, the premise is to complete the task, not just to vent the desire.

Otherwise, what's the difference between them and monsters?
(End of this chapter)

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