I have a city in another world

Chapter 4810: The Returned Monk from Faomen

4810--Andrew The Returning Monk Monk

In the wilderness outside the tomb city, a group of figures appeared, their faces covered with wind, frost and dust.

Looking at the city buildings in front of them and feeling the earthly atmosphere, a group of Famen monks couldn't help but cheer.

For so many years, they have been trapped in the underworld, thinking that they will eventually be buried in another world.

Struggling for a long time, but without any hope.

When they gave up in despair, they didn't want a surprise to fall from the sky. Not only were they saved from danger, but they also got the chance to leave the underworld.

With fear and anticipation, the monks followed the route and did not encounter any demons blocking the way.

On the contrary, there are wreckage everywhere, obviously being cleaned up deliberately to ensure the smooth flow of the evacuation road.

Occasionally a player will show up, give them some supplies, and escort them a distance.

Then they said goodbye to each other and went their separate ways.

After experiencing a lot of hardships and seeing the player's behavior style, the mentality of these monks has long changed.

It's more like a kind of growth, transformation after experiencing hardships.

Nowadays, when looking at various things, it is no longer black and white, and understands that gray is the eternal color.

If it is too strong, it will break easily. A paranoid guy will never survive until now.

Needless to say, the joy in the hearts of the monks was finally escaped from the underworld after many years of suffering.

In fact, they can also feel that the game world may not be able to last for many years if it is soaked in magic energy.

But it doesn't matter, with the buffer time, more ways can be found.

Compared with being trapped in the underworld, waiting for death in despair, the situation is much better now.

Just as they were feeling secretly, they saw several cars galloping towards them and stopped when they were more than ten meters away.

The practitioner in the car in front had obvious breath fluctuations, and his strength was comparable to that of the devil king of the underworld.

Seeing this, a group of monks from the Forbidding Sect couldn't help but marvel secretly, the strength of the player organization is really extraordinary.

"All of you are cultivators from the Forbidden Sect, and you just returned from the underworld?"

A player jumped out of the car and asked in a loud voice.


The leading monks of the Foremen nodded their heads to confirm their identities.

"After waiting for you for a long time, you are finally here, come with me now."

The player said with a smile, inviting a group of monks to get on the car and send them to a special reception place.

The car is about 30 meters long, has no roof, and is filled with soft seats.

A group of Famen monks got on, and then the car started moving quickly towards the Tomb City.

When they approached the tomb city, they were surprised to see a mountain of monster corpses, all kinds of dead shapes were extremely hideous.

The overflowing demonic energy and stench were slowly wriggling in mid-air like a black cloud of smoke.

Obviously there is a formation that restricts the spread of these poisonous gases, otherwise it would have enveloped the entire Tomb City long ago.

Such a terrifying scene stunned a group of monks.

Even though they hated the monsters and wanted to kill them all, they couldn't do such a horrible thing.

As if a mortal beheaded the enemy and purposely turned into a human-headed Jingguan, one would feel shuddering just looking at it.

"Your Excellency, what is the purpose of you piling up corpses like a mountain?"

Looking at the players beside him, a monk from the Famen asked.

"You may not know that monsters are full of treasures. Not only can they extract soul crystals that dispel evil spirits, but they can also refine very important bone scrolls.

Presumably, you have encountered monsters controlled by players along the way. Although they are also evil, they are completely different from real monsters.

To make this kind of monster, the corpse of the monster must be used as the material.

These monsters do a lot of evil, and they can be used after death, which can be regarded as extortion. "

Hearing the player's answer, all the monks suddenly realized, but they were secretly amazed in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, Lou Cheng had such a mysterious method that could refine and create monsters.

In the image of a devil, doing merciful things is truly boundless merit.

Looking at Lou Cheng's methods, you can tell that he is definitely not an ordinary cultivating force, and his own sect cannot compare with it.

The car drove into Tomb City and came to a large building, where people were also coming and going.

"Everyone, please come with me. Take a shower first, and then do a physical examination."

The player in charge of the reception led a group of monks into the hall, and immediately saw a large pool appearing in front of them.

The water is extremely clear, with constant waves rolling in, and there are also flowers and herbs soaked in it.

A strange fragrance wafted in the hall, and it was refreshing to smell.

"It's so fragrant and mellow."

I am used to smelling the foul and bloody stench of the underworld, but now I smell this strange fragrance, and I feel that my whole body is extremely transparent.

There are also some foreman monks who coughed directly and sprayed a large amount of black substance from their mouths and noses.

Although this scene was terrifying, everyone was full of joy.

These filthy things are all condensed demonic energy, which can cause great harm to the body.

The monks knew in their hearts that from the moment they entered the hall, the cleansing of the demonic energy began quietly.

Over the years, the monks have been tortured, and the demonic energy has penetrated their internal organs.

If he hadn't still persisted in resisting, he would have turned into a demon long ago.

But it was also for this reason that they were reduced to leeks harvested by demons, and the spiritual power they produced was continuously extracted.

Some Famen monks took off their clothes, laughed and jumped into the pool, letting the water submerge their bodies.

The seemingly clear and gentle pool water was actually extremely violent. The monks who entered the pool seemed to be fried, and there were constant waves of water around their bodies.

The demonic energy was like black bugs, constantly emerging from their bodies, and then melted under the immersion in the pool water.

This pool of bath water can get rid of the evil energy in the skin and muscles, which is the first step in conditioning treatment.

This process is quite painful, as if being stabbed by a knife, an ordinary person would have been crying in pain.

These monks are different. They have experienced far more pain than this, and they have long been honed to be extremely tenacious.

Even though it was several times more painful, they still met without changing their expressions.

In the next time, there will be many steps until the demonic energy is completely cleared.

Although a lot of resources are consumed during the treatment process, it is also an inevitable price for obtaining the artifact.

After soaking for a full two hours, until no more black matter floated out, a group of monks went ashore to get dressed.

Their original clothing and items were thrown directly into the burning furnace, or thrown into the deep ditch along with the remains of the demon.

Items from the underworld are also affected by the magic energy, and there is no benefit in bringing them around.

After bathing and changing, they were led to another building, and the rich aroma once again hit their faces.

This time, the house was full of delicacies, cooked with various elixirs, which not only tasted extremely delicious, but also had nourishing and cleansing effects.

All the monks had been imprisoned for many years, and they hadn't smelled the smoke and smoke for a long time, and they all felt extremely delicious at this moment, and couldn't help salivating.

Soon, he took the dinner plate and started eating around the table, with the sound of admiration endlessly.

After eating and drinking crazily, his stomach was full, and then he stopped in satisfaction.

The player in charge of reception appeared in front of everyone again at this time, and kindly pointed out the direction of the toilet.

In fact, he didn't need to say much, a group of monks had already seen it, because there was a big sign on the wall.

But my heart is full of doubts, why is the location of the reincarnation of the five grains specially marked in the place where I eat.

It didn't take long for the monks to notice the abnormality, and the sound in their stomachs was like a drum beating.

It also seems that there are countless insects and rats burrowing around in the stomach, and the liver and intestines are also twisted and broken.

Immediately afterwards, there was a desire to defecate, which could not be restrained at all, as if it could pour out at any time.

The monks suddenly realized, and finally knew why they had to tell the location of the toilet. It turned out that these delicacies were super laxatives.

One by one, they clamped their buttocks together and rushed to the toilet crazily, followed by a crackling sound like thunder.

Black smoke composed of stench gathered above the toilet, fortunately there was a formation to prevent it from spreading.

Otherwise, once it overflows, it will definitely be a biochemical disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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