I have a city in another world

Chapter 4809 War Against The Underworld

Chapter 4809 War Against The Underworld

The first battle of the cannon monster, the results are quite good.

The game players who participated in the test killed 20 monsters within one day.

It doesn't sound like much, but it's actually quite amazing.

If the corpses of monsters were to be spread flat, 20 monsters of different sizes would require a huge piece of land.

Moreover, demons are not dead creatures and possess powerful fighting power. Even five ordinary people may not be able to kill a low-level demon.

Comparing each other, one can see how terrifying this record is.

Such high-efficiency killing is enough to scare the monsters and clear out a large area of ​​safety.

It's a pity that such a demon clone has a great pursuit of demonic energy, and there is no way to release it in the game world.

Otherwise, the demons and monsters can be driven away in a short period of time.

Besides, this kind of recovery is meaningless. As the survivors are constantly being rescued, Tang Zhen is gradually giving up on the game world.

Because of the crazy invasion of demonic energy, the game world is extremely "poisoned" and is no longer suitable for ordinary humans to survive.

The former paradise on earth has become a wasteland.

After sending the last batch of survivors away, Tang Zhen will concentrate on launching an attack plan against the underworld.

Rescue the imprisoned monk Famen, collect a large number of soul crystals to refine medicine, and explore the secrets hidden in the underworld.

Now there is one more thing, using the cruel battlefield of the underworld to test the demon clone designed and manufactured by him.

The successfully transformed monster avatar will become Tang Zhen's military reserve to perform some special tasks.

They will be quietly thrown onto the battlefield at the right time to deal the deadliest blow to the enemy.

Of course, the prerequisite for all this is to obtain the artifact that generates the demon's clone.

The rescue of the monks from Famen is what Tang Zhen must do, and he must succeed at all costs.

After the successful test of the barrel monster, Tang Zhen started refining again, preparing to launch this heavy firepower monster on a large scale.

Other demon research and development will also be carried out later.

At that time, various demon clones will be combined to fight, and the killing efficiency will be doubled.

The trumpet monster and the cannon barrel monster are just appetizers. The future monster clones will definitely be weirder and stronger.

In the following time, Tang Zhen was refining the corpse scroll while observing the situation on the battlefield in the underworld.

Serena went deep into the demon world, broke through several demon lairs, and rescued many monks.

These Famen monks followed the instructions and followed the retreat route, and did not encounter large-scale demon interceptions during the process.

Everything goes well on the return journey, and it won't take long for the first wave of Famen monks to return smoothly.

After arriving at Tomb City, these Fumen monks will receive treatment until all the evil spirits are eliminated.

There is no definite plan for how to arrange it in the future.

The demon king controlled by the system recited scriptures all the way, and the demons retreated wherever he passed.

As expected, in a short period of time, many demons came to know about this alternative demon king, System.

After hearing the news, some demon kings of the underworld took the initiative to attack, intending to kill the system control.

During this period, we went through more than a dozen battles, big and small, and the final winner was the system.

The exorcism scriptures recited systematically are so powerful that no demon dares to compete with them.

Demon king-level monsters are also unable to resist the system. They are either killed on the spot or flee after being seriously injured.

In a short period of time, the system gained the title of Demon Bodhisattva, which has a strong aura of Famen.

The reasons for the formation of monsters are various, and even the demon gods have no way to accurately determine the root cause. After all, the power of rules is the most mysterious, and even the gods will be restricted and affected.

The monsters have no way of determining what the origin of the system is, but they know that he is definitely a scourge of the underworld.

He must be killed, or he will suffer greatly.

In today's demon world, a pursuit order has been issued against the system, but no one has implemented it so far.

Knowing how powerful the system is, all the monsters avoid it, even if they step into their own territory, they pretend to turn a blind eye.

He even issued an order to send flying monsters to track and lock, and report the exact location of the system.

Then drive the demon to dodge, not giving the system a chance to take action.

The vast majority of demon kings have such an attitude, they can't be provoked but can be avoided.

The system has therefore moved forward without encountering any obstacles, and is now gradually approaching the abyss of the underworld.
It was an extremely dangerous place. Even the information about Loucheng was rarely mentioned, and there was a very strong terrifying existence hidden there.

It's a blessing or a curse for the system to go this time.

Tang Zhen didn't stop him. He was very clear about the system's thoughts and was always looking for information related to the ontology.

Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally have to let go and do whatever it takes to achieve my goal.

What Tang Zhen has to do is to provide timely help when the system needs it.

If you want to provide effective help, you must ensure that there are people under your command and your fists are strong enough.

Without enough strength, everything is empty talk.

Tang Zhen was aware of this and ordered to speed up the collection of demon corpses and send them to the Grave City for processing.

The subsequent research experiments will require the use of a large amount of flesh and blood materials, and the existing inventory cannot meet the demand at all.

After the release of this mission, the players also responded positively, transporting the corpse of the monster through various means of transportation.

In a short period of time, mountains of corpses piled up outside the tomb city.

Those who came here for the first time were stunned by this horrific scene and thought they were in the abyss of hell.

Many survivors who were severely infected by the magic energy and could not be teleported away were temporarily recruited as corpse movers.

They carried the monster corpses, cut them up as required, and threw the useless garbage into the deep pit.

In order to deal with these demonic remains, Tang Zhen specially sent an infant monk to use an earth-shattering talisman outside the tomb city.

After this talisman was used, a terrifying gully was created, with a width of several kilometers and a length of tens of kilometers, and its depth could not be estimated at all.

Some people have even seen that there is magma flowing underground, and black smoke will come out from time to time.

The remains of those monsters were thrown into the abyss without causing any pollution to the ground.

There is no accurate statistics on how much was discarded, but it is definitely a huge number.

If this situation develops, will the number of monsters killed be equal to the number of victims?

Thinking of such a possibility, the survivors were shocked, and at the same time, there was a feeling of revenge.

Although the dead cannot be brought back to life, it is a comfort to be able to avenge them.

Their biggest regret is that there is no way to teleport away.

Cultivator Loucheng clearly informed them that their bodies were filled with demon energy, and they were only one step away from mutation.

If Lou Cheng didn't take action, he could only wait quietly for death or demonization, and eventually turn into an ugly and ferocious monster.

Now, however, soul crystals can be used to refine medicine and made into a pill to cleanse the demonic energy, and after taking it, it can return to a normal state.

Once it is determined that the demonic energy has been cleared, the transfer can be arranged immediately.

When it comes to teleporting survivors, everything in Loucheng follows standard procedures and will never embarrass any survivor.

They were already unlucky enough, if they were treated unfairly again, it would be like forcing them to go mad.

Because of the hope of living, the survivors worked very hard, only hoping to be rescued one day sooner.

These survivors didn't know that they were able to be rescued because they borrowed the light of the monks of the foremen.

The alchemists in Loucheng specialize in refining pills for the monks of the Foremen to help them expel the evil energy from their bodies.

In the process of refining the elixir, there will be waste elixirs and medicine dregs, which can be used for the survivors.

Don't think this kind of behavior is an insult. If you really swallow qualified pills for the survivors, there is a great possibility that they will be poisoned to death on the spot.

How can an ordinary mortal body withstand such a powerful "laxative"? Not only will the demonic energy be eliminated, but all the energy and blood in the body will also be drained.

If his energy and blood are gone, he will definitely die.

Facts are enough to prove that the best is not necessarily suitable for you, and may even be a disaster rather than a blessing.

(End of this chapter)

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