I have a city in another world

Chapter 4826 The Edge of the Abyss

Chapter 4826 The Edge of the Abyss
Not to the plains.

In most places in the underworld, few names exist, and if there are names, it is difficult to spread them.

The Plain of No Return is an exception. This name is known by many monsters, and they understand that this is the last stop to the abyss.

After stepping into the Plain of No Return, there are very few returnees, and their bones are either buried in the abyss, or they stay here to practice.

This vast plain is also a bloody battlefield, where countless demons once fought.

This place is also the sacrificial place for demon gods, and many monsters will come to this place with their sacrifices.

They will deliver their sacrifices to the designated location according to ancient traditions, and then they can reap the rewards of the devil.

Sacrifice like this have existed for countless years.

Most of the battles that took place in the Plain of No Return were related to sacrifices. Some monsters wanted to snatch the sacrifices, while others wanted to destroy the sacrifices.

The Abyss Demon God never paid attention to this cruel fighting, and even tacitly encouraged it.

Perhaps this kind of fighting is itself a special kind of sacrifice.

Walking on the Plain of No Return, piles of corpses can be seen everywhere, and the soil is soaked and hardened with blood.

Looking beyond the abyss, there is no place that is more smelly and filthy than the land here.

At this moment in the Plain of No Return, many demons received news that a precious mutant tree demon was about to arrive.

Being able to break through the interception along the way and successfully reach the Plain of No Return is enough to prove that the Mutated Dryad is very powerful.

The more powerful it is, the more valuable it is.

The demons also made statistics. At least seventy demon kings were killed by the mutated tree demons along the way.

The number of low-level monsters is too large to count.

Such a terrifying record is enough to shock all parties and easily occupy a large area of ​​underworld territory.

In normal times, facing such a fierce mutant tree demon, the group of demons would avoid it.

Provoking such an existence is simply disrespecting one's own life.

But when it comes to the Plain of No Return, the situation becomes completely different, and this is the most suitable place to do it.

If you successfully capture the mutated tree demon, you can sacrifice it as quickly as possible, thereby reducing the risk of being intercepted.

Choose a cliff at random, chant the name of the god, and sacrifice it once you get a response.

With just a slight push, the sacrifice can be completed.

On the Plain of No Return, one can more easily obtain divine protection and gain powerful and terrifying power in a short period of time.

Although there will be a price to pay, the monsters don't care.

The power of the gods is so powerful that the battle on the Plain of No Return is extremely fierce. Even ordinary monsters are difficult to kill.

But the strong are stronger, this is an eternal truth, and it is the same in this wasteland.

In the Plain of No Return, there are five gods and twelve kings, who are recognized as superpowers.

The five gods are not real demon gods, but existences comparable to demon gods, but they are not qualified to enter the abyss.

It is said that the competition in the abyss is more cruel, and if you enter the abyss with insufficient strength, you are looking for your own death.

The Five Gods thought they were not strong enough, so they stayed in the plains to practice, waiting for the right opportunity to enter the abyss.

Most of the time, the Five Gods practice in secret places and never pay attention to the outside world.

Unless he deliberately seeks death and provokes them, the five gods will take action at that moment.

The Twelve Kings refer to the twelve demon kings, each of whom is quite powerful and has their own territory on the Plain of No Return.

To be able to dominate the Plains of No Return, one must have strong strength, otherwise they may be eliminated by outsiders and subordinates at any time.

Under the command of the Twelve Demon Kings, there are also a large number of powerful demons, all of whom have considerable strength.

Most of the subordinates of the Twelve Demon Kings have heard the rumors about the mutated tree demon, and they are also very interested in this matter.

The reward from the demon god is enough to tempt any monster, and they will try their best to get it.

They often rob sacrifices on weekdays.

Facing the looting of the Twelve Kings, most of the monsters will hide and avoid, and then try their best to go to the edge of the abyss.

The Plain of No Return is so large that even the Twelve Demon Kings cannot completely block it. There are many demons who have successfully crossed over and reached the edge of the abyss.

The Twelve Demon Kings didn't care about such a situation, and they didn't dare to completely block the way of offering sacrifices.

Otherwise, without the help of the demon god, the angry monsters would fight them desperately, even the twelve demon kings would not dare to offend the public.

They just use this method to collect tolls from the demons and extract part of the benefits obtained by the other party.

But when it comes to real benefits, such as this hugely valuable mutated tree demon, the subordinates of the Twelve Demon Kings will still take action to snatch it.

Before Tang Zhen arrived in the Plain of No Return, the investigations against him by various forces had become more and more frequent.

Among them were the subordinates of the Twelve Demon Kings, who were unscrupulous during the investigation and appeared on Tang Zhen's route many times.

He even took the initiative to attack, wanting to test Tang Zhen's true methods.

However, those few attempts were blocked by the flesh and blood forest, and it was never Tang Zhen's turn to make a move.

For this reason, the other party also gave up his cruel words and would wait for Tang Zhen in the Plain of No Return.

It can be said that he makes no secret of his own purpose.

Along the way, Tang Zhen encountered a lot of demons, but this was the first time he saw one so arrogant.

It can be seen that in the eyes of the subordinates of the Twelve Demon Kings, a mutant tree demon like Tang Zhen is just an object that can be slaughtered at will.

In addition to the Twelve Demon Kings, the other monsters who followed along the way were also ready to attack.

The longer they follow, the more determined they are to take action, and they are unwilling to give up this huge opportunity.

If you miss this matter, it will become an irresolvable obsession, which will make the demon's heart suffer.

The demons who do not return to the plain, as well as the demons and ghosts that follow him all the way, will become obstacles that Tang Zhen faces.

If it can't pass, its hard work along the way will be in vain, and it will eventually become a bargaining chip for the monster in exchange for rewards.

Facing such a desperate situation, Tang Zhen remained calm, as if the danger did not exist.

Such a calm attitude also made the group of demons suspicious, guessing that he must have a special reliance.

However, this is of little use. Faced with so many powerful demons, Tang Zhen may not be able to escape this disaster even if he has extraordinary means.

Moving forward in this way, the Plain of No Return finally appeared in front of us.

It can be seen from a long distance, the demonic aura is soaring on the No Return Plain, and huge demon skeletons can be seen everywhere.

A group of ferocious monsters were standing on the Plain of No Return at this moment, staring at Tang Zhen with greedy eyes.

Looking at Tang Zhen, it was like a piece of delicious food, and they were already extremely hungry.

The monsters following behind also showed ferocious looks at this moment. They had been following for a long time and it was absolutely impossible for them to give up the benefits to others.

The fight for the tree demon officially started after Tang Zhen set foot on the Plain of No Return. It was obviously aimed at him, but he was not the real protagonist.

One step, two steps, three steps, Tang Zhen kept walking forward.

The momentum of the many demons in front of and behind them became more and more intense, and they all showed their strongest fighting forms.

They are all ready to go, waiting for the last moment to come.


When the tree demon, which was nearly two hundred feet tall, stepped onto the plain, there was a violent noise following it.

Countless monsters roared, and figures rushed towards Tang Zhen. All kinds of attacks spread across the sky.

A very rare fight suddenly broke out at this moment, and the target was Tang Zhen, who represented a great opportunity.

At this moment, Tang Zhen also launched a counterattack.

The flesh and blood gods guarding the surroundings shot out sharp wooden thorns, and countless leaves flew all over the sky.

These leaves exploded and turned into fiery cold currents or venom sharp blades, which were as powerful as carefully refined talismans.

The strange tree transformed into a demon also waved its branches and struggled with the charging enemies.

Tang Zhen was also at this time, controlling an ancient rune sword, fighting with the crazy monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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